Smoking helps a person remain thoughtless for some time. staying thoughtlesss prevents negative thinking.
Negative thinking devolves the soul to a lower frequency. Staying thoughtless helps the soul remain detached but harms the body. Negative hormones are released during smoking which create depression in the person's mind later, perpetuating the urge to smoke.
Smoking is addictive as fatty food is. It can be de-addicted through mental exercise as fat is reduced through physical exercises.
The following changes in daily schedule help to quit smoking .
1. Stay thoughtless for one second whenever you can. To stay thoughtless, ask yourself - ""What is the next thought?"
2. Make it a habit to stay thoughtless for ten minutes every morning . Focus on your breathing and smile for ten minutes . Whenever your mind drifts, think or imagine positive feelings. Do not allow yourself to worry in these ten minutes. It will require practice.
3. Smile for ten seconds every hour forgetting everything else.
4.Drink a glass of water every hour or atleast ten glasses of water in a day.
5. Keep sipping hot water throughout the day . Take two or three cups of tea or coffee. Other than that, drink hot water after every meal.
6. Use traffic jams to count breaths and smile than get impatient.
7. After a stressful activity, take time out to just be alone . Drink water or breathe air in this time . Exhale out tension.
Staying alone helps the soul rise up from pressure. You would need to de-orient froma stressful mindset to be alone. If you cannot, you will need to smoke. Minimize smoking to 4-5 cigarettes a day and do not rebuke yourself at those moments. negative thinking will increase smoking.
Inner Child healing and past life therapy help to quit smoking or reduce it . Love yourself . If you have any childhood memories, love the child in your imagination as an approving father .
The following book consist steps of inner child healing.
Creation of Happiness is a personal choice. addictions help the soul be positive instead of being pressured by negative mass consciousness focused on performance as a measure of success. The positive intention of addictions from the perspective of the soul is given in the book :
Leaving addiction requires soul evolution to a state of detachment .
The ever increasing restlessness in societies, the rise in domestic violence, criminal tendencies, alcohol and drug addictions, medical bills and incurable diseases , prove that escaping the needs of soul evolution does not help. But, we are conditioned into believing that the soul does not exist, and that only earning money, fame or power matters in creating happiness.
So many people are addicted to drugs, smoking, liquor and other oral sensory pleasures for relaxing their minds.
Though these addictions temporarily relax the person, they have serious side effects on health, heart and body. These addictions help to stop negative thinking for some time, but the negative thoughts, fears and doubts come back with a greater force and trouble the person.
It is very necessary to relax the mind to remain healthy. If a person cannot get free from his worries, negative thinking is very harmful for the health of the person. Addictions are a life line for some people who don’t see any other way out to relax.
However, addictions would not be as necessary if we do not feel pressurized by other’s opinions. When we know that parents, teachers or people in authority are not right always, we would not need to take drugs to escape from them.
Drugs or liquor help us escape but do not solve the problems. But if we understand that God is not against us, that our fee will is important, that we do not have to be performing computers to succeed; then we would not need to take drugs to relax.
God is force of love and God is always present whenever we love, fly freely in our mind, smell flowers in imagination, sit in beautiful gardens and feel pace. It is more relaxing than taking drugs or liquor to be alone and imagine being where we want to be for some time during the day. We do not need to interact and talk all the time to relax.
We can use traffic jams to practice mediation and visualization. Instead of watching Television, we can make films in our own mind. The more we activate our sense organs for visualization and day dreaming, the more we will release positive hormones in the body. Our stress and anxiety would go away if we can take time off from our busy schedule for day dreaming and laughing as an exercise of mind control.
Being thoughtless, dancing or singing are better ways to relax than using drugs ir alcohol. However, if we use dancing or singing, you should not resort to drugs later to balance hormones. You should meditate by inhaling exhaling with focus, after dancing and singing so that your mind cools down from heightened activity and you can balance normal routine.
Imagining yourself in perfectly clear white light, dissolving in the brightness as formless after a rigorous activity, and radiating light from your stomach as a SUN in your centre would radiate - helps the body completely reschedule itself and recharge for feelings of newness of life. Health and vibratory sensations improve by releasing positive hormones through feeling happy mentally, in reality or imagination.
Shiva Swati, Ccht. RMP, A.M is a lightworker, a soul healer, psychic,a Claireaudient,Claire sentient,Claire transient,an author, spirit empowerment therapist and guide, ,behaviour analyst, clinical hypnotherapist, NLP Advanced Practitioner, Reiki Master,Theta DNA 2 Healer, Spirit Release Therapist, Past Life Therapist, Life between Life therapist,Psychotherapist.(
Saturday, 25 January 2020
Sunday, 19 January 2020

Human happiness cannot be created as a side-effect of success. You cannot get balanced, peaceful and happy adults by pursuing mechanical/academic success as the goal of education.
Mind patterns are set in childhood and are affected by mass culture which is affected by education, predominantly. Since, the focus of all education has been on becoming successful at the cost of neglecting training in development of peace and inner happiness, people are driven towards a rat race to earn success.
Training young minds to think that working mechanically for successful performance is all that is needed to be happy makes them feel comfortable about ignoring complex emotional development , which actually aids human mind towards evolving to be happy and healthy through the obstacles which adult life projects.
Children driven towards winning above being peaceful, start finding short-cuts to success which are manipulative and corrupt. A pattern of mass thinking has developed such that respect is measured by money. If you are not aiming at happiness or inner peace, money for success can be earned by being manipulative and corrupt more than by being good and helpful.
However, happiness and satisfaction come from a job well done whether it is acknowledged as successful conventionally, or not. Winning always is not necessary to be happy. Trial and error are common processes involved in research and inventions. Through the process of overcoming failure, happiness and satisfaction continue to motivate the person towards achieving success with satisfaction. For example, Thomas Edison continued to fail for thirty years before he finally created an electric bulb. Like him, students need to be trained to be motivated from within by a system of education which rewards the process of achieving satisfaction and not just the result.
A balanced training between inner satisfaction and outcome/ happiness vs. success ensures internal and external satisfaction even if the money earned is less than conventionally well defined. But, a pure focus on results/money/success leads to neglect of effort on feeling satisfaction, peacefulness or freedom from anxiety
The need to never be peaceful is conditioned as a habit of thinking during schooling years, due to the stress on external good performance above inner peace. Children are judged as being good or bad by external measures of success like school grades which later are replaced in adults by external measures of success like cars, clothes or jewels.
However, getting good grades or performing well in sports or dance or music or art or earning good money in adult life does not lead to contentment in adult life. Children, always motivated to perform for pleasing society’s norms of success, cannot, naturally, focus on inner contentment.
To create contentment in adulthood, instead of just focusing on good external performance, mind patterns which focus on development of happiness and inner peace of mind have to be inculcated by redefining the education curriculum.
Negative thinking predominates mass thinking in today’s world because people are not taught how to be peaceful in schools. This repeated pattern of negative thinking can be solved only by adding spiritual awareness to the concept of success; wherein development of peacefulness and compassion in children is as much awarded as good performance.
Children trained into being peaceful would make peaceful adults and create a peaceful world whereas restless children who are constantly asked to perform for success, make anxious adults and a restless world, which is prone to anger and violence.
A basic training in emotional management and the ability to create optimism with awareness ; are necessary to overcome all problems with a positive attitude and live a comfortable life; with the inner self being more in peace than being violent or angry.
If a connection to the subconscious mind and training in being peaceful are cultivated from childhood, escapism into depression or anger would not be the most natural route available to adults if marriages break down or finances collapse. Peace and emotional satisfaction will automatically rise in society and replace conflicts, anxiety and unrest.
The need for maintaining good health, optimism and contentment would spread as being as important as needs of education once a spiritual understanding of happiness is integrated along with being monetarily and mechanically successful in the education system.
Negative Thinking leads to ANARCHY in creation . You create what you do not desire to experience. Positive Thinking leads to harmony in creation where you create what you desire to experience.
This blofg is an excerpt from the book SPIRITUALITY IN EDUCATION ( Redefine Success as rising peace,optimism and happiness)
Saturday, 11 January 2020
The following exercises are meant to help you develop a connection to your internal neural circuitry while being calm, as the awareness leads to improvements in health, intellect and creative abilities overtime, combined with other mind training exercises... Just education development or psychological counselling is not enough for peacefulness or good mental health of society . Physical action has to be combined with soul awareness for mind, body & soul integration.
1. Method for Two Minute Calming Breath exercise:
Take a long breath in to the count of 5.
Hold the breath to the count of 5
Exhale slowly to the count of 5.
Then, be silent for five seconds.
Repeat the exercise five times. The count can be modified, as required.
2. Combine Body movement and Meditative Silence
Two Minutes Physical Exercise with Calming Meditation:
Raise up your hand
Hold for five seconds
Join the hands together above the head
Hold for five seconds
Separate hands and hold for five seconds
Bring down the hands with the count of 5.
Maintain silence for fifteen seconds
Repeat the exercise two times.
Maintain silence for about thirty seconds at the end of the exercise.
You can also Imagine the above given physical exercise without real hand movements. It is calming to imagine the exercise also, as explained further..
3. Combine visualization with manifestation.
Think that you are eating a sweet/snack for thirty seconds.
After thirty seconds, eat a sweet/snack.
Then, again be in the memory of eating the sweet/snack without actually eating. Watch neural circuitry. It moves the same way.
You can replace the sweet/snack with any imaginative idea.
4. Repeat Feeling Calm with more Physical and Imagined Steps.
Do the following exercise with physical movement involved and next with no physical movement. This is a combined physical and imaginative exercise. The following movements are suggested. Any other movements can also be imagined.
Raise up your hands. Hold for five seconds.
Join the hands together. Hold for five seconds.
Bring down the hands. Hold for five seconds.
Smile and wait for five seconds.
Imagined Activity - Now, repeat the hand raising without actual physical movement. Imagine raising the hands up, mentally hold the hands up for five seconds, imagine bringing the hands down and wait for five seconds.
Now, mentally Smile and Wait for thirty seconds with an imagined/real SMILE. The no-action waiting time of a few seconds interval will bring a peaceful state of mind for long.
You will realize that the mind waves move the same way in an imagined activity as in a real activity. This simple exercise proves that the neural circuitry of the subconscious mind gets activated during an imagined activity as in a physical activity. Watch silently how the mental steps make you calmer than just physical action.
The above exercise is from the book SPIRITUALITY IN EDUCATION, chapter 11.
1. Method for Two Minute Calming Breath exercise:
Take a long breath in to the count of 5.
Hold the breath to the count of 5
Exhale slowly to the count of 5.
Then, be silent for five seconds.
Repeat the exercise five times. The count can be modified, as required.
2. Combine Body movement and Meditative Silence
Two Minutes Physical Exercise with Calming Meditation:
Raise up your hand
Hold for five seconds
Join the hands together above the head
Hold for five seconds
Separate hands and hold for five seconds
Bring down the hands with the count of 5.
Maintain silence for fifteen seconds
Repeat the exercise two times.
Maintain silence for about thirty seconds at the end of the exercise.
You can also Imagine the above given physical exercise without real hand movements. It is calming to imagine the exercise also, as explained further..
3. Combine visualization with manifestation.
Think that you are eating a sweet/snack for thirty seconds.
After thirty seconds, eat a sweet/snack.
Then, again be in the memory of eating the sweet/snack without actually eating. Watch neural circuitry. It moves the same way.
You can replace the sweet/snack with any imaginative idea.
4. Repeat Feeling Calm with more Physical and Imagined Steps.
Do the following exercise with physical movement involved and next with no physical movement. This is a combined physical and imaginative exercise. The following movements are suggested. Any other movements can also be imagined.
Raise up your hands. Hold for five seconds.
Join the hands together. Hold for five seconds.
Bring down the hands. Hold for five seconds.
Smile and wait for five seconds.
Imagined Activity - Now, repeat the hand raising without actual physical movement. Imagine raising the hands up, mentally hold the hands up for five seconds, imagine bringing the hands down and wait for five seconds.
Now, mentally Smile and Wait for thirty seconds with an imagined/real SMILE. The no-action waiting time of a few seconds interval will bring a peaceful state of mind for long.
You will realize that the mind waves move the same way in an imagined activity as in a real activity. This simple exercise proves that the neural circuitry of the subconscious mind gets activated during an imagined activity as in a physical activity. Watch silently how the mental steps make you calmer than just physical action.
The above exercise is from the book SPIRITUALITY IN EDUCATION, chapter 11.
Saturday, 4 January 2020

To be healthy and happy, it is necessary to feel alive with every choice you make than just survive.
If you choose to study or work or marry, it is an attempt to be happy. However, the walls of the institution are often built such that happiness erodes away while you try to maintain the structure. Choices made to sustain a structure at the cost of losing happiness lead to increasing unrest, aggression and unhappiness amongst people as the inner self is always in conflict of whether to break away or just stay.
This war is between the different ways people desire to live and is not the same as the conflict of Death & Life, Eros & Thanatos (The life Instinct vs the death instinct as defined by Sigmund Freud). This war is within the self, between the mind and the soul wherein the mind seeks to maintain that which has already been created whereas the soul seeks to evolve to ever higher levels of happiness. Often, when the structure created does not satiate the intention for which it was created, the spirit seeks to spread beyond its confines and seek better ways of finding expression e.g. If a school fails to help children think independently & creatively or if a hospital fails to helps its patients feel peaceful or if a marriage fails to help you feel loved or secure, the spirit feels betrayed by the people obeying the institution than by and tries to get away but feels negative when forced to stay confined by the people protecting the walls of the institution on the argument that financial survival needs compliance to existing rules over congruence between the mind & the soul. The mind that maintains the structure tries to defeat the soul and thus, the body becomes sick if it falls prey to the logic of the mind and neglects its soul needs.
There has been an eternal debate between the negative and positive energies which combine on Earth to create life in physical form. The debate has overtime turned into a battle of life-force vs. death force, creative vs. destructive energies. This book is being written to defeat the forces of darkness, destruction and sadness, which seek to crush the spirit of being alive and happy by resisting change in the existing monotonous structures.
The WAR BETWEEN THE DARK FORCES AND THE FORCES OF LIGHT IS OF ENERGIES AND WORDS - There are no weapons used except manipulation of energies through words and transfer of thoughts underlined with negative feelings from one being to another.
The energies of the darkness resist growth of human mind in creative forms. In their zeal to succeed mechanically, they vehemently protect the way of life which already exists. Hence, they crush anything which seeks to rebel from that which IS so that the seed of change is crushed before it can bring about change. They take life as work and work as a chore to be performed.
The energies of Light want to find joy in being alive, to be playful, to learn new ways of being happy, to love and to feel! They are aligned with the Creator’s ideologies and want to express the fun of being creative like in writing, dancing, singing, painting, making love. They take work as an enriching part of life but define life as far above work. Also, they take work not as a chore but as a joyful expression.
The energies of darkness seek to maintain the existing surface structures at any cost. Instead of changing core, erroneous foundations, they spread darkness, gloom, emptiness, vacuum and fear. They doubt every leap of faith and instead of trying to break free from negative clutches, they wait for death as a panacea from the pain of being alive.
The Light workers give courage to dream and to create anew. They make choices which give them the zeal to live on and create.
Dark forces advise others and themselves to give up hope of a happy way of being and just accept the IS without wanting to change it.
The Light workers also seek to accept the IS but with a desire to be non-negative. They accept the present but strive to make it happier in the future.
The words and not the actions of the person indicate whether s/he is working from a dark alley or from the Gateway of Light at different moments of time.
If the words depress your spirit, your zeal and your expression then the person is speaking from a dark vibration at that point of time even if s/he may be someone you can trust at other moments of time.
It is important to not let seeds of doubts crush our dreams from manifesting because we come on Earth to express our spirit so as to evolve to a higher level of consciousness.

To be healthy and happy, it is necessary to feel alive with every choice you make than just survive.
If you choose to study or work or marry, it is an attempt to be happy. However, the walls of the institution are often built such that happiness erodes away while you try to maintain the structure. Choices made to sustain a structure at the cost of losing happiness lead to increasing unrest, aggression and unhappiness amongst people as the inner self is always in conflict of whether to break away or just stay.
This war is between the different ways people desire to live and is not the same as the conflict of Death & Life, Eros & Thanatos (The life Instinct vs the death instinct as defined by Sigmund Freud). This war is within the self, between the mind and the soul wherein the mind seeks to maintain that which has already been created whereas the soul seeks to evolve to ever higher levels of happiness. Often, when the structure created does not satiate the intention for which it was created, the spirit seeks to spread beyond its confines and seek better ways of finding expression e.g. If a school fails to help children think independently & creatively or if a hospital fails to helps its patients feel peaceful or if a marriage fails to help you feel loved or secure, the spirit feels betrayed by the people obeying the institution than by and tries to get away but feels negative when forced to stay confined by the people protecting the walls of the institution on the argument that financial survival needs compliance to existing rules over congruence between the mind & the soul. The mind that maintains the structure tries to defeat the soul and thus, the body becomes sick if it falls prey to the logic of the mind and neglects its soul needs.
There has been an eternal debate between the negative and positive energies which combine on Earth to create life in physical form. The debate has overtime turned into a battle of life-force vs. death force, creative vs. destructive energies. This book is being written to defeat the forces of darkness, destruction and sadness, which seek to crush the spirit of being alive and happy by resisting change in the existing monotonous structures.
The WAR BETWEEN THE DARK FORCES AND THE FORCES OF LIGHT IS OF ENERGIES AND WORDS - There are no weapons used except manipulation of energies through words and transfer of thoughts underlined with negative feelings from one being to another.
The energies of the darkness resist growth of human mind in creative forms. In their zeal to succeed mechanically, they vehemently protect the way of life which already exists. Hence, they crush anything which seeks to rebel from that which IS so that the seed of change is crushed before it can bring about change. They take life as work and work as a chore to be performed.
The energies of Light want to find joy in being alive, to be playful, to learn new ways of being happy, to love and to feel! They are aligned with the Creator’s ideologies and want to express the fun of being creative like in writing, dancing, singing, painting, making love. They take work as an enriching part of life but define life as far above work. Also, they take work not as a chore but as a joyful expression.
The energies of darkness seek to maintain the existing surface structures at any cost. Instead of changing core, erroneous foundations, they spread darkness, gloom, emptiness, vacuum and fear. They doubt every leap of faith and instead of trying to break free from negative clutches, they wait for death as a panacea from the pain of being alive.
The Light workers give courage to dream and to create anew. They make choices which give them the zeal to live on and create.
Dark forces advise others and themselves to give up hope of a happy way of being and just accept the IS without wanting to change it.
The Light workers also seek to accept the IS but with a desire to be non-negative. They accept the present but strive to make it happier in the future.
The words and not the actions of the person indicate whether s/he is working from a dark alley or from the Gateway of Light at different moments of time.
If the words depress your spirit, your zeal and your expression then the person is speaking from a dark vibration at that point of time even if s/he may be someone you can trust at other moments of time.
It is important to not let seeds of doubts crush our dreams from manifesting because we come on Earth to express our spirit so as to evolve to a higher level of consciousness.
Friday, 3 January 2020

( excerpt from IN SEARCH OF HAPPINESS , chapter 15 - Information from spirit guide - THE OLD MAN - channeled in the past life session )
The Old Man explained Dev’s fanatic tendencies as ‘It is the soul taking revenge against itself’ .Dev became a fanatic Hindu in this life to make up for the atrocities done by him when he was a fanatic Muslim.
It is clearly revealed in this session that it is not the soul which is fanatic, but the human mind .The human mind interprets the need of the soul to do justice to one particular race, as hatred for another race.
The soul does not belong to any religion. The same soul can be born as a Hindu, a Christian, and a Muslim or in any of the various other religions of the world, as it wants to have different experiences. Each religion uses a different way to express the same feeling. It is like using different kinds of vehicles to reach the same place.
Each God represents a type of energy; yet, energy is one whole. It cannot be divided as it merges as one. Spending a life and dying as a fanatic is a waste of effort from the soul’s perspective because in the celestial realms, God is not divided. The celestial realms may be viewed as corporate houses where each type of God works to bring harmony in the lives of people who follow its ideology. But, the Gods don’t fight against each other as there is a power of Oneness above the division of labour.
It is the individualized human mind that wants to be one up on others in its zeal of competition, which creates division. Humans have branded everything as superior or inferior in the spirit of competition including God. Under the robe of competition only one God can be superior. Irrespective of which race the soul is born in, it wants the God of that race to be superior. For example, Dev was a fanatic whether he was a Muslim, a German or a Hindu.
From Dev’s example, fanaticism appears to be a mental disease for a reincarnating soul. The fanatic thought process continues life after life irrespective of the fact that the soul is born into a different religion in each life.
Dev’s soul wanted him to realize that he has to fight against its rigid thought process which makes him want to make one race supreme or one perspective supreme.
Though Dev killed in the name of God, he sinned. He devolved by the spiritual definition of karma because he took away the purpose of life of several innocent souls, spread negativity in his own life and became less intelligent as a soul, since he killed without sane logic.
His soul did not expand its mental horizons in terms of evolution of human consciousness when it tried to survive using animal consciousness viz. killing out of fear or for food. He killed in the name of God but he was paid a salary for it by his king. So, he killed for money using God as an excuse for gaining power in monetary terms.
When we use the doctrine of ‘ survival of the fittest ‘, as Dev did while trying to prove his race supreme, we devolve to animal consciousness where we kill another to eat ourselves. As humans, we have to rise above competition and violence, as we have the brains to develop technology wherein we can survive as a whole, and not in exchange of one another.
Dev was told in his session that he would get peace of mind if he heals the souls whose purpose of life he took away. He was not told that he has to kill other souls to repay his karmic debt.
The soul would find it easier to deal with negative emotions and evolve if developing emotional maturity is given a priority on Earth over competing for pure financial success, which does not lead to happiness, per se. If competition was not important, would fanaticism still be used as a panacea for explaining differences in human thinking?
The pull towards fanaticism is a test for our soul. The test is to resist the temptation of proving oneself or one view as more powerful than others and, instead, to integrate viewpoints. Fighting over religion, from a soul’s perspective, is like little children arguing on whether to write with a pen or pencil or colour.
Our soul evolves by understanding different perspectives while choosing to use each at different times according to contextually varying individual needs.
Section 6 - Conclusion of the session
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