Thursday, 2 April 2020


Human minds are connected to each other through an electro-magnetic field called the MIND GRID.

The planet Earth is a living entity and has a consciousness of its own, which includes the sum total of consciousness of all human beings living on Earth. Earth has a MIND GRID which encompasses the human mind grid.

The Earth’s MIND GRID is dominated by human thinking. In other words, the thoughts we human beings focus our energies on, create manifestations on Earth.

The manifestations of Mass Consciousness

The thought patterns of an individual can be referred to as individual consciousness and the sum total of these thought patterns is referred to as mass consciousness.

The planet’s energies are directly influenced by mass consciousness.

There has been an overall increase in negative energy compared to positive energy on our planet over the last few hundred years, since industrialization began.

The boom of technology suppressed belief in an alternate reality. Science ruled over faith, though faith was not against science. The top scientists believed in quantum physics which only faith could explain. As Einstein said “THE MORE I STUDY SCIENCE, THE MORE I BELIEVE IN GOD”.
Yet, the laymen started using science as a weapon against religious exploitation. As a result, the emotional support which humans held onto by believing in God, got clouded by doubt. Since psychic intuition was also being misused for gaining negative power, the belief in following intuition also was mocked.People lost confidence in their own ability to connect to a higher intelligence, and felt defeated/negative. While it was necessary to prevent ignorance about religion from spreading darkness, the technology boom of the early twentieth century did not ensure lesser levels of anxiety or stress.
Negative thinking increased as industrialization demanded that the workforce compromise on their leisure time for meeting needs of work. Negative energy increased more as work pressure increased, since women left their homes to earn as their husbands did, in a search for respect and equality. That led to mass schooling and resultant suppression of individual talent. Negative energy further increased as children were overburdened with demands of the competitive world.

A stress on understanding emotions was sidelined as they blocked people from sacrificing themselves to work in the industries.

The masses were asked to prioritize work above all else, be it happiness, love, freedom, creative thinking or sexual completeness. People were given temporary pleasures to remain slaves of work which glittered on the surface but did not interfere in work timings like cinema, fast foods, cloth bonanzas, cars, drugs, alcohol, weapons etc.

With speedy technological development, emotional needs started getting more sacrificed, as emotions could not be touched or heard and did not glitter as the machines of the technological age did.
Therefore, to the evolving young souls, they did not appear as fascinating toys as the cars and mobiles did; and were neglected as not worth spending energy on.
The orientation of the modern age became focused on external, tangible innovations. The needs for emotional cleansing of the soul, necessary to clear energy circuits and attain happiness were suppressed. A pursuit of happiness was considered a distraction of the mind, because happiness could not be seen or proven to exist.

Emotional management was not considered a priority, though, had it replaced religious dogmatism, it would have balanced material development and soul evolution; success with happiness.But, happiness was sidelined in the pursuit of success in the material world in the belief that it would come automatically, with the Midas touch.

Since, negativity was not addressed, the negative thinking patterns could not be transcended into positive and accumulated over-proportionately. Depressions and disease increased in societies.
The technological inventions glittered and awed humans , but did not fulfill soul needs like feeling loved, sexual satisfaction, creativity, being in a healthy body and laughing from within.

A focus only on external aspects of life led to everincreasing soul dissatisfaction. As people spent their money and effort on buying goods which promised happiness but did not give happiness, there was a rising feeling of emptiness in life.

Due to excess negative energy clusters, the planet Earth, now, experiences an energy imbalance. As the energy imbalance tilts more towards the negative, life gets continually threatened by physical manifestations of a catastrophic focus, like floods or epidemics..

When, individual consciousness is focused on the negative, mass consciousness is automatically cantered around the negative.

The more individuals feel sad, the more physical disasters increase. As Earth exists in a physical dimension, whatever we focus on, in our minds gets manifested at a physical, tangible level. Each person’s thought patterns has an effect on mass energy levels, on a continual basis. Hence, whenever we engagein any kinds of negative thinking as in worrying, depression, low moods, feeling stressed, angry or diseased , we directly contribute to an increase in negative energy clusters on the planet.

Just as individual consciousness affects mass consciousness, the reverse also holds true. An overall negative mass consciousness affects individual consciousness, negatively. If an individual attempts to focus on the positive, s/he is constantly forced to focus on negativity by other people, focused on their problems.

Each feeling is converted into a picture at the subconscious level, and each picture mobilizes energy so that it can get converted into reality, in physical terms.
When we focus on thoughts which adversely impact our joy of living at an individual level, events happen on the planet which pull down the overall joy of living.

As a result, there is widespread increase in different types of diseases, epidemics, natural calamities, floods etc. At the same time, violence also increases in the world at both the individual or mass levels, inspite of all the preaching to control it.

Suppressed rage rules human minds, and throws up at irrationally uncontrollable moments because negative emotions when repeatedly unaddressed, get fuelled by an internal, subtle focus on negativity.
The unaddressed emotions do not get transcended into positive on their own. The suppressed emotional anger has to be systematically released, so that the consistent release of stress hormones in the body can be controlled.
When we ignore our internal traumas and do not try to heal our wounded hearts by emotional management therapy, we feel defeated. The feeling of failure makes us get more trapped in the vicious circles of negativity.
A denial to focus on unhappiness such as to address and heal it, leads to creation of more unhappiness due to internal suppression. People keep compromising with being unhappy because attempting to be happy requires rebellion from existing mass thought, which instills fear in non-evolving humans.
Souls have to keep evolving to higher, positive frequencies to attain ever rising levels of happiness and peace. Choosing to be negatively static emotionally, leads to frustration as the soul needs to evolve, to desire to stay alive.

The external reasons which we blame for the calamities, suppressed violence or wars are manifestations of a result of a negatively focused human mind.Our individual focus on the negative, adds onto the energy of unhappiness in the world, in different ways depending on the specific feelings being focused upon.

Examples of manifestations of individual negative consciousness onthe level of collective consciousness

Natural calamities caused by a negatively tilted soul consciousness


Floodsresult from a negative energy cluster in mass consciousness which wants to throw up. The individual thought accompanying the rising waters is,‘I have had enough, I can’t take it anymore, I want to throw up’ – a common thought in today’s world.

This thought originates due to an excessive focus on fear of survival and negative competition.
Most human beings who are successful are concentrated on a feeling of rising high in material success, but sinking in terms of peace and relaxation. Pangs of emptiness often haunt individual minds, since soul needs are sedated to meet external pressures. Suppressed anger opens its fangs off and on.
The same feeling gets transferred on the physical plane at the mass level and causes the same kind of destruction as is felt in the individual mind. The need to throw up, as a mass thought, results in earthquakes and floods.

The high waves are a physical representation of soaring energies, at the cost of disturbance of normal balance between the material and spiritual need of the body and soul. If we notice, the waves literally look like opening up of a snake’s fangs of anger.The more individuals feel that they are rising high but losing normal balance of life, the more floods like Tsunamis occur.

There are also frequent reports on how the planet is in the danger of coming under water, with the sea level rising, which may come true if we chose to continue feeling that we are drowning in the troubles of life, in our minds.


Epidemicsor mass illnesses, result from a negative energy cluster in mass consciousness focused on the feeling that everything is lost. Feelings like ‘we are too tired to fight anymore’, ‘one cannot trust anybody’, ‘there is no hope of joy in life’, ‘and death is the only escape now’ are common particularlyamongst the poor masses.

By unconsciously thinking they cannot fight anymore, people pass these suggestions to the subconscious mind, which affect their immune system negatively. Overtime, with continuous focus, it is proven to them that they cannot fight anymore; when external physical circumstances manifest such that they cannot literally fight newly created diseases.

During epidemics, there is a fast spread of infectious diseases leading to death of several people. With a sustained focus on feeling helpless,the people’s immunity fails them on the physical plane and they die in despair. The medical cures fail because the trapped souls believe that nothing can save them from their problems.They want to give up and die than live in misery not knowing that when they die in misery, as souls,they may reach dimensions like hell, where they get even more trapped.

People who choose to give up, subconsciously and die, are not aware that death would not release them from their traumas since the problems exist at an energy/ soul level; and the soul would not die with death. The problems release only when the negative energy circuits in the mind which cause the soul frequency to dip, are broken. The trapped soul energy is transcended into a positive frequency, by disciplined mind control on raising the soul frequency to positive.
Letting sadness ruleover our zeal to be alive cannot help our souls find happiness through death. But, overcoming difficulty bycreating happiness while alive, can lead to further happiness after death, since a happy soul reaches a positive dimension.

Droughts/ Famines

Droughts/ Faminesresult when several individuals are focused on feeling barren. Thoughts like ‘there is not enough nourishment in my life /; there is not enough to live on/ I feel empty / the Gods are angry and are cursing us/ I am falling short of resources/ resources are not going to come/ we have to live with the bare minimum/life feels barren etc. create physical manifestations of barren land.

Water is the essence of life. It is when people feel that the essence of life is missing that they create the same reality on the physical plane, by repeatedly focusing on feelings of emptiness, deprivation thirst or craving.

Rain can be manifested during drought, through a consistent focus on feeling wet and satiated, irrespective of the dryness outside. But, if people focus only on the external reality, and feel more deprived, they reinforce feeling dry and create more of the same feeling. Then, they blame God for their problems, in desperation for water but that worsens their situation.
When negative vibrations leave the soul energy, they get multiplied through praying with a negative mind-set, since the positive energy which God sends back gets sucked into the blackness.

Metaphorically, if a child paints a canvas black and then expects his parent to fill it with colors, it cannot happen. The blackness has to be reduced for any other color to fill the canvas. Similarly God’s positive energy cannot reach us when we feel black or empty from within. It is only when we, as souls, become neutral or attain some degree of positivity, can we receive the positive vibrations from the universe.

Man-made calamities

Wars and terrorism- result from a mass consciousness where individuals constantly feel cheated, and deprived of their fair rights, where there is a fear that abundance is limited, belief that there can be never enough for all, and for one to survive another must die.
When individual free thought is suppressed and masses believe that bullying others can lead to getting them back their own rights, then, use of non-intellectual methods of persuasion seem justified.

Wars are an extension of animal consciousness in the human mind, where one animal has to kill another for his own survival.

The continuance of the need for wars proves that human consciousness has not yet evolved to its true potential and is still stuck at rudimentary levels of survival. Logic has not developed to the extent of negating the need for violence, because the easy way out can still taken by using bull-strength.

for further reading, please refer to the book CREATION OF HAPPINESS _ CHAPTER 18- THE EARTH'S MIND GRID AND MANIFESTATIONS

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