Thursday 11 July 2024

Why Is Knowledge Of The Soul Needed?

 When we start indeed the concept of the soul , the mind-set is often that of speculation. Could concepts like the souls being creators or the existence of an alternate world be real; as real as the fact that a wooden table is made of wood, or 

are they simply illusions, a part of a fantasy world, which may or may not exist? 

While worrying about what is reality or truth, and what is 

illusion or fantasy, in abstract aspects of life, we need to be 

aware that reality is not an absolute concept, but more a matter 

of perception. Everything is not made of wood and hence 

cannot be measured on the same scale.

The concept of the soul is an abstract concept, as concepts like 

truth, honesty, God or heaven are. The belief that the soul 

exists cannot be seen or touched by the naked eye, as the 

wooden chair can be. Yet, it can prove to be very useful in 

helping us understand our inner selves. 

Those who have a problem with believing in the term ‘soul’, can 

also use alternate terms like ‘‘the inner self’, ‘the me within’ etc. 

Knowing ourselves from within is necessary so that a resonance 

is achieved between our inner needs of evolution and our 

material needs. 

This resonance between external/material or bodily needs, and 

our internal/emotional or soul needs works to ensure that the 

efforts we put in towards achieving what we desire externally, 

get us rewards which give us satisfaction from within. Otherwise, 

it has often been experienced in our world that hard work gets us success 

and money, but does not necessarily lead to happiness.

Finding ourselves, as souls, helps to break this recurring 

dichotomy between the needs of the body and those of the soul. 

When we discover our soul identity, we break free from the 

negative clutches of a so-called reality of life, towards an 

alternate perception of reality, i.e., the reality of life as viewed 

from our soul’s perspective.

For example, a life-threatening problem which may cause us 

intense anxiety from the worldly perspective appears an illusion 

from the perspective of the soul which cannot die. When we 

realize this illusory dimension of worldly matters, we seek to 

understand what the soul is gaining from creating these negative 

experiences, which are essentially unreal. That knowledge aids 

us in healing ourselves by defeating the fatalism within us. 

In this process, we arrive at a more complex dynamics of all that 

which life on Earth entails, from the soul’s perspective of 

evolution. Thus, we reach a higher level of consciousness.

Entering the world of the soul is a step by step process, which 

begins with finding how our subconscious mind works, because 

our subconscious mind is the channel through which 

information passes from the body to the soul and vice versa.

In this book, we use a logic based approach to understand the 

world of our soul. The intention is to bring the soul out of the 

world of magic, into a sphere of scientific logic, wherein we can 

understand its energies and use them with conscious, rational 

awareness to create exactly what we desire in life, in the

emotional or physical plane. 

This is necessary to remove the fear of the unseen realms from 

our rational minds so that we can focus on our dreams without 

being dwarfed by fearing the unexpected, the worst or the 


From the soul’s perspective, by developing knowledge of the 

invisible world of the soul, we make our soul’s presence active

while making everyday choices of life. Instead of worshipping 

God on a pedestal, we allow ourselves to take action in 

alignment with the energies of the Oneness. We, thus, put light 

on the hidden or dark parts of our energies and clear channels 

for the Creator’s power to work with us.

We start entering the world of our soul by finding how our 

subconscious mind perceives the external world, how we form a 

positive or negative interpretation of reality, and how our 

perception affects our deep sense of identity. This knowledge 

would later help us decipher how our soul uses the physical 

body to achieve its purpose of incarnation on Earth.

This blog is an excerpt from the book -Creation Of Happiness: The Energy War, A soul Perspective

Monday 4 March 2024

Marriage becomes Sad if Internal Dominant Focus is Negative

 This blog is an excerpt from my book- CREATION OF HAPPINESS; THE ENERGY WAR, A SOUL'S PERSPECTIVE


            The negative feeling is created whenever the energy we focus upon in our minds is of a low frequency or dense/close-knit like in a cob-web. For instance, when we feel sad, lonely, angry, afraid, helpless, hurt, rejected, guilty, lazy, upset, rigid etc. we vibrate at a lower frequency than our usual soul frequency.


            Therefore, by choosing to feel negative internally, we allow negative energy, to block our soul vibrations and therefore, devolve in terms of soul evolution.

            Our beliefs about life are often conditioned such that we get tuned into suppressing our negative feelings for the sake of maintaining a positive exterior front.   However, our positive self talk fails to help us if we feel negative within, irrespective of how it should be as per our beliefs and conventions.


            For example, if we are in a marriage (or in a job) where we have several differences with our partner, we may tell ourselves repeatedly that we are coping up happily but go on feeling sad within. The negative feelings would reach our soul, not what we tell ourselves consciously, since the soul only feels us at an energy level; it cannot hear our self rationalization.


            When we cheat our soul, we feel internally helpless and our bounce of life drops because the soul is like the filament of a bulb. It keeps getting its power from the main source of Life, through invisible energy circuits, which connect the soul to its Higher Self.

            If the focus of the body is on negativity, these energy circuits get clogged and the connection of the bulb to the source of light gets weakened.

            The soul can no longer connect to the Light and hence, it no longer feels positive. Its frequency lowers.


             Like a fused bulb filament, it feels trapped inside the body, unable to connect to or radiate life force. However, unlike the machine filament, the soul doesn’t permanently die. It has a unique consciousness, and the power to revive through exercise of its will.

            When the soul feels blocked it tries to restore back to its original frequency. To raise its frequency, it has to reconnect to the main source of Light.

            To reconnect to the light, it has to clear its energy circuits by removing all thoughts and beliefs which make it focus on the negative. Hence, our soul tries to break that structure around us, which forces us to focus on the negative aspects of life.


            For example, the soul which feels blocked in a marriage or in a job would try to remove this obstacle which it perceives is the cause of lowering its frequency. Thus, irrespective of our positive self-talk, our soul energy would pull us subconsciously to break the marriage or leave the job.


            If we ignore our subconscious pull, we would go on feeling sad. Overtime, due to feeling sad, we would develop mental and physical diseases, as there would be a consistent focus on stress and release of negative hormones in the body. The negative feelings would keep lowering the soul frequency, and our situation would turn from bad to worse as we go on reinforcing our focus on the negative situation.

            The only way to help our soul feel positive would be to make ourselves feel good, not merely tell ourselves that we feel okay. Feeling good internally would be a more honest experience and would necessitate changing a negative pattern of thinking or working or living.


            To feel good, we would need to release illusory fears of survival, which may be the reason for us to want to continue living in the negative experience.  Or we may have to break persistent, harmful habits which create problems in our job or marriage like laziness, impatience, rigidity of thinking, refusal to adopt positive beliefs, lack of self-discipline etc. In either case, feeling good within would require learning of soul lessons, failing which we would continue feeling negative.


             Negative feelings aid in soul evolution because they force us to learn soul lessons. If feeling negative did not cause us pain, we could conveniently drift through life, without making any effort to evolve to a better quality of existence.


Sunday 25 February 2024

Energy War Between Positive & Negative Energies


reality of life, as viewed from the perspective of our soul is bound to be different than when viewed from the perspective of the body because our soul lives eternally. The soul views time in a continuum, unlike our rational mind that is governed by limitations of the body which dies overtime.

The soul realizes that if one body dies, it can reincarnate in another body and continue on its journey of evolution.

A physical body is like a house, the soul chooses to inhabit for the period of a life-time. It is said that souls pass through different life-times as clouds pass through skies. Each life experience helps the soul evolve to a higher dimension.

In human bodies of different kinds, colours, creeds and genres, the soul plans a variety of experiences which help us evolve in unique ways.


One life, for the soul, is just like one step in its ladder of evolution. The difficulties which seem fatal when viewed from the vision of limited time and space of one life-time, appear as challenges to be overcome when viewed from the perspective of our eternal soul.




The Energy War


Understanding the working of this alternate reality, that is, reality, as viewed from the perspective of the soul, is particularly useful when everything in life appears to be going wrong, when one does not understand why life is taking the turns that it is, and when the WHY ME syndrome takes over - often, deluding reasoning.


When we view our life-time as part of a journey and not as a one-time experience, then we can view difficulties as road blocks, driving through which enhances our expertise. Overcoming difficulties helps in soul evolution.


Realizing happiness in life for the soul is like winning an Energy War between negative energies which block our happiness by making us focus on fear and competition and the opposing positive energies within us. As souls, we seek to express our inner pure self freely, so that we can experience joy and laughter while going through the walks of life. But, usually we lose the war when we live feeling stressed and die feeling diseased.


The soul continues on the same journey of challenges till it can radiate its light fully i.e. till it realizes happiness in the path chosen, even if the process takes several life-times.


So, if we make choices which make us feel pangs of emptiness often, where we keep questioning why we do what we do but keep feeling obliged to remain bound by a system of organization in order to meet our financial or traditional commitments; then, we need to be aware that if our body dies feeling compromised in any area of life, we would reincarnate with similar problematic circumstances. Death will not solve problems.


Our soul would not die with the body and the thought we die with would remain with us in the next body till we can transcend it. The energy which makes us feel negative never dies. Only the physical matter dies.

The energy remains and tries to free itself from feeling bound or compromised again, in whichever area of life it dies feeling negative.


Hence, as souls, we keep repeating experiences, which make us feel incomplete, underutilized and helpless till we can transcend the difficulties, as obstacles to be overcome, find what happiness means to our individual sensibilities and realize it.


Our soul seeks to win the Energy War it finds itself entangled in the ups and downs of life, by defeating the negative energies which prevent it from feeling happy or content from within.


The soul has to succeed in feeling happy, successful and joyous in order to evolve to a higher positive frequency; and usually the war is more within the self than external since how worthy or powerful, we feel internally affects how we make our choices and compromises externally.


 This blog is an excerpt from the book - CREATION OF HAPPINESS: THE ENERGY WAR: THE SOUL PERSPECTIVE


Sunday 14 January 2024

Heart Chakra Healing


Different chakras have different functions. They influence both the emotional and physical health of the person.


For example, if a person’s success is blocked, the sacral chakra needs healing. If one has heart problems or has problems in relationships, the heart chakra and the solar plexus need healing. If the person has communication problems, the throat chakra has to be balanced.


If the chakras are clogged with negative energy, positive energy does not flow smoothly through them. Therefore, energy mobilization towards creating a positive reality does not take place.

In fact, if the chakras are excessively clogged, the process of positive creation gets blocked, even though we may visualize or try to feel manifestation happening.

Negative energies keep getting generated and blocking the process of creation, since adequate positive energy does not radiate from low functioning chakras.


This happens because the body is the soul’s machine for transmitting energies of creation. If the machine malfunctions, energies cannot be transmitted. If the chakras are blocked, doubts and fears overrule one’s focus of feelings. It becomes impossible to maintain a sustained focus on our desires with constant disruptions coming up. Metaphorically, if the car’s brakes are not working well, we cannot drive fast even if the road is clear.

Hence, to be able to channelize energies for the purposes of creation, to manifest what we desire to experience in life, it is important to clear, heal and balance the chakras so that they transmit the energies of creation clearly in a strong, sustained focus path.


Chakras get blocked by a focus on negative feelings. Negative energy concentrations act like road blocks and prevent the smooth flow of positive soul force to the body. The blockage accumulates over long periods of time and, hence, usually involves factors like traumatic past lives, difficult childhood experiences, negative beliefs about life held from family generations etc.


Chakras get cleared as we emotionally evolve by a deliberate focus on staying positive and on learning soul lessons. Meditative states where we focus on staying thoughtless, help in clearing the negative flow of energies and, therefore, clear chakras.

 Energy healing practices like Reiki, Pranik healing, Chakra cleansing meditation, Past Life therapy etc. also help in clearing chakras as they loosen the hold of the negative energy on the person by making him aware/conscious of his subconscious states of mind.

However, only the mechanical cleansing of chakras by itself cannot help in creation, as it has to be sustained through a focus on expecting the positive in the present and future.

If we clean the chakras as a routine meditative process, but allow ourselves to focus on negative aspects of life, chakras repeatedly get clogged.

 This blog is an excerpt from my book - Creation Of Happiness : The Energy War, a soul,s perspective

Tuesday 9 January 2024

Tips on handling criticism

 These are main points of handling criticism. the energy healing methods of the same in detail are given in my book - REDEFINING HAPPINESS, a soul's perspective

5 key points for handling criticism

1.      Take criticism in an emotionally detached manner. Be non-judgmental with yourself.

2.      Hear criticism in a third person position. Be an observer to the event, than taking it in directly.

3.      Keep an emotional barrier like an imagined glass wall between you and the abusive person. That would filter out the negative energy, subconsciously, and help you find if there is anything useful in the words spoken

4.      Cut emotional attachments with the person who is negatively dominating by using the process of EMOTIONAL CORD CUTTING and throw out negative energies which harm your body. Do not feel inferior if the other person does not agree with your personality or your perspective of life. Repel away the negativity trying to come into you as you would repel a dark force. The negativity is infectious as it keeps corrupting the mind like a virus.

5.      Instead of focusing on words which hurt, focus on the underlined feelings or the thoughts communicateded. If some part of you agrees with the criticism, ask yourself why. Pay attention to any positive energy coming from the words spoken. Let the useful elements of the criticism come inside your mind. However, before choosing to integrate them in your behavior, enact the suggested changes in your mind. If you feel happy mentally with the results, then you can choose to be the changed person.

Friday 6 October 2023

Anxiety or Negative Thinking Create Problems

 At the core cycle of creation through which the soul participates as a co-creator of reality , an emotion is an energy of a specific frequency which can be positive or negative.

This core energy of an emotion is emitted vibrationally as an outgoing breath by the body, an electric impulse by the soul and the release of a hormone by the subconscious mind .

The energy of an emotion can be positive or negative in frequency. This happy (positive) or sad (negative) energy passes to different parts of the body through a neuro-pathway or an energy circuit. It passes into the world as a breath of a negative or positive frequency and is also emitted as a thought of a specific vibration . The vibrational frequency , be it positive or negative, of each thought influences the energy of overall thinking patterns in individual and  mass consciousness.

More negative thoughts create more problems in the world as the energy radiated from each though is negative and hence, tilts the balance of soul consciousness towards the negative.  However, if each individual soul makes a deliberate effort to  uplift its vibrations to feel positive, the impact of each positive emission of energy on mass consciousness would help reduce problems of the world as a cumulative effect .

 This blog is an excerpt from the book - A Course in Emotional Management by Shiva Swati

Thursday 28 September 2023

Real Happiness Vs.The Mirage of Happiness

 Since centuries, human beings have been trying to find a route to happiness by methods which are externally focused. We have been seeking to succeed in the external world, hoping we would find happiness with our efforts but usually, we get disillusioned because our vision of happiness turns out to be a mirage. 

A mirage in a desert is an illusory picture of water. It gives travelers in the desert an indication that an oasis is nearby. 

Similarly, our success gives us hope that happiness is nearby, but in life, we keep finding mirages, not real water. The oasis of happiness seems to move further away inspite of passing one exam after another to meet the demands of traditional success. But, following success or power or fame does not automatically lead to happiness.

As a human race, we have focused on technologically developing the tools of happiness, but we have not yet found how to develop happiness, per se. It is as if we are desperately trying to catch our nose from behind the head when it can be caught easily from the front. 

From our soul’s perspective, we are taking unnecessarily challenging roads to happiness by seeking external success, money and power while grossly ignoring our soul needs of evolution. 

Yet, empirical evidence proves that these traditional routes to success have failed in leading us into a happy world. 

In spite of the technological kingdoms that our industrialists have created, we face the same jealousies, fears, betrayals and traumas as people did thousands of years back, for example, when Cleopatra was alive. 

Kingdoms have largely been replaced by democracies and battlefields by boardrooms but the manipulative power games continue. 

We seek to be successful managers, teachers or doctors without caring about whether the paths of success we pursue help us feel more content or compromised, within ourselves, as souls! 

In the rat race to succeed, happiness is usually left far behind as we choose to be like rats running after cheese than peace, forgetting that we have evolved above being just animals.

As long as we stay limited to thinking that buying external objects of comfort and security would ensure our happiness, we would somewhere fail to evolve above our animal ancestors who were purely focused on the external gratification of their bodily needs.

Due to the empirical evidence available, we can’t blindly follow the methods of pursuing happiness which have been founded by our ancestors, because our history does not prove that humanity has led an emotionally successful existence. Instead of finding peace, health or happiness, with our comfort levels rising on the physical plane;our levels of stress, tension, loneliness, diseases and depressions have risen, over the centuries. 

It may seem daunting to change our conventional methods of thinking. Yet, the established route of finding happiness, focuses more on the negative, than on the positive, aspects of life. But, this focus on the negative aspect of life, i.e., on what is missing in comparison with another, virtually, reverses the process of reaching happiness, individually, or as a whole.

A shift of basic thinking towards focusing more on the positive aspects of life, than the negative, becomes necessary to reverse the damage on human thought which a war torn history, has already caused.

Human thought is influenced by habit and tradition. If we focus on the energy or feelings underlying our thoughts, we would realize that we have been thinking the same way over centuries , and repeatedly manifesting the same emotional experiences, though the external form of our world has changed. 

Thus, swords were replaced by guns and horses by motorbikes but the underlying intentions still remain the same. 

Our traditional role models have been war heroes who killed others to survive themselves. It may be noted here that on a practical plane, our role models are not our Gods. That is because we worship Gods but we do not try to be them. We place Gods on a pedestal of superiority, miracles and sacrifice and we ask them for blessings and gifts; while we try to be like our mortal war heroes who acquired fame, power and money in their competitive pursuits.

But, there is no account of whether these warriors became happier by appropriating greater wealth or fame in external terms. Or whether the wars they fought helped people become more emotionally equipped to fight their internal traumas and evolve as souls? 

The money which came from wars was usually used in fighting more wars, than in upliftment of human consciousness towards better management of survival needs.

Emotional betterment was left to chance as we looked for happiness outside the mind. Is it possible to be unhappy, sad or craving for love within and find happiness outside by eating or 

drinking? Can just pleasing the body make us happy when we are life-force creative particles in our essence? If being animal like was satisfying , why would we need to evolve towards creating happiness, as souls in a physical experience ?

The ever increasing restlessness in societies, the rise in domestic violence, criminal tendencies, alcohol and drug addictions, medical 

bills and incurable diseases , prove that escaping the needs of soul evolution does not help. But, we are conditioned into believing that 

the soul does not exist, and that only earning money, fame or power matters in creating happiness.

Charles Darwin proposed the theory of Survival of the fittest for animals but human beings still operate on that principle, by habit,

because they feel they have to win by being above others in terms of money, which essentially represents food and shelter. 

The unconscious insecurity continues from the animal mind that for one to live, another has to die – be it physically, financially or emotionally. That is the basis of competitive thinking.

Yet, being competitive has not led the human race towards higher levels of happiness, peace or ethereal positivity. To be happy, from within, as souls, we need to discover our humaneness as distinct from animal instincts.

For further reading, please refer go the book- Creation Of Happiness: The Energy War, a soul's perspective.

Why Is Knowledge Of The Soul Needed?

 When we start indeed the concept of the soul , the mind-set is often that of speculation. Could concepts like the souls being creators or t...