Monday, 28 November 2022

Spirit Lives on With The Same Worries Till Healed and Released

 The spirit cannot die. It can only choose to leave the body in order to get rid of adverse circumstances on Earth. If your loved one has died, a part of his energy is likely to remain with you till you release it.

Spirits who die fighting in war or at home etc continue fighting after rebirth till healed,calmed and released by the spirit releasement, Theta healing and past life therapies.

The spirit cannot leave if you keep thinking of it. Hence, it is better to let the memories of the form go than hope for that person to remain in that particular body form, as the spirit does not have that body anymore. If you keep calling the spirit, it enters your body because a spirit without a body becomes like a homeless man and needs your support constantly to live on; but it does not feel happy staying on with your support as its own soul has no purpose left to live on. It only stays to take care of you as it feels being constantly called. Parts of the spirit which remain attached to you remain negative.

The spirit continues future lifetimes in the same worries till healed and released. It affects the bodies it is attached to and its future births with making them excessively focused on negative aspects of life,anxieties and depressions.

The following is an excerpt from my book - Redefining Happiness- chapter on spirit release therapy.


If you feel overtly negative or depressed or have excess weight, you may be holding spirits in your body of dead or alive people you were once attached to. Spirit release helps in moving to a more positive state of mind.

Death needs to be taken as the soul shifting from one place to another. If death happens early in life, it may mean quitting a class half way. Hence, if we have the energy left to live, it us better to complete soil lessons in the present life , learn forgiveness and peacefulness and feel content than carry  over lessons to the nect life.

Saturday, 12 November 2022

The Higher Self


 The soul has a far greater essence than being just a body. It is a part of a higher awareness, which is called the Higher Self of the soul in a body. 

 Just as the bulb derives its power to radiate from the main electricity line, the soul derives its power from this greater source of life-fore energy, viz. the Higher Self, wherein the Higher Self derives its power from the main source of Life, viz. the Creator.

 The incarnated soul on Earth is a minute fragment of its Higher Self. Metaphorically, if the single soul in a body is like a small torch battery, the Higher Self is like an electric generator of a building. Or if the single soul is like a single ray of sunlight, the Higher Self is like the Sun. It is the same quality of energy as the soul but is much bigger in terms of power or energy involved and therefore, much more powerful than the single soul.

 The Higher Self exists in non-physical dimensions of the Light in spirit form. It has a much greater frequency 

than that of the soul in a physical body and therefore, it generates much more power than the soul of a physical 

body. The single soul is connected to this Higher Self and gets its sense of identity from the larger whole. 

The soul energy is by itself formless. It incarnates in a physical body which has a form. Being in a physical body is like giving an expression to a painting which the Higher Self’s consciousness creates in alignment with its purpose of incarnation. 

The soul takes birth in the human body to learn the art of mastering the process of creation on the physical dimension. By virtue of being the part of the Creator, the Soul is the Co-creator of the Universe.

This blog is an extract from the book - The Life Plan vs.The Astrological Report by

 Shiva Swati


Tuesday, 1 November 2022

Positivity & Salvation Come From Pursuing Contentment Not Ignoring Soul Needs

 To ensure expansion of positivity over destructive tendencies in self, it is necessary to ensure that the soul remains optimistic about attaining its desires in the future, as a soul who becomes too negative while overcoming problems loses interest in learning the art of creation of happiness and seeks to leave Earth by developing diseases in the body which lead to death. The soul who has no desire would not co-create anything positive. 

Hence, giving up desires of happiness or peacefulness does not get you salvation or nirvana or emotional management. 

For example, human civilization developed from a desire to build houses. If man had given up the struggle of converting nonsensical barren land to sensible existentialism, we would still be animals living without houses in jungles. 

Therefore, difficulties have to be overcome such that desires continue to motivate the person to create a better life, which is possible only when positive emotions dominate over negative emotions through learning how to apply emotional management in everyday life. 

Our soul is like a driver while the body is like a car. A soul who can maintain a healthy body and an optimistic mind through rough patches of life increases its power as a co-creator and helps God just as a driver becomes better in his skills after crossing over speed obstacles; while a soul who feels helpless through life and keeps compromising reduces its vibrational frequency, develops diseases in the body, restlessness in mind and practically, lowers the potential power of the Creator. 

Happiness is an energy of a positive frequency and has to be attained by defeating the thinking of dominating negative frequencies which exist around the soul by either converting the situation to feel positive as desired or moving away from the negative person and situation by understanding detachment. 

Usually, people fail to learn the necessary emotional skills and hence, are unable to achieve happiness as desired. 

Just earning money, success or fame are not enough to find happiness, good health or inner satisfaction.

This blog is an excerpt from the book - A Course In Emotional Management.

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