Friday, 27 May 2022



If you would like to heal your soul very quickly, this is going to be the most enlightening blog that you will ever read !

Here is why : My name is Swati Shiv. Several years ago, in 2005, I was broken. I had got divorced recently from a confidence shattering , violent, abusive marriage. I suddenly lost a house which I had built with love,  and I couldn’t even pay rent for an independent  house on my own. Actually , I wasn’t just broke. I was shattered.

Then, one day, I decided to attend a workshop of hypnotherapy . It was about how to connect to the soul that would get me the answers I was seeking from God. I was living with my parents at that time and the first workshop was funded by my mother. It touched me. I attended a second workshop by pawning my gold.

The workshop helped me connect to my past life and feel my soul. My parents did not expect such a reaction and laughed at the idea. My friends thought I was crazy. They said that ‘ think about the present life , why are you going into the past ?” In fact, a friend told me that I am not practical “ why don’t you take a trip ?’

Oh yeah! Well, I didn’t care for drugs to trip on .  I had a child who had autism and another child who was a little girl. I needed to be there for them with sanity. I did not care for people’s opinions. They did not live my life.

I felt deeply connected to my soul and my spirit guides . Soul Healing was awesome. The answers I got from past lives explained all my problems. I continued attending workshops and started healing people. And guess what ? People did start healing and I used the money I earned to attend more workshops and heal more people. But there were queries about the soul, life force , karma ,death … I got answers from spirit guides while healing people as they received answers and I used the money I earned to attend even more workshops so that the answers got clarified with experienced teachers.

And so on…

What’s the bottom line …

I overcame the trauma and survived with positivity uplifting !


More than 11111 lives touched!

Think about it!

Soul awareness has spread multifold in the mass consciousness in the last decade. People are understanding the virtues of positive thinking and existence of the law of attraction.

And what did I Do ? I wrote books and free blogs, started writing on social media and and followers and frients and clients. I also did intensive meditation in all my free time to find a "Deeply Impacting Soul Healing Therapy (

which affected vibrations of consciousness positively. Whether I received direct acknowledgment , likes or reactions or not, the words went deep . Meditation spread vibrations. I was  a drop in an ocean. The ocean moved as I moved with the belief that I was  a part of the whole and the whole will move up with my upliftment .Consciousness was uplifted ,traditionally uprooted and positively tilted. Several people started opening to show their deepest scars and heal them. Incest Law was modified to punish the abusers severely. Divorce was no longer considered  a matter of shame but helped several get liberated from karmic chains that had rusted more than paid back. The “ Me Too!” movement started. People were much less ashamed of their past or their victimhood status.

Have you been a victim of abuse ? If so, you can contact me for deeply impacting soul healing therapy to gain from my experience and wisdom downloaded with years of meditation. I have exceptional practice in thoughtlessness and going deep in meditation as I have a son with autism . My son could not write , read or speak and I had to be thoughtless to be able to read his mind and hear his thoughts. He trained me to be a psychic mind reader  as if a ‘guru’ was born as my son to train me. I could not heal autism, but I could help heal more than 1100 people with normal mental health to get the answers they needed to heal their life.


Who Needs Soul Healing ?

Are you a victim of intense abuse ?

Are you seeking clarity between staying married or divorcing ?

Do you have an inner soul calling to find your life purpose ?

Are you a person who seeks answers from karma to find the root cause ?

Are you a spiritually oriented person who likes to be secular ?

Are you a medical doctor or a computer engineer seeking deeper solutions ?

You see, I had tried conventional psychological counselling, but it could only give me solace but not answers. And , besides that  had no time to go again and again for psychological counselling sessions.

So, I kept searching and searching until I started receiving answers through meditation for me and my clients. The answers were accurate and validated the strangest feelings they had repressed for years. Soul healing was deeply impactful . Negative clusters were broken from within, and positivity rose up freely to touch their lives with inner happiness.


From Victimhood to Inner Strength

By the way, gaining inner strength does not mean that all your problems go away. It means that you become an ace player in the game of destiny but the game moves on. Knowing about your past lives is not the only benefit which you get from Deeply Impacting Soul Healing Sessions. Your past life secrets are just one aspect of your healing. Here is a sample of what you will experience when you experience Deeply Impacting Soul Healing Therapy:

1.      Inner Calmness


5.      Your Unique Life Purpose Clarity


10.   Better Income

14.   Easier Detachment from Negativity

15.   Ability To Drive Better Through Difficulties

16.   Karmic Understanding



19.   Easier Coping with Diseases

20.   Better Results from Allopathic or Other Treatments


22.   Making Choices to Be Happy with Clarity


There’s more. A lot more. Including how (if you’re not married ), to use deeply impacting soul healing therapy to choose a partner with whom you will be happier, how to get success at work with a job you love doing, how to avoid conflicts with family members who maybe jealous of your success, and so on….

Ok, That’s it for now ! You have been reading a lot already, but I hope I have given you a seed of thought to think about how deeply impacting soul healing therapy can help with your specific issues.


Do visit my website to download a free pdf of my book “ CREATION OF HAPPINESS: THE ENERGY WAR: a soul’s perspective “ and start the journey of getting into contact with your own soul to awaken your repressed positive power !

Available on ' Free Download' @



 Healing For Happiness - Deep Soul Healing Therapy















Sunday, 8 May 2022

Traditional routes of success have not led to happiness

Excerpt from my book - Creation Of Happiness- The Energy War, a soul's perspective, chapter 1:

Free download on my website -

 "Since centuries, human beings have been trying to find a route to 

happiness by methods which are externally focused. We have been 

seeking to succeed in the external world, hoping we would find 

happiness with our efforts but usually, we get disillusioned because 

our vision of happiness turns out to be a mirage. 

A mirage in a desert is an illusory picture of water. It gives travelers 

in the desert an indication that an oasis is nearby. 

Similarly, our success gives us hope that happiness is nearby, but in 

life, we keep finding mirages,not real water. The oasis of happiness 

seems to move further away inspite of passing one exam after 

another to meet the demands of traditional success. But, following 

success or power or fame does not automatically lead to happiness.

As a human race, we have focused on technologically developing the tools of happiness, but we have not yet found how to develop happiness, per se. It is as if we are desperately trying to catch our nose from behind the head when it can be caught easily from the front. 

From our soul’s perspective, we are taking unnecessarily challenging roads to happiness by seeking external success, money and power while grossly ignoring our soul needs of evolution. 

Yet, empirical evidence proves that these traditional routes to success have failed success have failed in leading us into a happy world. 

To find happiness, the aim has to be on achieving a direct outcome of being more satisfied and positive as a result of effort not an indirect outcome of success or marks or money. For example, when you read , you need to do the action to feel the direct outcome of satisfaction by reading not to get satisfaction as an indirect outcome of marks. 

From Anxiety to Empowerment: A Past Life to Present Life -Journey of Transformation

  A weak person becomes empowered after doing one to ten past life therapy sessions of 3- 30 hours and it is usually a powerful transformati...