Saturday, 7 August 2021

The Spirit Release Process ( Abridged in 7 Main Steps)

 This process is simplified for your self help purpose. The professional spirit release process can take one to 5 hours.

When a person moves away from your life , his or her spirit needs to be released from your energy field by the process of energy cord cutting . The spirit who dies needs to be released into sunlight or the light of God  for a healthy rebirth and reducing of  your negativity which carries over if you hold the spirit of the dead by calling it back. This spirit release needs to be done other than the religious ritual.

The religious ritual of spirit release is important as it helps you ask for forgiveness from the departing soul. You can surrender the soul to God after asking for forgiveness for anything that was done by you which the spirit holds against you. You can also mentally state a karmic debt release statement to release all karmic debt such that it can be converted into positive light in this dimension and all future / past dimensions for the highest good of all concerned, God and Earth. This statement helps you take actions to repay karmic with less suffering.

Usually, spirit release can be done by mentally following five steps and taking action to release the remains of the dead person. Otherwise,  past life therapy maybe needed.

1. Imagine the dead spirit going up through a window of light through an imagined opening on top of the head.

2. Imagine an energy shower falling on the spirit of white illuminated energy like water and negativity washing away as dirty water with the spirit looking brighter  .

3. Imagine animals being released and going into other light or black holes where they belong. Cut cords with all the animals and the spirit looking or feeling lighter .

4. Imagine your cords cutting with the dead spirit, your soul fragments coming into you as threads of light or parts of you and his soul fragments going to him or her.

5. Imagine cords of the spirits cutting with all relatives. This is not a necessary step as it may not complete work without permission from the relatives.

6. Feel the spirit looking lighter, younger and fresh.

 7.See the spirit flying away through a golden door of light. It maybe reborn .

After taking back your soul fragments, take an energy shower of white light yourself.

Feel all your sadness washing away  as negative water flowing away.

Surrender the dead to light of God with blessing him for his highest good and happier rebirth.

Do not call back the dead as it can create a unhealthy rebirth if parts of the spirit remain stuck with you. Holding back the dead can also cause health problems in you.

The book REDEFINING HAPPINESS has two detailed scripts of spirit release .

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