Saturday, 28 March 2020

Mass Mind Grid Manifestations of Feelings Of Drowning

A feeling that you are drowning within yourself as created by this pandemic disease, is a manifestation of the repetitive focus on the feeling of being pulled down by stress in your daily life without taking any time off to gather your inner. space .
China breeds stress. They believe in over working, not being meditative. Suicide and drug addiction rates are very high in China because focus on being
Meditative and free of work is not encouraged.

Natural calamities caused by a negatively tilted soul consciousness -epidemics, floods, famines.

This blog explains the manifestation of feeling like drowning.

Floods result from a negative energy cluster in mass consciousness
which wants to throw up. The individual thought accompanying
the rising waters is, ‘I have had enough, I can’t take it anymore, I
want to throw up’ – a common thought in today’s world.
This thought originates due to an excessive focus on fear of
survival and negative competition.
Most human beings who are successful are concentrated on a
feeling of rising high in material success, but sinking in terms of
peace and relaxation. Pangs of emptiness often haunt individual
minds, since soul needs are sedated to meet external pressures.
Suppressed anger opens its fangs off and on.
The same feeling gets transferred on the physical plane at the mass
level and causes the same kind of destruction as is felt in the
individual mind. The need to throw up, as a mass thought, results
in earthquakes and floods.
The high waves are a physical representation of soaring energies, at
the cost of disturbance of normal balance between the material and
spiritual need of the body and soul. If we notice, the waves literally
look like opening up of a snake’s fangs of anger. The more
individuals feel that they are rising high but losing normal balance .

There are also frequent reports on how the planet is in the danger
of coming under water, with the sea level rising, which may come
true if we chose to continue feeling that we are drowning in the
troubles of life, in our minds.
Epidemics or mass illnesses, result from a negative energy cluster in
mass consciousness focused on the feeling that everything is lost.
Feelings like ‘we are too tired to fight anymore’, ‘one cannot trust anybody’,
‘there is no hope of joy in life’, ‘and death is the only escape now’ are common
particularly amongst the poor masses.
By unconsciously thinking they cannot fight anymore, people pass
these suggestions to the subconscious mind, which affect their
immune system negatively. Overtime, with continuous focus, it is
proven to them that they cannot fight anymore; when external
physical circumstances manifest such that they cannot literally fight
newly created diseases.
During epidemics, there is a fast spread of infectious diseases
leading to death of several people. With a sustained focus on
feeling helpless, the people’s immunity fails them on the physical
plane and they die in despair. The medical cures fail because the
trapped souls believe that nothing can save them from their
problems. They want to give up and die than live in misery not
knowing that when they die in misery, as souls, they may reach
dimensions like hell, where they get even more trapped.
People who choose to give up, subconsciously and die, are not
aware that death would not release them from their traumas since
the problems exist at an energy/ soul level; and the soul would not
die with death. The problems release only when the negative energy
circuits in the mind which cause the soul frequency to dip, are
broken. The trapped soul energy is transcended into a positive
frequency, by disciplined mind control on raising the soul frequency to positive.

For further details on manifestations , please refer to the book -CREATION OF HAPPINESS:THE ENERGY WAR,a soul 's perspective -chapter 18-section :the Earth's mind grid .

Sunday, 22 March 2020

removing disease from the root cause

The fault lies within and efforts aim to clean the yard,
Dirt will keep growing till the root cause is confronted and the weeds released by changing the roots of how to think to live healthy .

The following blog is from the book CREATION IF HAPPINESS -THE ENERGY WAR, a soul 's perspective, chapter 15 (The dinosauric structures of humanity)

A constant desire to complain is heard as a desire to die by your subconscious mind. The soul chooses to quit on life because of too much stress and focus on feelings of anger, sadness or helplessness. Such negative focus leads to creation of diseases and epidemics due to laws of manifestation operating the universe.
Feelings repeat as they manifest through energy cycles of similar frequencies of thought coming one after another.

Till desire to die predominates over optimism, disease or accidents can create a death in your body. Where positive optimism, feeling healthy and taking care of self dominate, disease and accidents can be prevented.

When thinking is negative you, as a co -creator, a part of God, the creator, send out signals of self destruction and destruction of humanity as negative thinking cuts positive maifestation of reality.

If one disease gets cured another develops as long
as the habit of thinking negatively continues.

Wherever necessary, to be free of a disease, you have to leave a profession
or relationship that may be reinforcing your focus on the negative.
The soul’s needs of evolution have to be taken into account for
changing your body’s focus to positive.
For feeling better physically and emotionally, you have to feel
connected to feeling satisfied with the work you do, while making
choices in life so that you receive a clear supply of life-force energy
from the Source.
The essence of life force energy is in being creative as it comes
from the Creator. Your body
becomes unhealthy if you prevent your
consciousness from expanding into creative thinking, as your zeal to
be alive dies out. Therefore, to feel healthy, it is necessary to be and
do things in ways, which enhances your creative potential than
suppress it.
To clear the diseased energies, yiu may have to learn soul lessons
like developing detachment, self-esteem, compassion etc, so that
You can be flexible/creative in your approach towards people , than
be dogmatic or rigid, which makes you feel negative. You need to
learn how to discipline your mind to focus on the positive, even if
the situation around you is negatively centered. These changes in
attitudes need to be implemented along with prescribing drugs or
surgical operations, for health issues.

For example, a core structure like marriage has caught the negative virus of hypocrisy all over the world where people stay married because of fear of social abuse than because of a need to be with each other to feel complete.
Marriage needs to survive on mutual love and respect rather
than because of fear of survival or fear of loneliness or fear of
breaking tradition.

In a society threatened by disease , causes of root sadness need to be addressed and released for you invite sickness by feeling sickened by the structure you live in.
Marriage is a reason for sadness and hypocrisy for several..
Often, marriage is like a profession and like any
profession, it has to be continued if it gives joy rather than for
survival needs. Home-makers need to understand like other work
employees do, that they cannot sacrifice their soul needs for
satisfying a general definition of love or success or happiness. Love
is the reward for staying married but if love dies out, continuing
with the marriage is like continuing a job without being paid for it.Staying married for the sake of being tied to a ritual increases
negative feelings of being exploited, non-understood or sexually
deprived. A ritualistic, compromised marriage takes the involved
people away from God, because marriage is a sacred union and the
sacredness comes from the purity of intention, not the ritual
If the partners do not love each other and still stay married, then
they cheat God because they become negative and move away
from the positive frequency of the Creator.
Any close relationship would be a part of a soul-plan and would
have karmic challenges. A marriage like any other work has
challenges but the test of whether staying married is a part of a soul
plan or not is, whether the union leads to more happiness or
distress in your lives.
If the marriage helps you achieve your soul purpose, staying marriage.
would make you feel at peace even if there is friction. Your future
would be happy if staying married creates more happiness in your
lives than negativity. If it does not, then, maybe, detachment and
breaking of redundant values is the soul lesson involved.
Similarly, on a global scale, structures like armies need to be reviewed.
As far as maintaining armies for self-defense is concerned, you
need to re-evaluate the efficacy of national boundaries in spreading
happiness across the world. It is possible that people are continuing
with national boundaries out of habit/tradition, than a need for
safety. Energies multiply with focus and enmity exists between
countries because of focus on it having been there. The more you
focus on past wars, competition and fear , the more you perpetuate
negativity. You maintain national boundaries because they have
been there and you try not to change that which exists, out of
inertia. Thus, the concept of countries continues redundantly and hence,

need of armies to protect them.
National boundaries were needed in the Olden days when scarcity
was the norm and we did not have technology to spread resources
from one place to another. But, with the current technological
development, the concept of the nation has become notional, and
may be blocking the spread of developmental benefits all over the
world, rather than facilitating growth.
The reducing need for the army is discussed in detail in the case
history covered in the book ‘ In Search Of Happiness: how past lives aafffecrbthe present life.

For further reading please refer to the book

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Healing the root cause

To explain the need for healing the root cause issue
through a metaphor- if we, take the energy
circulation in our body as a flowing drain, a
negative energy reserve acts like a big rock stuck in
the drain, which prevents water from flowing through
A suppressed negative memory prevents you from
thinking and reacting rationally because the energy
current which keeps pulling you down towards
negative beliefs, is very strong.
When you heal this issue, you release the stuck
energy from the mind so that the drain gets cleared off
and water can start flowing smoothly again.
Self- healing or therapeutic intervention helps in
emotional healing just as going to a doctor helps in
healing physical hurts.

In healing through soul empowerment and emotional management , you would focus on
understanding a short and easy method by
which you can access energy clusters of
memories in the subconscious mind.

For further reading, please refer to the book A COURSE IN EMOTIONAL MANAGEMENT

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Desires /Sadness Help To Stay Alive In A Physical Body.

While staying in physical body alive, the spirit
cannot be as positive as it would be in celestial
dimension because physical body is dense.
Density requires atoms and molecules to
move close to each other which requires
magnetism. Magnetism is created by negative
We cannot be completely free of negative
thought while staying alive in a body. If we
want to be free of negative feelings totally, we
have to evolve to being content in a spirit
body which stays in high frequency, spirit
dimensions where movement of ions is freer
and more spaced out.
As the spirit, we do not need food, clothes or
cars. Hence, if we want to be like spirits and in
complete bliss, we have to also give up desire
for physical comforts like saints do and be prepared for death anytime.. . However to be alive as a part of the creator to learn the process of creation , and not be only prepared for destruction or death, desires and karmic debts are needed. Desires help in learning the art of creation as a part of the creator.
The job we do, be it drinking water or
manufacturing films, creates feelings in us. We
feel content and satisfied after drinking water
or making a film. The contentment level rises
or falls but the feeling essentially remains the
same. The energy of contentment varies and
makes the experience different for the soul.
If the level of positive contentment is greater than sacrifice entailed in the act, the soul feels successful as a part of the creator. If the level of loss is higher, the soul feels like a failure as a part of the creator.

For further reading, please refer to the book - emotional management, level 3.

Tuesday, 3 March 2020


“Education is needed to be peaceful, optimistic and happy. The goal of all education is to help children find happiness in life. Education is not imparted just for being successful or earning money to support responsibilities. Education is given so that children learn to think and reason by using their brains more than their bodies, as distinguished from animals”

Education is encouraged in today’s world for as many as can be reached by the literate society but peace and happiness are not as accredited. If you can afford it, have conducive family circumstances or are supported by the government, you do not opt to not get educated but you often take the choice to remain angry and become violent as education is supposed to get you money and acknowledgement.

In today’s world, money is considered as the measure of approval and success even if the process of earning money makes you negative. Anything that is paid for by money is supposed to be considered as motivational by the majority of people who identify happiness with consumable items and aim for satisfaction through buying cars, mobiles, jewels and clothes. However, happiness does not increase by buying products as much as it does not increase by playing with toys as children.

The factors which increase inner happiness are sidelined in the race for earning money which creates a society which is constantly complaining of unhappiness, depressions, diseases and misfortunes; only because the focus of thinking is on the negative aspects of evolution and creating short term satisfaction while ignoring the needs for peace and harmony.

This lop-sided focus of thinking towards using money as the measure of success arises from childhood, where success is measured by getting marks which gets transferred to earning money in adulthood.

There is much less attention given to feeling happy while working in childhood or feeling positive while earning money in adulthood. However, happiness is a result of accumulation of positive feelings which release positive hormones in the body, which, subsequently, create satisfaction in the soul.

In contrast with the presumption that accredited success automatically leads to happiness; the feelings of happiness, contentment, joy & excitement which arise during working in any activity are the key ingredients for the continuation of satisfaction after the job is done.

The outcome of any activity is felt as positive if the feelings being pursued during the act are more positive than negative, on an average. If, during work, compromise is more than satisfaction, people are bound to feel depressed as negative hormones will increase more than positive hormones in the body.

Though there are several good effects of the present education system, there is negligible attention given to creation of positive feelings which would lead to evolution of consciousness towards a more peaceful world. The inadequate method of measurement of happiness by measuring success as good marks is spreading negative thinking by its excessive focus on quantitative development over development of qualitative understanding that overtime, leads to positive thinking in human consciousness.

With increasing emptiness in hearts and violence in the world, there is an urgent need to minimize the negativity arising as side effect of the enforcement of education; for accentuating the positive benefits.

For further reading, please refer to the book SPIRITUALITY IN EDUCATION ( Redefine Success with rising peace, optimism and happiness )

Unveiling Male Unhappiness in Marriage: Expectations, Power Dynamics, and Emotional Disconnect

 Marriage, traditionally, has been seen as a partnership, but modern expectations often create conflicts between individual needs and societ...