Sunday, 18 August 2024

Karmic Guidance Interpretation Eg. From Lord Krishna

Life on Earth is expected to be difficult from the soul’s perspective. since the intention of life is to transcend negative energies into positive.

Sometimes, challenges planned can be tormenting to an individual soul who feels alienated from its real home on the celestial plane. Hence, we have friends in heaven who enter into contract with us to help in executing our life-plan on Earth. These friends are called our Spirit Guides.

The duration of a contract to help may last a life-time or it may be made specifically for shorter phases, applying to a limited period during which the soul may require special or expert guidance.

Our spirit guides, give guidance to us through a given lifetime, while remaining in the non-physical dimensions or by incarnating with us as friends, teachers etc.

If in the non-physical dimension, the spirit guides communicate telepathically by sending thoughts to our minds—through intuition, insight and dreams.

If on Earth, the spirit guides help us connect to our soul selves by offering insights which help us change our core negative belief patterns. Their intention is to help us free ourselves from the vicious clutches of negativity.

Following the guidance is, usually, challenging from conventional social wisdom, but helps us evolve to a more liberated, less negative way of thinking.

Once born on Earth we do not remember our spirit guides, nor do we recall who we truly are as souls, or have been in our past lives.

If our spirit guides incarnate with us as our friends, teachers or soul-mates, we usually develop an instant liking to them without any rational reason if we meet them, in person or through books, films etc.

Irrespective of whether we can decipher their presence or not, these spirit guides are there. The spirit guides are distinguished by the fact that they act like university professors, ready to help, but not to spoon-feed.

They offer guidance but the responsibility for learning the intended life lessons rests with the student.

Unlike ghosts from the dark sides., spirit guides do not threaten, bribe or force. They work more by using love as a driving force than magic or ritual.

If we make choices which can lead to us devolving as souls, they warn us on the dire consequences of our present thinking orientation, but do not create fear in us of the worst.

They help us correct our wrong choices and be more positive whereas ghosts from the dark side create fear in us and make us brood about worst possible outcomes.

The interference from ghosts makes us feel more negative or worried or fearful from within whereas the interference from the spirit guides makes us feel more relaxed, loved and whole.

The spiritual guidance is typically from a soul’s perspective, i.e., a perspective which takes time as eternal, unlike Earth time, which is finite. Therefore, its practical application is realistic from the perspective of soul evolution and may appear unrealistic from the perspective of attaining our immediate goals.

However, if we dare to follow the guidance, it leads to greater success and happiness in life than which we can imagine from our limited human vision.

It is important to note that the guidance given completely depends on interpretation for its accuracy. The guidance is similar to that given by the Gods in some religious scriptures, which has often been misinterpreted, leading to spread of darkness rather than light.



For example, in the Bhagvad Gita, Lord Krishna says—‘Take action. Don’t worry about the fruit’. Most people take this line to mean that God is asking us to take action and not expect fruit from it— probably like in selfless service. However, that is not how it is meant if each word is carefully interpreted.

The words are—‘Don’t worry’, not ‘Don’t Expect’.

It is unlikely that the Lord did not know the word

‘Expect’ and hence he used the word ‘Worry’. Considering that we are talking about God, it is most likely that the most specific word in context was used.

In this famous sentence, Lord Krishna is actually telling us not to have negative expectations. He is asking us not to worry because worry is a negative expectation. Negative energy acts as blocks in the flow of positive energy.

It is natural for a seed to bear fruit, i.e. it is natural that our effort should bear a reward. The only way it cannot happen is when we worry about it and keep digging the ground instead of letting the seed grow. Our doubts, i.e., negative energy created by our thoughts obstruct the flow of creative energy from bearing positive results.

A negative thought amounts to a negative action from the soul’s perspective of reality.

By worrying, we, metaphorically, expect the negative. It is like we keep digging the ground to check whether the seed is growing or not instead of allowing the seed to grow by itself.

It takes time for a thought to get converted into reality but all consistent thoughts do get converted into our reality whether we intend them to or not.

When we worry, we focus on the negative and hence, unconsciously manifest the negative. So, we sometimes make the wrong choices and incur losses where we would have gained had we focused on feeling positive, internally.

Hence, Lord Krishna says that instead of worrying we can consistently take action to speed up the manifestation of our desires. Taking action to manifest positive expectations is as important as not worrying about its outcome.

Secondly, it is important to bear in mind that the rewards may not necessarily mean financial rewards, as rewards can also come in the form of positive energy and happiness.

Herein, it may be noted that selfless service is not selfless from the soul’s perspective, since it aids in soul evolution. From the soul’s perspective, the concept of selfless service does not exist because every action yields some energy, whether it is in material form or not. No act can be considered selfless as the soul seeks to gain some energy from it. Selfless service can help the soul gain respect or repay earlier karma. Either way it would help the soul in gaining positive energy and raising its vibrational frequency.

Barring rare exceptions, every seed has to bear fruit. That is the natural law of the universe.

The soul does not recognize money as such, as the soul cannot directly feel a physical, tangible reality. As long as the energy exchange is positive, the soul has benefited from the act.

Hence, each action bears fruit as long as it is taken with a positive intention.

But, if our efforts yield more negativity in our lives than positivity, it is like sowing seeds in the wrong way and eating bitter fruit.

Therefore, whether rewards from an action come in the form of money or not, every effort we undertake should naturally help us feel positive in some way. Otherwise, it may be more useful not to do it.



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