Saturday 12 October 2024

Subconscious Process of Perceiving Information As Reality Or Falsehood


 This blog is an excerpt from the book - How To Be Happy In Difficulties

 Our mind receives millions of sensations at any given moment but it can process only a few at a given time due to its limited focusing capacity. So, our mind has to give selective attention to the reality happening outside. Thus, it gives attention to some external stimulus only, and ignores/rejects the remaining bits of information coming its way.

 At any one moment, about 2.3 million bits of information pass our way. However, we can focus on and internalize, into our subconscious mind, a maximum of 7 + or - 2 units of information. The remaining information gets rejected.

               At an energy transmission level, the external stimulus which the mind gives attention to is chosen in the following manner:           

          Each form of physical energy in the environment, whether it is light, sound, touch, smell, or taste, is a manifestation of energy since everything in the universe is made up of energy.

                Matter or energy is always vibrating at a certain frequency .Different forms of energy are distinguished depending on the frequency each vibrates in. For example, solids are distinguished from air or water because the atoms or molecules in each vibrate at a different frequency.

          Every thought which is recorded in our mind carries energy, in the form of an attached feeling. The feeling has an energy component and an individual frequency.

      This feeling or energy component in the thought makes us aware that something exists in the external world. For example, when we think of our work, we have some kind of a picture coming to our mind which has a feeling attached.

 Memories are made of feelings.  Any thought which does not have a feeling attached is a fleeting thought and is not recorded by the mind, because its energy component dissipates as soon as the physical stimulus which created it disappears.

 E.g. At the end of a day, we remember how we felt more than any other physical aspect of reality. We come across several bits of information like the color of an office door, the design of a car seat, the fabric of our dress material, the model of our phone, the pen on the table etc. but we do not record these details as reality.

 We dismiss physical details as peripheral aspects of reality which can be ignored unless there is an element of a feeling attached with the physical detail. To illustrate, if a colleagues’ dress evokes jealousy, we would remember it as jealousy is a feeling. Or, if a car seat evokes great positive feelings of comfort, we would remember it later.

 We remember only those details which create some sensation within us. The sensation generates a negative or positive feeling in the body. We recall odd or striking occurrences of the day because they generate strong feelings within us. Our stress, happiness and memories are largely made only of feelings. Physical details only add depth to the feelings or emotions being recorded.

  In brief, we only record thoughts which have feelings or emotions attached to them and do not record thoughts which do not have feelings attached to them. Memories are emotional data recorded in the brain.



Sunday 6 October 2024

Education Can Shift Focus Of Himanity To Happiness With Positive Orientation

 This blog is an excerpt from my book- Creation Of Happiness: The Energy War , a soul's perspective ( war between negative and positive energies of creation)

            The lack of methodical training in our education systems needed for achieving our soul purpose could be largely responsible for the stress we face in our adult lives other than karmic factors uncovered in past life soul healing sessions where we reset the life path using Laws of Creation .

. Maybe, if Laws of Creation were taught in schools we would not need to resort to drugs or smoking to feel in control or powerful or remain positive in our minds.

The key to getting rid of rampant drug abuse, external addictions or bad physical health finally lies in training our minds to handle negative feelings without worrying about them or suppressing them. Overcoming the negative and manifesting happiness for ourselves is the only way to learn soul lessons and help our soul breathe freely in the physical body.


    A situation in life is transmitted to the soul by the way we feel about it.  If we feel low through the experience, the energy transmitted to the soul is negative.

           Negative feelings acnm be overcome with a positive focus on learning from the feeling than feeling overwhelmed by its impact. 

            The negative feeling is created whenever the energy we focus upon in our minds is of a low frequency or dense/close-knit like in a cob-web. For instance, when we feel sad, lonely, angry, afraid, helpless, hurt, rejected, guilty, lazy, upset, rigid etc. we vibrate at a lower frequency than our usual soul frequency.


            Therefore, by choosing to feel negative internally, we allow negative energy, to block our soul vibrations and therefore, devolve in terms of soul evolution.

            Our beliefs about life are often conditioned such that we get tuned into suppressing our negative feelings for the sake of maintaining a positive exterior front.   However, our positive self talk fails to help us if we feel negative within, irrespective of how it should be as per our beliefs and conventions.


            For example, if we are in a marriage (or in a job) where we have several differences with our partner, we may tell ourselves repeatedly that we are coping up happily but go on feeling sad within. The negative feelings would reach our soul, not what we tell ourselves consciously, since the soul only feels us at an energy level; it cannot hear our self rationalization.


            When we cheat our soul, we feel internally helpless and our bounce of life drops because the soul is like the filament of a bulb. It keeps getting its power from the main source of Life, through invisible energy circuits, which connect the soul to its Higher Self.

            If the focus of the body is on negativity, these energy circuits get clogged and the connection of the bulb to the source of light gets weakened.

            The soul can no longer connect to the Light and hence, it no longer feels positive. Its frequency lowers.


             Like a fused bulb filament, it feels trapped inside the body, unable to connect to or radiate life force. However, unlike the machine filament, the soul doesn’t permanently die. It has a unique consciousness, and the power to revive through exercise of its will.

            When the soul feels blocked it tries to restore back to its original frequency. To raise its frequency, it has to reconnect to the main source of Light.

            To reconnect to the light, it has to clear its energy circuits by removing all thoughts and beliefs which make it focus on the negative. Hence, our soul tries to break that structure around us, which forces us to focus on the negative aspects of life.


            For example, the soul which feels blocked in a marriage or in a job would try to remove this obstacle which it perceives is the cause of lowering its frequency. Thus, irrespective of our positive self-talk, our soul energy would pull us subconsciously to break the marriage or leave the job.


            If we ignore our subconscious pull, we would go on feeling sad. Overtime, due to feeling sad, we would develop mental and physical diseases, as there would be a consistent focus on stress and release of negative hormones in the body. The negative feelings would keep lowering the soul frequency, and our situation would turn from bad to worse as we go on reinforcing our focus on the negative situation.

            The only way to help our soul feel positive would be to make ourselves feel good, not merely tell ourselves that we feel okay. Feeling good internally would be a more honest experience and would necessitate changing a negative pattern of thinking or working or living.


            To feel good, we would need to release illusory fears of survival, which may be the reason for us to want to continue living in the negative experience.  Or we may have to break persistent, harmful habits which create problems in our job or marriage like laziness, impatience, rigidity of thinking, refusal to adopt positive beliefs, lack of self-discipline etc. In either case, feeling good within would require learning of soul lessons, failing which we would continue feeling negative.

Monday 30 September 2024

Soul’s Perspective - Violence/ Suicide Viewed As Failure

 This blog is an excerpt from my book

In Search Of Happiness:How Past Lives Affect The Present Life , A Soul Perspective


Section 3 - Dev’s Fourth Past Life: a Nazi German Soldier

 I again asked his subconscious mind to look for a life of non-violence where he had lived and died successfully. Again, the subconscious mind took us to a life the Higher Self wanted Dev to see.       

 His facial expressions changed as he started seeing pictures but he was quiet. There was a weird look on his face, almost of dread.

 “What do you see?”

  “Ok.... it’s not me” he said, almost with relief, and continued “It’s a German soldier. He is dying”

“How? Is it you? Are you the German soldier?”

“Yes. I almost thought I was seeing myself dying. He looks a lot like me.”, he replied.

“How is he dying?”

“It was a suicide mission”, he said after focusing for some time.


 The soul had reached the last point of his life as that was the most significant in that life. I moved him backwards in time so that we could view more of that life, to know how it affected his present life.


“Ok, move to an earlier scene which is significant in that life. Now…..what do you see?”

 “I am in a meeting” he said “The general is there. There are several senior officers surrounding him. I am a young officer. It’s a great honor to be called to this meeting” he spoke with pride.

 “Where are you? Which time period is this? ”

 “Germany. Second World War” he said in the confident tone of a soldier.




(Note - A Parallel life

 He was seeing another life in the Second World War, from the opposite side! Dev fought in the Second World War, from both sides, the Allies and the Axis. The likely explanation was that he was seeing a parallel life. While he was fighting as a soldier in Germany, he was living a parallel life in Britain, i.e. was in another body at the same time, as an air force pilot.

In case of parallel lives, the same soul splits into two parts or even more. 

The soul is made up of energy. When it splits, the quality of energy remains the same in each soul. It is like when a torch beam passes through a hard wooden chair, it splits into two parts but the quality of light remains the same; though the power of each split beam may be lesser than that of the ONE whole beam of light.

As explained in my other books, a single soul is like a ray of light coming from a bigger unit of power called the Higher Self. The Higher Self is like the SUN. It has several rays. Hence, the same soul energy can incarnate in several bodies at the same time if that suits its purpose of evolution.

 Practically, parallel lives means that two persons would have a similar energy frequency, and hence would have similar temperaments, similar body built`, similar fears etc. but would be facing individual challenges from a different set of circumstances.


 Dev’s soul had chosen an experience from both sides of the war. It was as if the same person was fighting himself. Dev as the German soldier was fighting Dev, the British soldier. Though, since one was in the air force and the other in the army, it was unlikely that they met each other.

Metaphorically, however, it was a brother fighting a brother since both were part of the same soul energy.

Was the Higher self trying to tell us that there must be several souls like him in the war, kins fighting each other, at the soul level or that we are all part of one whole consciousness, and when we kill another, we harm our own energy in some way?)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



“Why have you been called to this meeting?”

“I am young. I have been selected for a mission to bomb an enemy camp”, he continued, confidence ringing in his voice.

  “What are they talking in the meeting?”

 “I can’t make out”, he said.


 “The General is saying that the enemy is too powerful. We may lose. They are advancing rapidly. The only way to win the war now is to destroy their ammunition trucks before they reach our base”, he replied.

 “How will they do that?”

  “They need a suicide bomber”, Dev replied and continued reporting what he was hearing, “We need a brave soldier who can sacrifice his life for his country. The mission is big. It is our only chance of winning the war. You have been chosen. You will die in the process. Are you ready?” Dev spoke on behalf of the General, addressing himself as you.


“What did you reply?”

 “YES! “, he spoke with determination in his voice.  He was excited about the mission.

In his present life, Dev often reflected on how glorious it would be to die in war to save the country. “I want to live and die by the sword”.  Now, here, in his past life he was being shown exactly the same scenario. As the German soldier, his soul had already experienced dying in war for the country.

“See yourself in the next significant scene. What are you doing?”

 “I am pressing the trigger of a gun”, he replied thrilled.

 Just before today’s session, Dev had said that it was his dream to feel the pressure on his shoulder as he would pull the trigger to kill the enemy as a soldier in the army. Now, he was seeing himself doing just that.

“I’ve killed the enemy”, he said with satisfaction.

“Where are you now?”

“I am moving closer to their ammunition trucks”, he replied.

“What happens next?”     .

 “The trucks are moving in a line. I am very close. I am shooting another enemy. He’s dead.” he continued with excitement on his face.

 “Are there others with you?” 

“Not any more. They got killed on the way”, he replied in an indifferent tone.

 “What happens next?”

“I have reached them…. I am hiding and going. I have to throw the bomb on the last truck in the row. That will destroy them. There is a man” he said, focusing on what happens next.

“Ok, I have killed him” he nodded after a few minutes. “I am very close now” he said.

“I’ve done it …Its bombed” he spoke in a satisfied tone feeling successful.

“Where are you? “

“It’s over. I can see from above. It is destroyed” he replied being in the spirit form now.

“How do you feel?”

“Good”, he nodded. As a spirit he was feeling good after bombing the enemy trucks and dying in the process himself.


Section 4 - Failure in achieving purpose of life: the Soul feels defeated

The next moment, he saw the Greek soldier in the lion fight again. The look of success on his face vanished.

“The Greek soldier is there fighting the lion”, he said in an exhausted tone, sounding tired of being reminded of his failure.

 I was surprised again since Dev had died successfully after completing a mission to save his country. Why was he being reminded of failure now?

“What is he saying?”

“Nothing. He is defeated. The lion has got him. It is clearer than ever before.” he replied in a low tone.

“Is he saying anything? Join your Higher Self. Ask why has he appeared again when you died successfully?”

“The voice is saying - But, the country didn’t win the war” he replied.

Germany had lost the war. To the Nazi soldier, the mission had been as big as the lion fight, and he had died winning it.

But, according to Dev’s Higher Self, the enemy had won again.  The image of the Greek soldier defeated indicated that his effort had again been futile. The soul had sacrificed another life for a cause which did not fulfill its purpose of life. Maybe, the Greek soldier appeared to show he had got overtaken by the dark forces again.

Dev was told in a later session that he had chosen Parallel lives to prevent the war. He had been sent on opposing sides of war to stop the war from either side. He was a powerful soul. He had the capability to prevent the war and save thousands of lives.

But, he did not use his capabilities for the right purpose. Instead he joined the dictators and fought their wars. He made the wrong choice in choosing his path of life.


Section 5 -The Soul’s Perspective

On waking up, Dev realized that he had seen parallel lives.” I must’ve fought for both sides. The planes and the weapons were both of the same time period”, he reflected “Which country was I fighting for then?”

 It dawned on us that his Higher Self was showing him the futility of the concept of being loyal to a country, since the same soul was fighting on both sides of the war.  His Higher Self had been indicating repeatedly that it wanted him to fight for justice of the weak and oppressed, but Dev always misunderstood this soul craving as a need to fight for one country. Hence, in this session, his Higher Self showed him parallel lives to make him realize what it actually meant. There were weak and oppressed souls dying on both sides of war

Dev had chosen a life of violence and achieved success from his own perspective, but, his soul was disappointed.  It wasn’t because he had chosen a life of violence. It was because the violence was not justified.


Friday 20 September 2024

Moving from Sacral To Heart Centre on Earth - The New Age

 The New Age or the Age of Acquarius or Satiyug which begins in 2025 and sets in by 2084, predicted cosmically by Aryabhatta ((476 AD - 550 AD)and Nostre -Damus (1547 AD) , is moving Earth from second dimension to fourth dimension and above.

The fourth dimension , fifth dimension

And sixth dimension of Earth resonate with the heart chakra , better  communication and intuition . In the coming years , spirituality will again recover its strength and wars will reduce as communication will improve .

People who spend money on things they love or work they love will survive with happiness as Earth will support their energies while people who are unable to love, receive or give love or work for love more than for security , will suffer more as Earth will reject negative , fear based energies. Healing therapies will help survive on Earth with positivity as changes in thinking and working will be required to prioritise mental health. 

Till now, Earth existed in 1- 3 dimension since the past 20000 years in the Age of Pisces and thinking was survival based . Root chakra was the dominant chakra and survival took priority over heart healing or mental health . But as evolution happens, Earth will evolve.

A higher frequency of evolution will make everything move faster and Earth is expected to reject fear based energies and support faith based energies as it moves from 2 D to 5 .

Sunday 18 August 2024

Karmic Guidance Interpretation Eg. From Lord Krishna

Life on Earth is expected to be difficult from the soul’s perspective. since the intention of life is to transcend negative energies into positive.

Sometimes, challenges planned can be tormenting to an individual soul who feels alienated from its real home on the celestial plane. Hence, we have friends in heaven who enter into contract with us to help in executing our life-plan on Earth. These friends are called our Spirit Guides.

The duration of a contract to help may last a life-time or it may be made specifically for shorter phases, applying to a limited period during which the soul may require special or expert guidance.

Our spirit guides, give guidance to us through a given lifetime, while remaining in the non-physical dimensions or by incarnating with us as friends, teachers etc.

If in the non-physical dimension, the spirit guides communicate telepathically by sending thoughts to our minds—through intuition, insight and dreams.

If on Earth, the spirit guides help us connect to our soul selves by offering insights which help us change our core negative belief patterns. Their intention is to help us free ourselves from the vicious clutches of negativity.

Following the guidance is, usually, challenging from conventional social wisdom, but helps us evolve to a more liberated, less negative way of thinking.

Once born on Earth we do not remember our spirit guides, nor do we recall who we truly are as souls, or have been in our past lives.

If our spirit guides incarnate with us as our friends, teachers or soul-mates, we usually develop an instant liking to them without any rational reason if we meet them, in person or through books, films etc.

Irrespective of whether we can decipher their presence or not, these spirit guides are there. The spirit guides are distinguished by the fact that they act like university professors, ready to help, but not to spoon-feed.

They offer guidance but the responsibility for learning the intended life lessons rests with the student.

Unlike ghosts from the dark sides., spirit guides do not threaten, bribe or force. They work more by using love as a driving force than magic or ritual.

If we make choices which can lead to us devolving as souls, they warn us on the dire consequences of our present thinking orientation, but do not create fear in us of the worst.

They help us correct our wrong choices and be more positive whereas ghosts from the dark side create fear in us and make us brood about worst possible outcomes.

The interference from ghosts makes us feel more negative or worried or fearful from within whereas the interference from the spirit guides makes us feel more relaxed, loved and whole.

The spiritual guidance is typically from a soul’s perspective, i.e., a perspective which takes time as eternal, unlike Earth time, which is finite. Therefore, its practical application is realistic from the perspective of soul evolution and may appear unrealistic from the perspective of attaining our immediate goals.

However, if we dare to follow the guidance, it leads to greater success and happiness in life than which we can imagine from our limited human vision.

It is important to note that the guidance given completely depends on interpretation for its accuracy. The guidance is similar to that given by the Gods in some religious scriptures, which has often been misinterpreted, leading to spread of darkness rather than light.



For example, in the Bhagvad Gita, Lord Krishna says—‘Take action. Don’t worry about the fruit’. Most people take this line to mean that God is asking us to take action and not expect fruit from it— probably like in selfless service. However, that is not how it is meant if each word is carefully interpreted.

The words are—‘Don’t worry’, not ‘Don’t Expect’.

It is unlikely that the Lord did not know the word

‘Expect’ and hence he used the word ‘Worry’. Considering that we are talking about God, it is most likely that the most specific word in context was used.

In this famous sentence, Lord Krishna is actually telling us not to have negative expectations. He is asking us not to worry because worry is a negative expectation. Negative energy acts as blocks in the flow of positive energy.

It is natural for a seed to bear fruit, i.e. it is natural that our effort should bear a reward. The only way it cannot happen is when we worry about it and keep digging the ground instead of letting the seed grow. Our doubts, i.e., negative energy created by our thoughts obstruct the flow of creative energy from bearing positive results.

A negative thought amounts to a negative action from the soul’s perspective of reality.

By worrying, we, metaphorically, expect the negative. It is like we keep digging the ground to check whether the seed is growing or not instead of allowing the seed to grow by itself.

It takes time for a thought to get converted into reality but all consistent thoughts do get converted into our reality whether we intend them to or not.

When we worry, we focus on the negative and hence, unconsciously manifest the negative. So, we sometimes make the wrong choices and incur losses where we would have gained had we focused on feeling positive, internally.

Hence, Lord Krishna says that instead of worrying we can consistently take action to speed up the manifestation of our desires. Taking action to manifest positive expectations is as important as not worrying about its outcome.

Secondly, it is important to bear in mind that the rewards may not necessarily mean financial rewards, as rewards can also come in the form of positive energy and happiness.

Herein, it may be noted that selfless service is not selfless from the soul’s perspective, since it aids in soul evolution. From the soul’s perspective, the concept of selfless service does not exist because every action yields some energy, whether it is in material form or not. No act can be considered selfless as the soul seeks to gain some energy from it. Selfless service can help the soul gain respect or repay earlier karma. Either way it would help the soul in gaining positive energy and raising its vibrational frequency.

Barring rare exceptions, every seed has to bear fruit. That is the natural law of the universe.

The soul does not recognize money as such, as the soul cannot directly feel a physical, tangible reality. As long as the energy exchange is positive, the soul has benefited from the act.

Hence, each action bears fruit as long as it is taken with a positive intention.

But, if our efforts yield more negativity in our lives than positivity, it is like sowing seeds in the wrong way and eating bitter fruit.

Therefore, whether rewards from an action come in the form of money or not, every effort we undertake should naturally help us feel positive in some way. Otherwise, it may be more useful not to do it.



Subconscious Process of Perceiving Information As Reality Or Falsehood

   This blog is an excerpt from the book - How To Be Happy In Difficulties  Our mind rec...