Thursday, 31 March 2022

Addressing Soul Needs Is Essential To Be Happier or Peaceful


Due to neglect of soul needs in the education curriculum, human development has failed to realize feelings of peace and contentment. To be happier or more peaceful, a training in systematic understanding of emotional complexities, needs to be inculcated with the same zeal as mathematical skills are taught.



A focus on integration of soul needs along with material needs while teaching how to make choices in everyday life is essential to create peaceful adults. A training in integrated Emotional and Spiritual development is the only way to permanently increase peace and happiness in the world.


Though we blame everything else except our thinking patterns for the problems in our life ,  a regular focus on grades/marks/ performance ability, success and money has been the core negative thinking principle which has led to a lop-sided development of humanity wherein inner peace of the mind has been sacrificed for a need to perform due to external pressure.


 This lop-sided development has led to creation of imbalanced individuals who have no training on how to resolve complex emotional issues and resort to violence or addictions to vent out frustrations in an attempt to find inner peace.



Human happiness cannot be created as a side-effect of success. You cannot get balanced, peaceful and happy adults by pursuing mechanical/academic success as the goal of education.


Mind patterns are set in childhood and are affected by mass culture which is affected by education, predominantly.  Since, the focus of all education has been on becoming successful at the cost of neglecting training in development of peace and inner happiness, people are driven towards a rat race to earn success.


Training young minds to think that working mechanically for successful performance is all that is needed to be happy makes them feel comfortable about ignoring complex emotional development , which actually aids human mind towards evolving to be happy and healthy through the obstacles which adult life projects.



Children driven towards winning above being peaceful, start finding short-cuts to success which are manipulative and corrupt. A pattern of mass thinking has developed such that respect is measured by money.  If you are not aiming at happiness or inner peace, money for success can be earned by being manipulative and corrupt more than by being good and helpful.


However, happiness and satisfaction come from a job well done whether it is acknowledged as successful conventionally, or not. Winning always is not necessary to be happy. Trial and error are common processes involved in research and inventions. Through the process of overcoming failure, happiness and satisfaction continue to motivate the person towards achieving success with satisfaction. For example, Thomas Edison continued to fail for thirty years before he finally created an electric bulb. Like him, students need to be trained to be motivated from within by a system of education which rewards the process of achieving satisfaction and not just the result.


A balanced training between inner satisfaction and outcome/ happiness vs. success ensures internal and external satisfaction even if the money earned is less than conventionally well defined. But, a pure focus on results/money/success leads to neglect of effort on feeling satisfaction, peacefulness or freedom from anxiety



The need to never be peaceful is conditioned as a habit of thinking during schooling years, due to the stress on external good performance above inner peace. Children are judged as being good or bad by external measures of success like school grades which later are replaced in adults by external measures of success like cars, clothes or jewels.


However, getting good grades or performing well in sports or dance or music or art or earning good money in adult life does not lead to contentment in adult life. Children, always motivated to perform for pleasing society’s norms of success, cannot, naturally, focus on inner contentment.

For further reading, please refer to the book - Spirituality In Education: Redefining Success As Rising Peace, Optimism & Happiness


Saturday, 26 March 2022

Reasons of Depression

 “Overcoming Depression leads to ascension of average positive frequency, soul evolution, a healthier mind & more balanced ambitions, when the pressures of hypocrisy or metaphoric gas, are released with a zeal for developing optimism, positive thinking , hope , satisfaction and spiritually aligned meditative abilities “

Depression is spreading like rapid fire these days. Problems appear to rise when people start talking about them whereas they may have been dormant through centuries. However, problems can also literally increase when there is excessive accumulation of trauma in the mass consciousness and immunity falls for society, as a whole; thus , leading to each falling backwards. This analogy is similar to pollution of air. 

When there is too much pollution, breathing of each is negatively is much need to understand the energy underlying the spread of depression to check its exponential growth. 

Usually, depression is caused due to the circumstances of a person which are affected by a multitude of factors that cannot be controlled as chemical reactions can be. However, the circumstances can be deciphered through methods like hypnotherapy so that the person can view his or her own self –deception and heal.

The healing of depression requires release of suppressed tension by either changing the circumstances or viewing the self from a detached, observer’s perspective. Depression goes into the background when illusions of a perfect world , a perfect education scenario, a perfect self , a perfect marriage and a perfect job break while imperfections are accepted as a natural norm of life, such that ‘freedom to be naturally different’ replaces chains of ‘why can I not be

conventionally perfect ’,in the mind.

Depression is largely a result of self- deception .You become depressed when you feel helpless because things are not as you believe they should be and you cannot do anything about the situation.

For example, depression in school children can be traced to inadequate sleep patterns, trust being broken repeatedly, unfair criticism, unnecessary performance expectations and excessive pressure on the child’s mind to fit into success norms of the world which have been proven to have failed in creating satisfaction or happiness. affected. Similarly, when there is too much hypocrisy in society, well-being of each thinking person is negatively affected.

While rational logic can be devised on theoretical layers and medicines prescribed by research on chemical grounds, there is much need to understand the energy underlying the spread of depression to check its exponential growth. 

Usually, depression is caused due to the circumstances of a person which are affected by a multitude of factors that cannot be controlled as chemical reactions can be. However, the circumstances can be deciphered through methods like hypnotherapy so that the person can view his or her own self –deception and heal.

The healing of depression requires release of suppressed tension by either changing the circumstances or viewing the self from a detached, observer’s perspective. Depression goes into the background when illusions of a perfect world , a perfect education scenario, a perfect self , a perfect marriage and a perfect job break while imperfections are accepted as a natural norm of life, such that ‘freedom to be naturally different’ replaces chains of ‘why can I not be conventionally perfect ’,in the mind.

Depression is largely a result of self- deception. 

For further reading,please refer to:

Monday, 7 March 2022

Transcending a Negative Emotion Into Positive

 A negative emotion can be transcended to a positive emotion by systematically learning how to remove the negative energy component from its energy circuit through redefining beliefs about life, changing expectations and deleting negative memories

 From the book -A course in Emotional Management by Shiva Swati


This Course in Emotional Management is designed to help a person remain peaceful and optimistic through difficulties, so that diseases and misfortunes can be minimized; which otherwise take over the mind and body of the person and make him/her unhealthy and sad overtime.

From the soul’s perspective, the purpose of a life is to help the soul evolve to a higher vibrational frequency wherein it becomes more powerful as a co-creator of destiny. However, a negative emotion releases low frequency energy which makes the soul devolve in frequency instead of evolving. A person dominated with negative thinking always remains sad irrespective of financial success and constantly, complains of diseases which pollute the positive thinking of other people around the person. 

Emotional management helps a person learn how to remain positive when negative energy attacks in the form of difficulties. If the person does not understand how to manage emotions such as to convert negative energy into positive by choice, his/her soul starts radiating depression as negative energy takes over the positive life force of the person. The person’s thinking, spoken words and soul vibrations vibrate out the energy of predominant feelings being focused upon.  A person dominated by negative emotions allows the energy of compromise to rule his mind and his body starts behaving dis-satisfactorily like a bulb glowing with less light.


The ‘WHY MEE? ‘Syndrome is an illusion of alienation which does not exist at the energy realms in which the soul breathes through life. Problems attack every soul incarnating on Earth in different ways depending on the life plan and soul lessons chosen by each while incarnating. Every person on Earth encounters negative frequencies which have to be overcome while the soul endeavors to master the art of creation on Earth, as a co-creator or part of the Creator.

Difficulties come in the path of achieving emotional desires and are planned by the soul itself for learning soul lessons of evolution, before incarnating in a life-plan. To understand the art of creation on Earth, the soul makes a detailed life-plan with a syllabus made in the energy realms before incarnating, wherein it entails soul tests which include its life purpose, priorities, skills, desires and difficulties. The life plan is like a map which guides to a destination of higher positive frequency than the soul had at the point of birth. From the general soul’s perspective, the life plan is achieved if the soul dies happier than it was born.

To be happy and healthy, the soul has to clear its soul tests and rise to a higher, vibrationally positive energy frequency by learning soul lessons. If diseases and tensions pre-dominate a person’s body & mind, the soul feels like a failure as it devolves to a lower, negative frequency instead of evolving to positivity, as planned. 

Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Hypnotherapy is a healing process not Mesmerism


Self-Hypnosis: How Is It Different From Mesmerism?


People do not understand why they need to invest energies on self-hypnosis or systematic meditation when they can just ignore problems by staying thoughtless. However, as discussed above, you cannot keep your mind thoughtless or emotionless because life-force releases through feelings. Metaphorically, if your body is like a car, staying thoughtless is like being in neutral gear. You cannot move ahead if you hold your car in neutral gear all the time. The car has to either move ahead or backwards. Staying negative amounts to moving backwards or going reverse of where you want to go; whereas focusing on feeling positive means moving forwards.

Hypnosis was first explored by Franz Mesmer. He introduced the concept of Animal Magnetism. Mesmer believed that he had the power to magnetize people under his control. He published his theories of mesmerism in 1765. Most people thought it was black magic or witch-craft.

Hypnosis as is used today, is called Clinical Hypnosis which is not the same as mesmerism. Clinical Hypnosis was developed by Dr. James Braid in the 1840`s, who was a British physician. The state of hypnosis is different from mesmerism or a non-thinking, deep trance state. The mesmerized trance state is more like a delta state where the person is in deep sleep and does not remember anything upon awakening.

Under clinical hypnosis, the person remains awake and in self-control while the mind is induced to a state of peaceful calmness away from the hustle of a busy life.

Clinical hypnosis is the reverse of mesmerism as you are put more in command of your life by a connection to your inner self. When you are using hypnosis for healing, you feel safe as your conscience cannot be tampered with, unlike in mesmerism where you are used as a puppet and forget everything upon waking up.

The mesmerized state can be used against the person’s free will to harm his/her body or self -interest by using him like a toy under command of the magician. On the other hand, hypnosis puts responsibility of healing on the self.

Dr. Kappas, a renowned hypnotherapist, found that people are influenced by suggestions given in the Hypnotic state, only after the suggestions are accepted by the conscious mind, and not if the suggestions are given in mesmerized state of absent recall.

E.g. If you want to exercise and are unable to get into a routine, hypnosis can help you get in a routine of exercising but it will work only if you are willing to exercise at the conscious level. If your values and beliefs contradict the concept at the conscious level, the suggestion given under hypnosis does not work.

Though the process of clinical hypnosis uses a meditative trance to quieten the mind chatter, the person remains in control when the suggestions are given and healing works only if the person agrees with the process and allows the healing to take place,

This is an excerpt from the book _ Emotional Energy Management


Unveiling Male Unhappiness in Marriage: Expectations, Power Dynamics, and Emotional Disconnect

 Marriage, traditionally, has been seen as a partnership, but modern expectations often create conflicts between individual needs and societ...