Wednesday, 31 July 2024

Evolutionary History of Human Education

Shiva Swati

Charles Darwin’s research as published in his book “ The Origin Of Species “ , propagated the theory of Survival of the Fittest , which suggests that animals survive in the jungles by killing and defeating others less capable than the fittest. 

Animals killed because they depended on scarce resources. If you 

did not kill as an animal, you were amongst those who were 

eaten. Competition evolved as a tool of survival because animals 

genuinely needed to develop competitive fighting skills to survive. 

However, due to the repetitive energy cycles which govern all energy 

movement in the universe, these dominant thought cycles continued to repeat 

though external circumstances kept changing as humans evolved from 


Human beings continued to believe in the illusion that if you are not

a winner, you would be a victim without any genuine cause. Though, 

there was no animal-like associated helplessness arising from an 

inability to grow resources, definitions of success and power were 

blindly carried over from the animal mind-set. 

Success in the animal world, came from defeating others because resources 

were not enough for all; and they could not grow resources as human 

beings could; but success in the human world was falsely assumed to 

be that which came from defeating others wherein scarcity was 

artificially created for fun or learning. 

Just as power in the animal world was equated with violence and 

killing, power in the human world was defined by emotional bullying/ 

killing of the optimistic human spirit. . 

Therefore, success and power in the human world, as blindly imitated from 

the animal world, were defined by a survival instinct and not by an increase 

in inner peace or happiness. 

Thus, it came about that, as human beings advanced from animals, 

their bodies evolved but the thinking patterns remained stuck at 

rudimentary energy cycles where the belief was that ‘you have to 

competitively crush others to dominate ‘.It was firmly believed that 

competition was necessary to survive as it had been when human 

ancestors were animals. 

Hence, though teeth were replaced by guns as the brain 

evolved from being animal-like to human-like, the 

technological improvement did not erase the primitive need to 

kill to survive. The concept of the ‘enemy ‘and ‘a need to kill 

another’s spirit to survive oneself’ continued to be accepted as 


This crux of fear based thinking has not changed though human 

civilization has evolved technologically. A vicious circle of scarcity and 

competition has resulted as a circuitous chain of evolution. 

Circumstances of life manifest in alignment with dominant thinking cycles. 

Since there was a belief in scarcity of resources, it manifested such that human beings genuinely feel trapped in cycles of scarcity wherein the scarcity 

is inappropriately advertised by excessive focus on comfort, greed,

deprivation, fear, poverty, future dangers and traditional criteria of right 

& wrong. Usually, individual consciousness is ruled over by mass 

consciousness and we allow others to decide how life should be. 

The education system has developed an imitative mechanism of 

learning such that, the cycle of feeling helpless individually and as a 

mass, has continued automatically from the competitive animal’s 

mind-set. In alignment with the laws of automatic repetition of 

energy cycles, instead of promoting meaningfulness and peace in life, 

education has been imparted in a way which has fueled energies of 

compromise, helplessness and negative competition. 

Animals felt helpless without competing because their intelligence 

was limited to grabbing food and shelter whereas human beings feel 

helpless without competition and bitterness, because of repeated 

patterns of thinking being carried over from animal conditioning. 

Logic is ignored by repetitive energy/ thought cycles until it is 

imposed by deliberate changes in the super-structure made by a 

higher, more positive consciousness. 

The human soul is a co-creator unlike the animal soul which is 

a passive receiver. Therefore, the responsibility of creation of 

happiness, peace and sufficient resources for survival is as much 

human as God’s in the human world. We cannot blame God or 

external factors for our problems just as the primitive man could not 

blame God for not giving rain on time.

Abundance can be created in the human world by choice, unlike the 

animal world which is dependent on luck and rain. The imaginative/

abstract / creative brain power which human beings have and 

animals do not have, automatically places humans on a higher realm of feeling intricacies of life and being in control.

This blog is an excerpt from my book - Spirituality in Education

Thursday, 11 July 2024

Why Is Knowledge Of The Soul Needed?

 When we start indeed the concept of the soul , the mind-set is often that of speculation. Could concepts like the souls being creators or the existence of an alternate world be real; as real as the fact that a wooden table is made of wood, or 

are they simply illusions, a part of a fantasy world, which may or may not exist? 

While worrying about what is reality or truth, and what is 

illusion or fantasy, in abstract aspects of life, we need to be 

aware that reality is not an absolute concept, but more a matter 

of perception. Everything is not made of wood and hence 

cannot be measured on the same scale.

The concept of the soul is an abstract concept, as concepts like 

truth, honesty, God or heaven are. The belief that the soul 

exists cannot be seen or touched by the naked eye, as the 

wooden chair can be. Yet, it can prove to be very useful in 

helping us understand our inner selves. 

Those who have a problem with believing in the term ‘soul’, can 

also use alternate terms like ‘‘the inner self’, ‘the me within’ etc. 

Knowing ourselves from within is necessary so that a resonance 

is achieved between our inner needs of evolution and our 

material needs. 

This resonance between external/material or bodily needs, and 

our internal/emotional or soul needs works to ensure that the 

efforts we put in towards achieving what we desire externally, 

get us rewards which give us satisfaction from within. Otherwise, 

it has often been experienced in our world that hard work gets us success 

and money, but does not necessarily lead to happiness.

Finding ourselves, as souls, helps to break this recurring 

dichotomy between the needs of the body and those of the soul. 

When we discover our soul identity, we break free from the 

negative clutches of a so-called reality of life, towards an 

alternate perception of reality, i.e., the reality of life as viewed 

from our soul’s perspective.

For example, a life-threatening problem which may cause us 

intense anxiety from the worldly perspective appears an illusion 

from the perspective of the soul which cannot die. When we 

realize this illusory dimension of worldly matters, we seek to 

understand what the soul is gaining from creating these negative 

experiences, which are essentially unreal. That knowledge aids 

us in healing ourselves by defeating the fatalism within us. 

In this process, we arrive at a more complex dynamics of all that 

which life on Earth entails, from the soul’s perspective of 

evolution. Thus, we reach a higher level of consciousness.

Entering the world of the soul is a step by step process, which 

begins with finding how our subconscious mind works, because 

our subconscious mind is the channel through which 

information passes from the body to the soul and vice versa.

In this book, we use a logic based approach to understand the 

world of our soul. The intention is to bring the soul out of the 

world of magic, into a sphere of scientific logic, wherein we can 

understand its energies and use them with conscious, rational 

awareness to create exactly what we desire in life, in the

emotional or physical plane. 

This is necessary to remove the fear of the unseen realms from 

our rational minds so that we can focus on our dreams without 

being dwarfed by fearing the unexpected, the worst or the 


From the soul’s perspective, by developing knowledge of the 

invisible world of the soul, we make our soul’s presence active

while making everyday choices of life. Instead of worshipping 

God on a pedestal, we allow ourselves to take action in 

alignment with the energies of the Oneness. We, thus, put light 

on the hidden or dark parts of our energies and clear channels 

for the Creator’s power to work with us.

We start entering the world of our soul by finding how our 

subconscious mind perceives the external world, how we form a 

positive or negative interpretation of reality, and how our 

perception affects our deep sense of identity. This knowledge 

would later help us decipher how our soul uses the physical 

body to achieve its purpose of incarnation on Earth.

This blog is an excerpt from the book -Creation Of Happiness: The Energy War, A soul Perspective

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