Sunday, 17 February 2019

BEING BETRAYED in LOVE - Soul's Perspective

Several of us feel negative because of being betrayed in love. Being betrayed in love is a different challenge than being betrayed in business or card games because love involves emotional disintegration and reorientation.
We usually fall in love with people with whom we have karma left over from past lives.
If we have ditched someone in a past life, it is likely that our soul would plan to be betrayed by that soul in the present life, to neutralize the negative effects we created in the past life. Also, we fall in love with the people who may have betrayed us in past lives, as well but we were unable to get over their power over us. There may be soul fragments of ours which have merged in their energy. It is our own energy in them which pulls us because we need to release ourselves from their negative thinking traps.
If parts of our soul have got segregated from our whole, due to emotional trauma in a past life, they remain attached to the person who was our abuser, till we can free ourselves from that energy dimension, wholly. We do not realize that the person we fall in love may have been our abuser in a past life even if he or she may be a negative thinker or a disoriented person, because we are so overtaken by an energy pull.
The reality of our choice strikes us when there is disagreement on work ethics or life’s values, but we try to ignore it. Because our soul fragments are stuck in those bodies, we find similarities between us and them in some aspects where energies match at the soul level.
However, only fragments of our energy is in those souls and therefore similarities may be fewer than the differences in thinking.
Over a period, the differences keep arising because those people, are inherently negative as they were our abusers in past lives. After we break up, we need to take our soul fragments back from them through the ENERGY CORD cutting process. Once, we have our own soul energy freed from their thinking, we realize that we always felt trapped more than loved in their presence.
Likewise, when we cheat/betray someone in our present life, it is either a carryover from the past life where we were betrayed by that person; or we may be creating a new energy cycle of karma. The energy of betrayal comes back to us in some form or the other; though we may not be able to grasp when the energy comes back. We may cheat for a different reason than we get betrayed for; or we may betray a different person and may be betrayed by another person. However, the energy which we radiate does come back to us, whichever route it may take.
The  steps of ENERGY CORD CUTTING are very useful in getting over trauma of being ditched in love. This process is explained in my book REDEFINING HAPPINESS, EMOTIONAL MANAGEMENT and with an example in the book IN SEARCH OF HAPPINESS, a soul’s perspective.

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