Beliefs are uploaded in the subconscious mind during childhood upbringing or come over from past lives. Beliefs, which are accompanied by strong negative emotions, take root in the mind and get manifested due to repetitive negative thinking which is ingrained with magnetic energy. Negative thoughts club with positive desires like magnets get joined on opposite poles. The negative thoughts repeat as sad feelings of fear or anger or doubts and do not allow the positive feeling to manifest till released systematically by dissolving rules, values and beliefs which prevent the positive from manifesting.
Therefore, it becomes necessary to deactivate negative thinking by deliberate mind control as positive desires, cannot manifest if you have deeply ingrained negative beliefs.
An example of how negative beliefs block creation of wealth & success:
Childhood beliefs run through life automatically and govern your choices of thinking about yourself. When your actions are in conflict with your childhood training, you may not feel successful even if you are more successful when compared with peers.
For example, if you are repeatedly warned in your childhood to work hard or you will not succeed in getting marks; your mind will, subconsciously, take these words as a rule of life.
In adult life, marks are replaced by money. You feel successful if you earn good money in adult life just as you feel successful if you get good marks in childhood.
If you accept this belief as ‘the gospel truth’, but do not work hard by your parents’ definition of working hard and do not earn enough money, you may not feel successful ever in life. The three separate words – ‘’work hard “’and ‘’succeed’’ when repetitively clubbed as one rule, may start operating as a programme in your subconscious mind (SCM...)
Once you associate success with money, but your work does not pay you as much money as you need, then you may feel unsuccessful even if you feel happier. Hence, you may constantly feel stressed that you are not as successful as you could have been. When you involuntarily focus on not succeeding more than you focus on being happy, then the mind will create obstacles in your life so that your problems multiply.
Anything can happen depending on the frequency of the energy you manifest by your fear of failure. Success may come in your life from other people’s perspective of what success means but you may feel unsuccessful if you do not attain money by conventional definitions. Your negative belief that you have to work hard to succeed may prevent you from enjoying success when you are not working as hard or find work which is easy/interesting.
Had the conditioned belief been that ‘Whatever you do with a positive attitude, you will succeed’’, then a positive picture of work would have come in your mind from the beginning.
The film of your life expresses your attitude. You would be likely to succeed if you have believed in your worth and energized a positive emotion more than sadness. Expectations from yourself matter more than action in creating outcomes. If you expect success whenever you work with happiness, you will feel successful because you expect that energy to flow from you. Your subconscious mind will work to help you succeed because you have impressed upon it that you will succeed whenever you are happy.
The soul’s path is such that it can be achieved with feeling good within as the soul seeks to raise its inner frequency as a co-creator.
Had your belief been that “Happiness is Success”, you would have ensured that you feel good while working and would have left jobs which do not give you happiness. Your soul frequency would have risen on a sustained basis had you persistently insisted that you should feel happy while working.
Thus, definitions of success change with soul evolution. As you become advanced as a soul, you associate success with more happiness and peacefulness than just earning money.
However, spirits who stagnate into perpetual negative thinking associate success with money and remain unhappy over lifetimes of progressive devolution with each new phase of life representing more diseases, compromise & emptiness than earlier.
FOr further reading, please refer to my book EMOTIONAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT
Shiva Swati, Ccht. RMP, A.M is a lightworker, a soul healer, psychic,a Claireaudient,Claire sentient,Claire transient,an author, spirit empowerment therapist and guide, ,behaviour analyst, clinical hypnotherapist, NLP Advanced Practitioner, Reiki Master,Theta DNA 2 Healer, Spirit Release Therapist, Past Life Therapist, Life between Life therapist,Psychotherapist.(
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