Each person focuses on negative and positive feelings.
As is common knowledge, there is a LAW OF ATTRACTION in the universe that determines the types of energies which you attract in your life.
It is often said that your happiness depends on the law pf attraction as you attract energies of happiness if you vibrate positively and attract positive energies.
However, you have to think positive to vibrate with positivity i.e. your setting of your law of creation has to radiate and multiply energies from a positive nucleus … (In alignment with the law of attraction is the law of Creation and the law of Repetition. The Law of Creation ensures that you focus on some feelings over others depending on the reality that you seek to create in your life, as a co-creator , and the law of repetition ensures that the focus is maintained by your constant repetition of the feelings in your mind that creates the multiplications of the energies of your life force from your nucleus, as a spirit co-creating reality with God . The detailed explanations of these laws are given in my other books)
Your average dominant focus is your INEERNAL DOMINANT FOCUS or IDF. This is your key to happiness as this is your average focus/ IDF can be wither positive or negative. If you have negative past lives or die feeling sad or revengeful in a past life , you are born with a negative IDF and you keep attracting circumstances in your life, from childhood , which make you more negative ,as you will read in the case histories given in this book and my other books . you do not understand why your circumstances seem to be working against you but the reason lies in your past life where you have lived and died with similar feelings and which need to be healed for you to have a positive IDF in the present life.
The IDF is affected thus :
While taking in information from the external world, we only take in information which matches with our internal existing energy frequency, at that specific moment. Just as radio FM catches tunes in alignment with its vibrational frequency, we, catch thought waves in alignment with our energy focus.
The internal energy frequency at any specific moment depends on the dominant feelings we are focusing upon in that moment.
The energy frequency of our body is the frequency of the electric current flowing in our body. The electric current flow in the body is created by the electric impulses which are constantly created as feelings are produced.
These electric impulses/feelings carry an electric charge and have individual frequencies. The positive and negative charges get averaged out and an average is established.
Therefore, the frequency of our body at any one moment is the average frequency of all the electric impulses being produced at that moment. This average frequency is called the internal dominant focus point of the body.
Our dominant focus at any one moment is most influenced by the most dominant electric charge in our body. The most dominant electric charge is that of the most dominant feeling we are focusing on.
Hence, the dominant focus point or the average energy frequency of our body at any one moment is most affected by the most dominant feeling we keep focusing on.
Our dominant focus can be negatively or positively charged depending on which feelings we focus upon more.
At any one moment, we feel either predominantly positive or negative.
Happiness comes in when we are feeling happy for any reason, as energies of like frequencies match each other. Sadness comes in when we feel sad for any reason, about ourselves or others. The energy of sadness attracts more of the same.
Once we decide whether to focus on a positive or negative energy, it becomes our point of INTERNAL DOMINANT FOCUS.
This internal dominant focus is the energy of the most automatic/common feeling being focused upon by us, during every day routine.
The technique of acquiring an automatic/ subconscious, positive Internal Dominant Focus is the key which opens the flow of subsequent energy coming in.
To be happy in life, we have to find ways to internally focus on the energy of happiness, and ignore the negative energies around us as illusory or temporary phases of life, created by a mis-guided use of the laws of vibration.
The process of acquiring a positive IDF can be applied mechanically without any real, physical change in the external scenario. Once the key is applied, the lock opens; meaning that once we start focusing on happiness as a deliberate applied habit, the energy of positive vibrations starts coming up automatically in the body. Even if energies of problems continue to persist, we revert to feeling inwardly positive again and again. We cannot stay sad for long as our subconscious energies pull up our spirits, in tune with the new energy circuit we have energized. Optimism and hope start ruling our senses and our soul strengthens as a co-creator.
As will be discussed in later books, the difficulties pass when we expect them to be illusions created by the mind as challenges to an evolving consciousness. However, if there are chronic health or anxiety problems, alternative healing methods like past life therapy may be needed to shift focus on positive thinking from the subconscious mind, as is explained in appendix 2.
A Negative Model of the World revolves around a Negative Internal Dominant Focus
If we believe the negative energies affecting our life to be reality, and happiness to be an illusion, the same manifests overtime in every area of the world we live in.
Since the soul is the co-creator, the internal focus physically manifests. So, by focusing on negative scenarios, the person, subconsciously makes choices which make him feel more negative about the world he lives in.
For example, if a person feels sad, he believes the world is an unhappy place to live in. The mind gives selective attention to the external reality and picks up those aspects which match with this person’s energy frequencies at the given moment. This person is in a negative frequency because he is predominantly focused on negative aspects of life or low frequency thoughts about self. So, he picks up the negative aspects of the reality happening outside as they match with his internal energy frequency.
Thus, he is pulled, subconsciously, towards reading about traumatic events in newspapers , he comes across other people who are unhappy and he feels blamed even when others are not intending to blame him.
If a person focused on his problems comes across something positive, he may allow himself to feel good for a few moments, but, generally ignores the positive aspect as transitory and lets it go, as an unreal fantasy. He believes expecting goodness and happiness are illusions because his belief is that his reality is negative. He does not pause to think that he perceives his reality as negative because he has been focusing on only the negative aspects of his life.
If a sad person was made to count ten blessings every hour, as a routine, he would find several positive aspects in his life. The only way to come out of feeling sad is to start counting positive aspects of life as a drill done every hour or at least once a day.
However, the person has to choose to be happy before any mind exercise can help. If the person is internally unwilling to believe in happiness, negative energy will keep ruling his senses. Only the dominant focus wins as the determining energy flow. If he chooses to stay focused on his problems, he gives selective importance to only that information which matches with his own internal decisive focus.
After taking in all information from the world, which matches with his internal frequency, he now, thinks that everything in the world is as negative as he believes truly. A focus on problems increases problems as it reconfirms the person’s decision to stay sad. Negative energy adds fuel to the already negative model of the world.
The dominant feelings at any given moment, reflect the person’s current perception of the world and the information taken in re-confirms that existing model of the world.
As a result, for each individual, only that world exists externally, which s/he already feels exists, internally.
When we disagree with something, we feel a resistance in accepting it as a truth. This resistance comes from our energy circuitry, since we subconsciously, try to throw out invasion of any energy, whose frequency does not resonate with our own.
Creation of a Positive Self-image or Identity
A positive self-image can be created by counting our positive qualities instead of focusing on our bad qualities, subconsciously. To feel good about ourselves is necessary to find happiness in our life, as only energies of matching frequencies will stay together.
Positive energy will increase happiness by feeling positive about self, whereas problems will increase by a constant focus on our disabilities.
Initially, a habit of feeling bad about self can be broken by counting ten good things in self as a daily practice. Changing self-identity to positive increases confidence, and helps in being happy as a part of soul ascension.
An identity is defined as the way in which we think about ourselves in comparison with the rest of the world. It is our self-image. E.g. I am fat, I am ugly, I am a failure, I am successful, I am average, I am pretty, I am emotional, I am practical, I am confident, I am beautiful, I am intelligent etc.
Identity depends on internal dominant focus. For example, if a person focuses on a sad feeling, he keeps telling herself/himself constantly - ‘I am sad’. That feeling becomes his/her identity. Overtime, with sustained focus, this person creates a reality where he believes that he is sad/depressed by temperament.
The negative feeling which we focus on becomes our characteristic. Other people refer to us a sad person or an angry person etc., because we think so about ourselves. Our behavior matches our internal dominant choice of focus.
With a negative dominant focus, we notice only that energy within us and around us which confirms our negative self-perspective. Since we pick up information from the world which matches our internal frequency, we are usually able to justify our anguish.
At the external or conscious level of thinking, we think we have to focus on a problematic feeling because external circumstances force us to, whereas, from an energy perspective, it is the other way round.
Subconsciously, we perceive the external circumstances as negative because our internal energy balance is negative.
But our internal energy balance is negative, because at some point in our present or past life, we allowed ourselves to focus extensively on feeling negative. This feeling with the highest energy intensity became our dominant point of internal focus.
For instance, it is possible that a person became fat at some phase of life, but subsequently, his identity became “I am fat “. Then, his over-weight is maintained because of his subconsciously held negative self-concept of himself. He cannot lose weight because he constantly keeps telling himself that he is fat. He subconsciously believes he is fat and moves his energies such that the internal command is obeyed. His balanced state of being in an over-weight position is maintained by his habits. He wants to exercise less and eat more because his energy focus is that he is fat.
Change appears threatening because the internal balance is shaken and there is fear of fall. We become habitual to staying with a given set of problems.
Our identity determines our self-worth, and our ability to ask for happiness.
For example, a person who thinks she is shy would take the world to be an unsafe place where revealing her true nature could be threatening.
This attitude could have developed in childhood or in past lives, when the person had revealed her true nature and been hurt. It is likely that the person perceived hurt at the earlier event, because she was already in a negative emotional state of low energy frequency at that moment. Whatever be the reasons, the person formed a negative image of the world in an intense moment of decision.
Once the decisive self-picture is formed, it continues being reinforced by our focus on it being truthful. We perceive the world as negative because energy intake is governed by an internally set decisive energy balance.
Because s/he is in negative frequency, she accepts only the negative information, as viable, and rejects any positive information about herself, as transitory or unreal. Therefore, when ten people appreciate her, and one person criticizes her, she ignores the praise as unreal and takes the one criticism as the ultimate truth.
A confident person who has a high self-esteem can ask for and expect happiness in life as a justified right; whereas a person with a low self-esteem would accept low quality performance as his/ her destiny.
Hence, our perception of reality varies with our self-image which varies with our choice of internal dominant focus. To be happy in difficulties, we have to change our self-worth to positive by choosing to focus on positive aspects about ourselves.
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