Sunday, 2 October 2022

Emotional Management - How Does It Help Transcend Negativity To Be Positive


Emotional management helps a person learn how to remain positive when negative energy attacks in the form of difficulties. If the person does not understand how to manage emotions such as to convert negative energy into positive by choice, his/her soul starts radiating depression as negative energy takes over the positive life force of the person. The person’s thinking, spoken words and soul vibrations vibrate out the energy of predominant feelings being focused upon.  A person dominated by negative emotions allows the energy of compromise to rule his mind and his body starts behaving dis-satisfactorily like a bulb glowing with less light.


The ‘WHY MEE? ‘Syndrome is an illusion of alienation which does not exist at the energy realms in which the soul breathes through life. Problems attack every soul incarnating on Earth in different ways depending on the life plan and soul lessons chosen by each while incarnating. Every person on Earth encounters negative frequencies which have to be overcome while the soul endeavors to master the art of creation on Earth, as a co-creator or part of the Creator.

Difficulties come in the path of achieving emotional desires and are planned by the soul itself for learning soul lessons of evolution, before incarnating in a life-plan. To understand the art of creation on Earth, the soul makes a detailed life-plan with a syllabus made in the energy realms before incarnating, wherein it entails soul tests which include its life purpose, priorities, skills, desires and difficulties. The life plan is like a map which guides to a destination of higher positive frequency than the soul had at the point of birth. From the general soul’s perspective, the life plan is achieved if the soul dies happier than it was born.

To be happy and healthy, the soul has to clear its soul tests and rise to a higher, vibrationally positive energy frequency by learning soul lessons. If diseases and tensions pre-dominate a person’s body & mind, the soul feels like a failure as it devolves to a lower, negative frequency instead of evolving to positivity, as planned.

The soul feels successful when negative frequencies which create difficulties are overruled or transcended to positive energy frequencies such that good ( high frequency) emotions dominate over bad ( Low frequency)energies within the self and hence, positive vibrations radiates out from the self.

To be happy and successful at the same time, a balance between hope and realism has to be attained such that hope wins over pessimism. To ensure expansion of positivity over destructive tendencies in self, it is necessary to ensure that the soul remains optimistic about attaining its desires in the future, as a soul who becomes too negative while overcoming problems loses interest in learning the art of creation of happiness and seeks to leave Earth by developing diseases in the body which lead to death. The soul who has no desire would not co-create anything positive. Hence, giving up desires of happiness or peacefulness is not emotional management.

 For example, human civilization developed from a desire to build houses. If man had given up the struggle of converting nonsensical barren land to sensible existentialism, we would still be animals living without houses in jungles.

Therefore, difficulties have to be overcome such that desires continue to motivate the person to create a better life, which is possible only when positive emotions dominate over negative emotions through learning how to apply emotional management in everyday life.

 For further reading, please refer to the book  - EMOTIONAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT

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