Thursday, 6 February 2020


An external circumstance which can change our choice of emotional focus, by changing our dominant beliefs,is planned at the soul level in a life-plan as it helps in the process of soul evolution. It may be called an Impact Point.

This external event can be as mild as reading something or meeting someone whose words make a person question his/her existing values; or it can be something dramatic, as an accident, a business loss, a sudden betrayal, a sudden death etc.

The impact point is essentially an event which plants a thought in the person’s mind with the intention of shaking his internal balance. This thought is like a seed. It is initially very small but keeps growing till it changes into a tree. It impacts the person’s thinking till he changes his belief system and his life-style, in alignment with the new energy which came in.

A number of Impact Points are planned in a person’s life-plan. These Impact Points are written down in the life-plan records, which are also stored in the subconscious mind. The person has to go through these Impact Points at different junctures of his/her life.
Metaphorically, if a life-plan is perceived as a video game, then, the Impact Points can be perceived as obstacles and bonus points in a video game. They make the existing situation much better or much worse for the person.

An Impact Point usually comes suddenly, so that there is an immediate disturbance on the existing energy focus of the body. The person’s beliefs get shaken upand the internal balance gets disturbed. The intended idea of the impact point is tobreak the existing pattern of repetition of feelings.

Whether the initial impact is subtle or dramatic, the new feeling and thought which come in the person’s mind remain and keep disturbing the existing feeling of equilibrium, till a new level of realization sweeps in which take the person to a different plane of self-awareness.

The new energy, which flows in, spreads over a period of time, and becomes the most dominant feeling in the person’s mind. This feeling becomes a new point of dominant focus for the person.
If the Impact Points are successful in having their intended impact, as planned in the life-plan, then the perception of the person changes in the long run.

However, it is possible that the Impact Points fail to have the intended positive impact in which case the person may devolve to a more negative situation than he was in before the impact point. If the person refuses to let go of redundant beliefs, her/his life may take a turn for the worse.

For example, if a person normally feels negative,she may develop a fatal illness overtimedue to the continuous secretion of negative hormones in her organs. An Impact Point comes in when this person is suddenly told that she has a fatal illness and may die.
The person may chose to take in this information or reject it. It is likely that this person would believe it because there is a graph already existing in the subconscious mind which has created her illness, due to the person’s past focus on the negative. If the person chooses to believe it,she would start focusing more on the negative; the negative energy would take over all her/his existing energy circuits, and her body would give in to the negative energy and collapse.
But, if the person is not too negatively oriented the same impact point can also act as a point of self-realization for her. She may suddenly decide to value her life and feel positive about whatever she has accomplished. She may decide to fight the illness and live on. With a strong focus on the positive,she can pull her energy out of the negative circuits and make it focus on the positive. As soon as she starts focusing on the desired positive feeling,her negative energy circuits would start breaking.
Overtime, avenues would get created on the physical plane to make the feeling come true in reality. So, she may find a new medical treatment or self-help therapy or if she believes in miracles, a miracle may happen. Thus, if her/his focus point shifts, away from negative expectations, she would, most likely survive the fatal illness—and also, grow more positive, as a soul.

It may be noted that from the perspective of the eternal soul, it is the shifting of focus which is important, and not surviving the illness. It is possible that the person’s focus shifts during the last stages of the illness, and since physical manifestation of a feeling takes time, her/ his body may die before the positively focused reality can manifest in her present life.
Yet, since a reality has been focused upon, it would manifest even if it is in the next life. Also, if she dies with a positive attitude, it is an accomplishment for the soul because if a soul dies with a positive attitude, it evolves in frequency and the next life starts on a positive note. But, if she dies with a negative attitude thinking she has failed in creating the reality she desired, she may fall into a vicious circle of negativity for several lives to come, as is discussed in the next chapter.

Hence training the mind to deliberately believe only on the positive is necessary to overcome the negative current which seems to accompany a negative Impact Point.
Otherwise, a negative Impact Point can very easily pull a person into a vicious circle of negativity.
It can be said that the Impact Points are the only events where the universe interferes in a person’s life. That is because these Impact Points are a part of our Life-plan, and come in to make the present energy focus better or worse . They act like a MULTIPLIER EFECT on our energy focus.

Hence, the Impact Points are the only events when things happen with much greater intensity than expected, and they cause an immediate change in the normal course of life. These Impact Points are the events which make us believe in destiny.

HOW to overcome the pattern of repetition deliberately

Positive thinking efforts often fail because of the Law of Repetition.Due to the phenomenon of repetition of energy cycles, though we may try very hard at a conscious level to feel differently, at the subconscious energy level, we keep getting pulled down.
If our previous balance position is negative, our internal balance constantly seeks to restore our previously established energy focus. As a result, we feel that our efforts to shift our emotional focus to the positive, are useless.

The first step to break a chain/pattern of Repetition of negative feelings is to train the mind to remain thoughtless, or in the present, so that the old negative thought patterns no longer get fuelled. Remaining in a thoughtless state makes it easier to shift the mind to feeling positive.

For further reading , please refer to my book CREATION OF HAPPINESS: THE ENERGY WAR ,a soul's perspective- Chapter 10- ( THE LAW OF REPETITION }

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