Sunday, 11 September 2022

Soul Evolution , Karmic Contracts

 Evolution indicates growth and advancement. Soul evolution means the ability to create happiness in life along with technological advancement.

Though it is presumed so, usually, technological advancement does not mean an automatic increase in happiness. An increase in happiness implies that we rise to a higher level of emotional contentment with the choices we make in life, that there is a reduction in problems arising due to a diseased mind or body, and that anxiety and stress levels reduce as people realise higher levels of success.

During the last few centuries, with the industrial revolution, we have grown immensely technologically but remain at almost the same level in terms of being happy as we probably did two thousand years ago. Hence, in spite of technological or material advancement, we cannot say that we have evolved asthan we did when they weren’t there. The form of the conflicts may have changed but their energy intensity has multiplied with our stress levels.

If we observe a community when Jesus Christ lived and the present society, we find that there are similar levels of greed, revenge and emotional traumas today as were recorded then.

We have focused on improving our physical living conditions while ignoring the fact that we need bodily comfort to feel emotionally better not worse.

For example, if we buy a car to feel better, then the comfort arising from buying the car is an emotional experience, and not a purely physical experience. 

But, we do not always feel better emotionally after buying a car though we buy the car hoping that it would add to our happiness. The happiness which comes from buying any object is transitory and fades as soon as the newness of the item fades away. That is because feeling happier entails more than just spending money to buy material goods like the car.

So, if we just focus on improving our life at a materialistic level, our method of pursuit of happiness becomes lop-sided. Buying material goods does not change the energy structure underlying our souls during the course of history.

That is because we are not happier people than we have been since centuries. The machines, mobiles, aeroplanes and computers have not ensured that we face lesser internal conflicts, depressions or anxiety.

Therapy for soul empowerment us required to understand life planning, purpose of birth, karmic contracts..

Karmic contracts exist from past life and pre birth stage of the present life to help a soul acheive his or her life purpose on Earth. 

This blog is an extraction from the book- In Search Of Happiness, a soul's perspective 


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