Sunday, 31 March 2019

Positive thinking (Spirituality) Needed in Education

Spirituality in Education: Redefine Success as Rising Optimism, Peace & HAPPINESS - UPDATED: 11:11 ,Positive Thinking ( 1 to 5 minute daily exercises )

The present education system has created a revolution in technology but has not solved problems which affect happiness directly like depression, psychological sickness, relationship breakdowns, corruption, terrorism etc.; hence, unrest and violence in society have increased. An understanding of what the soul needs from improving its efforts, is necessary to realize inner happiness as a direct outcome of effort and not as a side effect of success.

All technology innovations which we are so proud of as human beings, have been made only in the direction of improving external display or comforts without sufficient attention being given to our internal emotional and spiritual needs.

Happiness comes from satisfying the needs of emotional satisfaction along with acquiring bodily comforts. Becoming successful without feeling happy is like painting the walls of the house without the people feeling brighter. Happiness and good health are co-related, as will be explained. ... Good health can never be maintained by focusing on just the needs of material success and using the body as a projected image with the inner mind in unrest.

Since science only focuses on the external, observable world, a purely scientific approach which aims at only focusing on improvements in scientific/technological development will never lead to evolution of peace and harmony within the soul or in society.

Due to neglect of soul needs in the education curriculum, human development has failed to realize feelings of peace and contentment. To be happier or more peaceful, a training in systematic understanding of emotional complexities, needs to be inculcated with the same zeal as mathematical skills are taught.

A focus on integration of soul needs along with material needs while teaching how to make choices in everyday life is essential to create peaceful adults. A training in integrated Emotional and Spiritual development is the only way to permanently increase peace and happiness in the world.

Though we blame everything else except our thinking patterns for the problems in our life ,  a regular focus on grades/marks/ performance ability, success and money has been the core negative thinking principle which has led to a lop-sided development of humanity wherein inner peace of the mind has been sacrificed for a need to perform due to external pressure.

 This lop-sided development has led to creation of imbalanced individuals who have no training on how to resolve complex emotional issues and resort to violence or addictions to vent out frustrations in an attempt to find inner peace.

Human happiness cannot be created as a side-effect of success. You cannot get balanced, peaceful and happy adults by pursuing mechanical/academic success as the goal of education.

Mind patterns are set in childhood and are affected by mass culture which is affected by education, predominantly.  Since, the focus of all education has been on becoming successful at the cost of neglecting training in development of peace and inner happiness, people are driven towards a rat race to earn success.

Training young minds to think that working mechanically for successful performance is all that is needed to be happy makes them feel comfortable about ignoring complex emotional development , which actually aids human mind towards evolving to be happy and healthy through the obstacles which adult life projects.

Children driven towards winning above being peaceful, start finding short-cuts to success which are manipulative and corrupt. A pattern of mass thinking has developed such that respect is measured by money.  If you are not aiming at happiness or inner peace, money for success can be earned by being manipulative and corrupt more than by being good and helpful.

However, happiness and satisfaction come from a job well done whether it is acknowledged as successful conventionally, or not. Winning always is not necessary to be happy. Trial and error are common processes involved in research and inventions. Through the process of overcoming failure, happiness and satisfaction continue to motivate the person towards achieving success with satisfaction. For example, Thomas Edison continued to fail for thirty years before he finally created an electric bulb. Like him, students need to be trained to be motivated from within by a system of education which rewards the process of achieving satisfaction and not just the result.

A balanced training between inner satisfaction and outcome/ happiness vs. success ensures internal and external satisfaction even if the money earned is less than conventionally well defined. But, a pure focus on results/money/success leads to neglect of effort on feeling satisfaction, peacefulness or freedom from anxiety

For further reading, pls. Refer to my book SPIRITUALITY IN EDUCATION. 

Friday, 29 March 2019

Creation of Reality By Co-Creators

This chapter is an excerpt from my book: Creation Of Happiness: The Energy War

Chapter 5—The Co-Creators

“ When we sow seeds, flowers bloom….Likewise, when we focus on feeling happiness, it gets created in our lives…..Unless we sow seeds, flowers cannot bloom, even if the garden is perfectly set for it…..Unless we focus on feeling happiness, we cannot be happy, even if the world around us is perfectly ready for it ……”
               Section 5.1--The Basic premise: The Law of Creation
Section 5.2-- How and why does the Law of Creation work?

When we make an attempt to understand ourselves as co-creators, we start with understanding about how creation happens in the universe, and how, we as souls, participate in it.
The basic premise we start with is that there is a law of creation operating in the universe. Understanding this law is important, from the perspective of the soul, because it explains the high levels of stress, which almost the whole human race seems to be experiencing today. Such high stress rates are largely caused due to internal feelings of emotional dissatisfaction, with the way things are in the world and the constant demands we have to place on ourselves, to cope up with that which exists.
When we blame the external circumstances for our internal emotional turmoil, we need to be aware that the world as it exists today, has been created by us, as souls, through a sustained focus on the negative—from the perspective of emotional satisfaction.
Human beings, as souls, are co-creators of their own reality.
We, as souls, in human bodies participate in the law of creation, by default.

            Section 5.1-- The Law of Creation
The Law of Creation--- states that whatever the soul focuses on at the level of feelings, it mobilizes energy to create the same.
The Law of Creation activates the process of creation, in the universe. All creation involves conversion of unprocessed universe energy into some kind of form.
 The process gets activated when energy gets focused on creating a form ,by repeatedly moving in a specific direction. This movement of energy takes place when the soul energy vibrates. 
Thus, the soul mobilizes energy for the purposes of creation, through its vibration.
By definition --A soul’s vibration depends on the way it feels.
A feeling is an electric impulse, which creates vibrations in the body. The vibration mobilizes energy movement. Feeling in a certain way causes energy to move in that direction. Since feelings mobilize energy, focusing on specific feelings is the tool used by the soul, for mobilizing energy for creation.
At any one moment, the soul or the person it is incarnated into is focused either on negative feelings or on positive feelings. When the person focuses on positive feelings, positive energies are created and mobilized; and a positive reality gets manifested. When the person focuses on negative feelings, negative energy is created. and mobilized, and a negative outcome gets manifested.
On Earth, the process of creation manifests energies in a physical, tangible form, as Earth is a planet which exists in a physical dimension in the universe. So, energies are mobilized such that whichever feeling a person focuses on in the mind, overtime, is experienced by the person through a physical, tangible reality.
However, this process of creation may be invisible at the conscious, awareness level of the person, since feeling is more of an automatic impulse for the mind, than a deliberate attempt. Yet, the feelings which the person focuses on consistently, whether with awareness or not, manifest into a physical reality over a period of time since feelings cause energy mobilization by default.
The feelings we focus on, can be broadly classified as entailing desires and problems. In other words, we either focus on the positive feeling that a desire would come true or on the negative feeling of worrying that a positive desire would not come true. Whichever feeling is stronger becomes the soul’s point of focus and causes energy mobilization.
We focus on a desire positively, only when we expect it to come true. If we do not expect a desire to come true, we focus on the opposite of the positive i.e. on the worry that the desire would not come true, which is a negative expectation
So, the feeling which we focus on consistently is not a desire, but an expectation of how the desire would manifest. Thus, through our focus,  we create not that which we desire but that which we expect to experience.
When a person is convinced that a desire would come true, i.e. when s/he expects it to happen --- then, only does the desire equal an expectation. However, in most cases, having a desire and expectation remain two different phenomenon, because we desire several things but we expect very few to actually manifest.
The desire is always positive, but its accompanying expectation can be negative or positive. The desire may be a fantasy, but an expectation is more dependent on what one perceives as reality.
An expectation is defined as the strongest feeling accompanying a desire. The strongest feeling is the one which has the highest emotional intensity attached to it or which is focused upon the most consistently. Broadly generalized, an expectation may be denoted by fear or belief -- fear that an outcome can not manifest; and belief that an outcome will manifest, respectively.
Since the expectation is the strongest feeling accompanying a desire, it causes the maximum mobilization of energy in any situation, because the strongest feeling generates the strongest energy currents, and the stronger current takes over the weaker currents. The currents average out and the strongest expectation wins.
Hence, energy is mobilized such that the expectation is converted into reality irrespective of whether it matches the desire or not. So, if worry that a desire would not come true is greater than the belief that it would come true, then the energy is mobilized such that the desire does not come true.
Overtime, through repeated focus, energy gets converted into a physical form, and becomes visible to the person at the conscious, awareness level. However, whatever outcome is created externally is a physical manifestation of the expectation of the soul, originally, created at the level of feelings.
For example, a person may desire to travel in a new car, but fear that s/he would not be able to afford it. The expectation of ownership is negative, and hence the desire cannot manifest .Yet, If this soul focuses on the feeling of traveling in a new car without focusing on expecting to own the vehicle, then, sooner or later the person would find himself traveling in such a car, but likely it would be someone else’s new car. This person’s desire is to travel in a new car, but his expectation or belief is that he cannot own the new car. Therefore, energy is mobilized such that he travels in it, but does not actually own it. As long as he keeps worrying that he cannot afford a new car, he would not be able to own it. Yet, part of the desire, which does not seem as negative to him, would come true
To be able to travel in his own new car, the person would have to work on his expectations such that he can make himself believe that he can afford it. He would need to believe and feel specifically that he is buying the new car, instead of just traveling in it, and take actions to make his visualizations feel true to himself .It is only when he can convince himself that he can own a new car, and focuses on the positive feeling of owning it, consistently, would the soul be able to mobilize energies to create the same experience literally, in a physical, tangible form.
Taking action while remaining focused on the desired feeling, is the most important step here, next to not focusing on the negative expectation .That is because, we live on a physical plane, and for a desire to manifest into reality, physical action is necessary. The feelings which we focus upon come true through a physical route and not through magic.
The soul incarnates on Earth to have an experience of the physical world, and it mobilizes energies so that its expectations get created, over a period of time, in the physical world, not in the super-natural world. So, everything that manifests is such that it makes logical sense in tangible or scientific terms.
 As the soul keeps focusing on the desired feeling, avenues keep opening up through which the feeling can come true in the physical world. So, in the above example, if you focus on the feeling of buying a new car, consistently, then, sooner or later (depending on the intensity of your belief that you can buy it), you would find yourself having the money to buy it through a physical channel, as., someone might give you a new job or you may win a lottery etc[1].
Hence, due to the law of creation, the trick to creating what one desires to experience, is to find ways to enhance expectation that it is possible for the desire to come true in reality.
 Thus, whatever manifests in the external world is a physical manifestation of our internal energy focus. We create whatever we focus on at the level of feelings. Our core expectations determine our point of focus; and, make us mobilize energy in specific directions over others.

Section 5.2-- How and why does the Law of Creation work?
The soul participates in the creation of reality because the soul energy partakes of the same quality of energy as that of the Creator. The soul is a minute fragment of the ONE being[2] .Therefore, it has the same power to mould energy for the purposes of creation, as the creator.
 By virtue of being a part of the creator, the soul participates in the process of creation, automatically, and, not by choice. The soul can choose what to create by choosing where to focus, but it cannot choose not to create. The Soul is therefore the Co-creator of the universe, whether it likes to be one or not.
Hence, contrary to beliefs set by old interpretations of religious scriptures, according to the Law of Creation, the soul is not a passive recipient, but an active participant in the creation of the world. It is as responsible as the Creator is, for whatever is created in the world, and in its own life on Earth.
We, as souls, do not get all that we desire—but we do get all that we expect.  Partly, due to lack of awareness, and partly, due to the lapse of time between an expectation and the conversion of that expectation into a physical manifestation , we do not realize that the reality that we see in the external world, has been created by us , internally, through focusing on some expectations over others..
To use the law of creation for creating the life we desire---we need to understand what happens at the subconscious levels of the mind, by understanding the link between the conscious and the subconscious mind, explained thus:
Instructional data is passed from the conscious mind to the subconscious mind[3], through feelings. Each thought that we focus on has a feeling. Feelings carry electric impulses which create vibrations, which, in turn, mobilize energy movement in the body.
In scientific terms---when we focus on a feeling, it discharges electric energy in the bloodstream, since each feeling carries an electric impulse. Hormones are produced in the body in response to this electric discharge. Hormones travel in neurological circuits in the body, and reach different organs through the blood stream.  Thus, the energy created by feelings travels all over the body, and reaches different organs.
When positive energy is released, positive hormones are released in the bloodstream, but when negative energy is released, stress hormones are created in the body. So, depending on the nature of feelings being focused upon, the hormones which travel in the body can be positive or negative.
Each feeling which we consistently focus forms a neuro-pathway in the body. That is why every habit we have which is automatic, and every impulsive behavior we indulge in – arises out of a neuro-pathway.  Every disease, pain or ache we have also is a result of a neuro-pathway. A neuro-pathway or a neurological circuit is an existing energy circuit which keeps causing energy to flow in a specific direction.
When we focus on negative feelings, through neuro-pathways, the negative energy released reaches the different organs, in the form of negative hormones.
Negative hormones are harmful for the body, because, negative energy creates blocks in the flow of positive life-force energy[4]. Stress, created by the negative hormones, prevents the body from functioning optimally .An excessive discharge of negative hormones leads to negative energy accumulation in the body organs, which blocks the creation of positive hormones in the organs, leading to disease or mal-functioning of the organs..
Depending on the specific nature of the feelings being focused on, some organs are affected more than others. Each organ has a function, and each feeling is connected to a function of the body. Energy gets pulled by that organ whose function we are focusing on.
For example, if we focus on the feeling of being restricted by our circumstances, the organ responsible for movement would get affected. Explaining in simplified terms , a focus on the feeling of being restriced may lead to a consistent supply of negative hormones to the joints in the body—since the joints of legs and arms facilitate smooth movement. A repeated or consistent focus on the negative feeling, may cause the person to develop arthritis over a period of time.
On an average, it has been found that it takes about seven years of consistent focus before a thought gets converted into a disease. Each time we think about situations which make us feel negative in the present or have made us feel negative in the past, we release negative hormones into the bloodstream. If we try to ignore the situation by suppressing it, we, still release negative hormones in the body because even if we try not to think about it, we still, feel bad about it, and it is only feelings which matter at the energy transmission level.
As is explained in chapter 4, negative feelings keep arising because the soul plans to learn some lessons from them. The positive intention of the subconscious mind behind bringing up past negative experiences is to help us focus on how we can change our direction of thinking or improve our skills so that the negative does not hurt us anymore. Each time, we find these memories coming up, we need to let go of the negative feelings or energies accompanying them, and only focus on what lessons those encounters helped us learn. Instead of brooding and taking those memories back in, we need to exhale huge sighs of relief that those moments are gone, but we are still there, with greater resilience than before..

16 It is also useful to feel happiness while focusing on your desire coming true; otherwise, the feeling you desire may come true but through a route which may not make you happy. For example, if you do not focus on feeling happy, while feeling that you are buying a new car, then it is possible that your old car just breaks down and you find yourself buying a new car with a heavy loan on yourself, which you did not want.
17 For example, when we pass the light of a torch through a wooden chair, -----it gets divided into fragments. Yet, the quality of each fragment is the same as that of the whole….It is written in The Bible- ‘God Made man in the same form as He’---the word ‘form’ may refer to the quality of consciousness.
18 The human mind can be divided into two main parts: the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the mind as we are aware of it. It makes up for about 10%of the total mind. The remaining 90%is the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind controls all the functions of the body including release of hormones, maintenance of body organs, regulation of the heart-beat etc. –for more details-refer to the book ‘The Lost Soldier; a soul’s perspective-2, chapter 1’
19 As mentioned in chapter 3, negative feelings create dips or obstructions in the positive flow just as rocks create obstructions in water flowing in a drain. Negative energy if energized can completely stop the positive life creating soul energy from reaching its planned destination.

Sunday, 24 March 2019

Soul Tests

To be happy and healthy, the soul has to clear its soul tests and rise to a higher, vibrationally positive energy frequency by learning soul lessons. If diseases and tensions pre-dominate a person’s body & mind, the soul feels like a failure as it devolves to a lower, negative frequency instead of evolving to positivity, as planned.
The soul feels successful when negative frequencies which create difficulties are overruled or transcended to positive energy frequencies such that good ( high frequency) emotions dominate over bad ( Low frequency)energies within the self and hence, positive vibrations radiates out from the self.
To be happy and successful at the same time, a balance between hope and realism has to be attained such that hope wins over pessimism. To ensure expansion of positivity over destructive tendencies in self, it is necessary to ensure that the soul remains optimistic about attaining its desires in the future, as a soul who becomes too negative while overcoming problems loses interest in learning the art of creation of happiness and seeks to leave Earth by developing diseases in the body which lead to death. The soul who has no desire would not co-create anything positive. Hence, giving up desires of happiness or peacefulness is not emotional management.
 For example, human civilization developed from a desire to build houses. If man had given up the struggle of converting nonsensical barren land to sensible existentialism, we would still be animals living without houses in jungles.
Therefore, difficulties have to be overcome such that desires continue to motivate the person to create a better life, which is possible only when positive emotions dominate over negative emotions through learning how to apply emotional management in everyday life.

Our soul is like a driver while the body is like a car. A soul who can maintain a healthy body and an optimistic mind through rough patches of life increases its power as a co-creator and helps God just as a driver becomes better in his skills after crossing over speed obstacles; while a soul who feels helpless through life and keeps compromising reduces its vibrational frequency, develops diseases in the body, restlessness in mind and practically, lowers the potential power of the Creator.

Happiness is an energy of a positive frequency and has to be attained by defeating the thinking of dominating negative frequencies which exist around the soul by either converting the situation to feel positive as desired or moving away from the negative person and situation by understanding detachment.

Usually, people fail to learn the necessary emotional skills and hence, are unable to achieve happiness as desired.
Just earning money, success or fame are not enough to find happiness, good health or peace on Earth, as the soul incarnates with a life plan, to help itself master the process of creation just like a painter learning how to paint with accuracy.
For achieving any desire with satisfaction, it is necessary to learn the art of applying energies as paints over the canvas of life. The soul learns how to be happy by applying emotional skills like passion with perseverance, optimism with discipline, motivation with calmness, organization with patience, detachment with forgiveness, ambition with compassion etc

Friday, 22 March 2019

Emotional Management of Difficulties

From the soul’s perspective, the purpose of a life is to help the soul evolve to a higher vibrational frequency wherein it becomes more powerful as a co-creator of destiny. However, a negative emotion releases low frequency energy which makes the soul devolve in frequency instead of evolving. A person dominated with negative thinking always remains sad irrespective of financial success and constantly, complains of diseases which pollute the positive thinking of other people around the person.
Emotional management helps a person learn how to remain positive when negative energy attacks in the form of difficulties. If the person does not understand how to manage emotions such as to convert negative energy into positive by choice, his/her soul starts radiating depression as negative energy takes over the positive life force of the person. The person’s thinking, spoken words and soul vibrations vibrate out the energy of predominant feelings being focused upon.  A person dominated by negative emotions allows the energy of compromise to rule his mind and his body starts behaving dis-satisfactorily like a bulb glowing with less light.

The ‘WHY MEE? ‘Syndrome is an illusion of alienation which does not exist at the energy realms in which the soul breathes through life. Problems attack every soul incarnating on Earth in different ways depending on the life plan and soul lessons chosen by each while incarnating. Every person on Earth encounters negative frequencies which have to be overcome while the soul endeavors to master the art of creation on Earth, as a co-creator or part of the Creator.
Difficulties come in the path of achieving emotional desires and are planned by the soul itself for learning soul lessons of evolution, before incarnating in a life-plan. To understand the art of creation on Earth, the soul makes a detailed life-plan with a syllabus made in the energy realms before incarnating, wherein it entails soul tests which include its life purpose, priorities, skills, desires and difficulties. The life plan is like a map which guides to a destination of higher positive frequency than the soul had at the point of birth. From the general soul’s perspective, the life plan is achieved if the soul dies happier than it was born.

Monday, 18 March 2019

Planet Earth Restores Positive Balance

The Planet’s Attempts To Restore Balance in the NEW AGE

Due to changing consciousness of the planet, there is expected an
increase in floods, epidemics and wars in the next three decades,
as  the  planet’s  frequencies  rise.  The  negative  energy  clusters
would be shaken up and broken so that they can be replaced by
positive energy concentration.


 The  positive  outcome  of  any  catastrophe  be  it  the  Tsunami
floods, or the bird flu , is that it causes waves of sympathy and
compassion  to  be  generated  while  simultaneously   forcing
people  to  focus  away  from  the  negative  aspects  of  their
individual lives. 

In face of sudden trauma, human minds shift momentarily away
from their personal miseries to focusing on something else. So,
existing negative energy circuits break with a break in dominant
focus point. 

Simultaneously, a need for rescue gets created. The traumatized
human mind asks God for help in intense moments of emotion
and is willing to believe anything which promises to be positive.
We,  humans    believe  God  exists  only  when  our  externally
oriented scientific development no longer offers us rescue. 

The wave of momentary belief created clears the energy cycle of
doubt and  allows positive energy/light  to  enter. That helps in
raising  human  frequencies  to  match  that  of  the  fourth

With  a  shift  away  from the  routine  thought  process,  existing
webs of negative reasoning get broken. By being grateful for life,
people look beyond their external, material needs and focus on
their  soul  selves.  Also,  positive  thought/energy  waves  are
generated as people join in a mass effort to respect human life. 

Reconnecting to the Soul Self

This  thought  originates  due  to  an excessive  focus  on  fear  of
survival and negative competition. 

Most  human beings who  are successful  are concentrated on a
feeling of rising high in material success, but sinking in terms of
peace and relaxation. Pangs of emptiness often haunt individual
minds, since soul needs are sedated to meet external pressures.
Suppressed anger opens its fangs off and on. 

The same feeling gets  transferred  on the physical plane  at the
mass level and causes the same kind of destruction as is felt in
the individual mind. The need to throw up, as a mass thought,
results in earthquakes and floods. 

The high waves are a physical representation of soaring energies,
at the cost of disturbance of normal balance between the material
and spiritual need of the body and soul. If we notice, the waves
literally  look  like opening up of  a  snake’s fangs  of anger. The
more individuals feel that they are rising high but losing normal
balance of life, the more floods like Tsunamis occur. 

There are also frequent reports on how the planet is in the danger
of coming under water, with the sea level rising, which may come
true if we chose to continue feeling that we are drowning in the
troubles of life, in our minds.

 pg .345, Creation Of Happiness: THE ENERGY WAR , a soul's perspective 


An example of calamities  caused  by  a  negatively  tilted  soul


Floods  result  from  a  negative  energy  cluster  in  mass
consciousness which wants to throw up. The individual thought
accompanying the rising waters is,  ‘I  have had  enough, I can’t
take  it anymore, I  want to throw up’ – a common thought in
today’s world.
Manmade calamities


Wars and terrorism - result from a mass consciousness where
individuals constantly feel cheated, and deprived of their fair
rights, where there is a fear that abundance is limited, belief that
there can be never enough for all, and for one to survive
another must die.

When individual free thought is suppressed and masses believe
that  bullying  others  can  lead  to  getting  them  back  their  own
rights, then, use of non-intellectual methods of persuasion seem


Wars are  an extension  of animal consciousness in  the human
mind, where one animal has to kill another for his own survival. 


The  continuance  of  the  need  for  wars  proves  that  human
consciousness has not yet evolved to its true potential and is still
stuck at rudimentary levels of survival. Logic has not developed
to the extent of negating the need for violence, because the easy
way out can still taken by using bull-strength. 



Friday, 15 March 2019


Name and fame are needed to help others uplift to positivity 
It is useless to self glorify if your status is devoid of positive light 
Ideally, name and fame should increase peace of mind
if there is increase in money and respect given overtime
however, we also need love and space to find inner wisdom in light
name and fame can be addictive, negative hormones may rise
spirits get attached to famous people seeking glory in light
the soul loses its life purpose if success takes it away from inner peace
one needs to remain in touch with the soul thru meditation
success on earth can be vicious like a trap into hell for the famous
success, money , fame & peace are good if pursued with God's sight , peace in soul mind

People on Earth seem to think than name and fame brings peace of mind. But, from the soul’s perspective, it is the opposite.

When you are in a position of power, you are famous. All your activities are scrutinized by the public media. People love to read about your personal life. Everything is gossip. You are not allowed to have normal human weaknesses. You have to hide to be your own self because you are otherwise, always living up to an image.
You own soul self becomes completely sacrificed in order to meet expectations of others. As a woman in public, you cannot speak what you want because your husband’s or family’s reputation gets harmed. As a man, you have to obey certain decorum and you cannot rebel against injustice even if you want to.
If you speak against the monopolies, the dark forces blackmail you. They threaten you with death penalties. They make you obey them like slaves and you have to do it because you are popular.
You have no life of your own. You only live to please the masses.
Usually, you hardly are a leader or a role model. You are a popular puppet who has to be very careful not to hurt anyone’s sentiments. So, even if there is filth around you and there are famous people cheating and exploiting the weaker sections, you have to seal your mouth and be quiet. Such a life can be suffocating for the soul who seeks truth to open up.

As a soul, I come from An advanced dimension of indigo rainbow spirits, who are warriors and messengers of light. Hence, I catch thoughts of spirits from those dimensions who have lived lives like those of Cleopatra , Jhansi ki rani or Marilyn Monroe and in all those lives I lost the war. The war was lost because the cause was unjust. It was a cause to protect those who were negative. The people who the famous tried to protect wanted a leader to save them from oppression. But they were not willing to let go of the hypocracy in their own lives. Rome spent huge amounts on sports and hardly anything on temples or education, in comparison. Heath and soul evolution were neglected because money came from sports and wars. If jhansi ki rani had won the war, process of Indian villages towards modern education would have been blocked. The good had to be taken in and their negative thrown out as evil. Affecting good. Parts were wrong in the system, not the whole was wrong. 

Happiness cannot come by supporting one negative system over another.
A king who fights war against another country cannot save his own people from cheats inside the country who give him money to fight the war. In the spiritual sense, there is very little difference between a  king and a mafia don. Both become puppets of a crown.
 A  man becomes a mafia don to fight against injustice done to himself but he becomes negative himself later. To maintain his position and clout, he has to start being unjust to people himself. The soul he tried to protect becomes sacrificed as he becomes a slave to money.
The souls who have lived lives of fame but felt like puppets under a crown , choose to prefer anonymity than success which makes them exposed to the public. It is better to live in peace alone then be a powerful figure in the public but have no real soul power.

Every aspect of your life comes under a ring of challenges. If you want to change your profession, you cannot because the public expects a certain performance from you. When you are alone and want to divorce a spouse, you have ten people to answer. When you are a public figure, you have  a thousand people to answer. Some souls develop phobia of being amongst people, some commit suicide, other e become alcoholics or drug addicts.

The public takes so much energy out of you that you feel emptied like a kettle from water. You are sucked out of your life force and you carve for pace.  But you are so addicted to attention and adulation that you can’t live without it also.

Your own self worth becomes a matter of judgment by others than by your own soul. You start writing, for popular selling, you make films for popular demand and  you sell your soul for money. But the money doesn’t bring in peace that you wanted in the first place by name and fame.

Soul happiness comes when you can expand your inner consciousness, do work you like to do on your own terms, take time off as you desire, can divorce or marry without fear and can live a clean life, free from alcoholism or drugs. The soul feels free when it is not dependent on anything external for its happiness, where it is in complete control and power.

Unveiling Male Unhappiness in Marriage: Expectations, Power Dynamics, and Emotional Disconnect

 Marriage, traditionally, has been seen as a partnership, but modern expectations often create conflicts between individual needs and societ...