Sunday, 9 January 2022

Changes Expected With Shifting Of Earth Frequency

 This blog is an excerpt from my book : Creation of Happiness: The Energy War, a soul's perspective.


Due to some astronomical changes which take place every 75000 years, the frequencies on planet Earth are expected to undergo a change in the next few decades. Every 25000 years, the planet Earth goes through a shift on the astronomical plane. Every 75000 years, this shift is expected to be a major one, as is happening now. 

 Every 25000 years, the planet Earth goes through a shift on the astronomical plane. Every 75000 years, this shift is expected to be a major one, as is happening now. 

Souls will awaken to new realizations during this shift . Several will exit the planet to move to higher or lower vibrations in mismatch with alignment with shifting  frequencies of Earth.

Sunday, 2 January 2022

Failure is feedback to have more caution

 When you fail, you realize that you have made a mistake in a hurry to be correct. It makes you self introspect, detach from being a perfectionist and slow down to understand varied perspectives.

Failure has to be understood and overcome . If you allow failure and sadness to rule over your sensibilities, it can be as fatal as your death and lead to you leaving all your responsibilities with the belief that you are not good enough.

Some people can cry over failure if they are extroverts and move on with their lives while others may not be able to express their emotions and cry out but may become dysfunctional due to failure .

Failure has to be overcome with a positive spirit to learn and relive again instead of allowing death and depression to take you over.

Your whole past experience is stored in the subconscious mind, along with your previous response, as a computer programme. 

To overcome failure, you need to understand the perspective of the subconscious mind and the soul and retrain yourself to work again with more caution and less trust.

You may suddenly start crying or feeling silenced and demotivated for no explainable reason as several stuck emotions of hurt resurface upon hearing a word, a phrase or an expression, which you must have heard when you were small or vulnerable.

For example, if you cried in childhood when your parents rebuked you for failing in an exam, you may cry or become sad internally, even as an adult, when you fail. You automatically start feeling sad, rejected or unloved as you did when you were a child because your subconscious programming says “Failure brings rebuke’” and a whole chain of negative emotions follow one after another.

Instead, had your parents dismissed failure as a learning lesson, you would have learnt to not feel excess negative energy around it.

Failure works as a learning lesson for the soul. To learn from failure, you have to accept that you have failed, and then use failure as feedback on how to improvise your actions.

For example, the death of 139 people by General Dyer in Jalianwaala bagh in 1917, was a failure of the British army not a moment of pride. The impulse to kill was taken in a moment of  dysfunctionality. But, in a past life therapy session, it was revealed that General Dyer was a hindu in a past life before he became General Dyer and was a hindu in his afterlife where he did a lot of charity work for the community. His failure to be a good human at one moment, in a zeal to work hard with loyalty to his profession,  has affected his karmic debt over a century and made him suffer again and again. Now, over lifetimes, he has to keep paying back karma to help people become positive till the energy radiated at that moment of failure is erased. It is only through seeing that failure during a past life regression session could the person understand the reason for suffering in the present life and choose to be positive in the future with less grudges against humanity or God. Help when given with inner acceptance and positivity is far more fruitful than when given with a negative mind set. 

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