Sunday, 12 June 2022

The Art Of Mastering Consciousness

 With each step forward in the wilderness, expect Light and sooner or later, you will know where to find it.  While the Sun may be temporarily blinded by clouds, it is always there, and it will appear, sooner or later…..Believe, it is there and you will SEE IT, as soon as you EXPECT TO SEE IT!”

 This blog is an excerpt from the book - CREATION OF HAPPINESS- THE ENERGY WAR, a soul's perspective -chapter 15 

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Mastering consciousness is the art of fine tuning our expectations so that we think of only that which we desire to create, or let our mind remain still, as in thoughtless states. The idea of mastering consciousness is to ensure that we do not waste energy on thinking of that which we do not desire to happen in our lives.


           Random negative thoughts which we drift upon in lazy moments of exhaustion, worry or helplessness, come in the way of manifestation of a clear, positive desire. Our doubts prevent energy from getting focused on a single positive outcome, thus, preventing a desire from manifesting. If we keep feeling sad or focusing on the negative, our mental energy keeps getting dissipatated and nothing concrete can manifest.


Metaphorically, a positive expectation is like a rocket leaving for its destination, whereas negative thoughts (viz. doubts and fears that the expectation may not manifest) are like small missiles planted across the path of the rocket. The missiles prevent the rocket from reaching its destination. Mastering consciousness attempts to prevent the missiles from shooting down the rocket.









A desire can manifest if persistent effort is invested mentally on feeling its realization with satisfaction and physically, if action is taken by the body to manifest the desire.


Manifestation of a desire is a SOUL – MIND – BODY co-creative function. The soul creates the desire. The mind fuels the desire by manifesting it by feelings entailed in a thought. The body executes the desire by taking action upon the thought. If action is taken with a positive feeling, the desire manifests with satisfaction. However, if doubts start interfering in the manifestation of a desire, the desire loses its energy fuel and may not manifest at all or manifest in a way that it does not lead to satisfaction.



A desire is fueled from the frontal lobe of the brain. However, doubts come from the back of the head and the spine. While the desire is energized an s a long ray of positive thought, doubts manifest as tiny arrows which keep cutting the line of thought till it gets distorted. Doubts can be created within the self from past experiences of failure or they can be sent to the brain through transfer of energies of doubts from people around.


To manifest the desire with the continuous arrows of doubts coming from the back of the brain, the soul frequency has to be raised of the desire so that tiny arrows can be destroyed in the mind before they block manifestation of the desire. Soul frequency can be raised when a desire is planned to manifest such that satisfaction yielded is higher than pain involved in effort invested/







We, as souls, choose to master our consciousness when we crave for peace and happiness above all else. Once we are clear that we want to be happy, we use all obstacles as learning steps. Thus, we choose to understand the soul’s perspective behind every difficulty.


In the process of mastering consciousness, we focus on negative feelings only as much as is needed for learning how to overcome them. Otherwise, we stay in a vibration of positive expectation. We gain from the difficulties by extracting the positive message of soul evolution, which the encounter is meant for.


Other than imbibing the message, and taking the necessary steps to overcome the problem, the master soul tries to deliberately stay away from negative feelings. Instead, it makes an effort to remain focused on the realization of the happy feelings, it wants to experience.

Using the negative experience only for learning from the beginning, and discarding the low frequency energy, as soon as possible, is necessary to prevent the negative feelings from spreading negative energy in our body, mind and soul.


Even the slightest unnecessary or extra focus on negative thoughts is dangerous, as negative thoughts once focused upon, can grow so persistent that they can prevent the whole process of creation of a dream.


A negative thought has the same effect as a drug like cocaine has on the body. It releases negative hormones in the blood stream. Even a little bit of focus on brooding negatively, can make a person an addict and prevent him from being productive.

Negative thinkers cannot manifest anything they desire because they are unable to dream of being in a positive world. They always have negative expectations and, therefore, keep creating new problems for themselves.


Hence, people focused on cribbing and worrying are unproductive from the perspective of learning the art of creation, because they keep stimming around the same circles of grumbling on different issues.


Through creating a dissatisfying reality for themselves, with a constant focus on the negative, they block their own souls from evolving up on the dimensional scale. They are self-destructive and waste complete life-times in futile effort towards mechanical success, as the effort they indulge in does not help them grow happy, as souls.


Mastering consciousness is the goal of the process of soul evolution. Initially, in the process, we, as souls, learn how to overcome the tendency to get distracted by negative thoughts, when we focus on a positive outcome.

As the soul further evolves, the art of mastering consciousness involves fine tuning positive expectations to create exactly what we desire. This means that the soul not only doesn’t get distracted by the negative, but also is very specific in the positive direction it focuses on.


           While learning to fine tune its expectations, the soul focuses on the details involved in each thought, which involves focusing on the overall holistic feeling involved, as well as on the minute feelings involved in the outcome desired.


           For example, if we want a new dress and we don’t have money to buy it, the initial process of creation would entail that, through constant focus on the imagined feel of wearing it, we are able to get a new dress in our life, irrespective of where it comes from. It may be gifted by someone or we may decide to splurge on it.

            However, the dress may not give us the satisfaction we expected it to, because it may not look good on us or we may realize that we wanted a deeper feel good factor than the dress. Or, we may have impulsively spent money on buying it, which we did not want to. This error in creation occurs because of the focus on the external picture and not on the feeling behind it.

            If, instead we had focused on feeling good while wearing the dress, we would have bought a dress which looks good on us and which we would have bought from money we did not regret spending.

            Or, if we had focused only on feeling good, irrespective of the dress, we would have felt good irrespective of whether we bought the dress or not, through being subconsciously led to something else, which would have made us feel as good or better.


            Hence, learning the art of creation entails mastering consciousness to the extent of understanding the feeling entailed behind each external manifestation, and having the ability to focus upon the feeling while focusing on the external picture. Also, the focus has to be maintained, without worrying about how it would manifest.


           If we do not focus on the HOW, the desire manifests in unexpected ways.


           For instance, a friend I had was not getting a house for rent in her budget. She used to feel negative often and it took years for her to get convinced about the fact that feeling helpless cannot ever empower her. She finally, saw reason in applying the Law of Creation, after having failed to achieve happiness, by cribbing about not having.

            As a trial, she decided, to control her mind from dwelling on the feelings of helplessness and frustration. She used her desire to live in a better house for her trial experiment. So, Instead of feeling negative in the house she was living in; she started to focus on the energy of being in a house which had a ‘feel good’ factor.

            She was good in meditation. She stilled her mind and connected to the Light and asked for the energy of happiness to fill her body and mind. After feeling the positive vibration of happiness without attaching any form to it, she felt purified in her own energy. She then, focused on being in the house which helped her feel positive in alignment with her soul’s purpose of evolution.

            She soon found a house near her workplace, which was for rent. But, it was a little expensive for her. The landlord was not willing to lower the rent.

            So, the next step to focus on, was to tell the landlord, mentally to lower the rent. Telepathy is most effective when done before sleeping at night or as soon as we get up, in a semi drowsy state, so that arguments are minimized.

            She did telepathy for three days.

            The desire manifested in a way she had not expected. She had been looking at the first floor of the building, but while praying she did not ask for the first floor, specifically. As a result of her meditation and the impact it had on the universal energy matrix, someone took the first floor before she reached. But, she got the second floor in her budget. It was almost as nice, except that she had to climb one more flight of stairs, which she was okay with.

            Well, it did not end there because her ambition grew as she succeeded. She, instead, took the ground floor house of that building which was the most spacious and more than in her original budget. Because she succeeded in her meditation, her faith grew and she decided that she did not want to compromise on her happiness. She could now meditate on her income increasing and manifest that.

So, one positive manifestation led to a desire for another positive manifestation; and scope for further soul evolution. With each choice of leaping on faith, her realization of happiness grew. She felt happier and more relaxed when she shifted to her new house. The positive energy  made her feel stronger to achieve her soul’s purpose , her innermost desire, by trusting her instincts more than the negative reality she encountered, externally. As her inner focus changed, her external reality started becoming better, through unexpected circumstances and coincidences.


Thus, by concentrating on mastering consciousness, our positive expectation is specifically activated. We mobilize our energies to get the particular  feelings we desire to manifest, without wasting effort in erroneous creation.


           Erroneous creation could have happened in the above example if she had not used the Law of Creation correctly by staying focused on a positive outcome.


            If she had not used mind control to stay positive, she would have stayed worried that she would have to compromise on her budget or not take the house. That way she would have created the opposite of what she desired. By feeling helpless about her life situation, as she often did earlier, she may have again manifested a house, which did not please her as much. But, when she could get the house in her budget, and her other desires also started manifesting little by little, her faith in the energy matrix, grew.

            Her soul evolved in the process of using the Law of Creation, because it increased her confidence in herself as being able to create what she desired, through controlling her mind. The external world manifested her focus in an unexpected manner which made both her and the landlord happy.


            (The precaution we used here to not create something which may harm somebody else, was that she connected to the Light before meditating and asked her soul mind to manifest her desire in a way which raised her soul frequency towards believing that happiness exists. So, the desire manifested in a positive manner and not in a way which could have harmed another person or caused karmic imbalancing. 


            It is important to still our mind and feel the light, fluid energy of peace in our mind and stomach, while using the Laws of Creation. Focusing on peace reinforces the energies of being in peace. Otherwise, desires may manifest in unexpected ways, which may cause us more pain than pleasure in the long run)





Explaining Through A Metaphor


           Metaphorically, learning the process of creation is like learning painting. The art of mastering consciousness is the same concept as the process of mastering the paint brush. Learning to use the paintbrush accurately is necessary to paint exactly what one wants.

           In the initial stages, the painter would fumble with the paintbrush. He would not know how to focus his paint to get the outcome he desires. But, with practice, he would get better.


           Mastering consciousness, like mastering the paintbrush, requires that the creator designs his thinking knowing what he wants from his efforts.

           For, if the painter paints without knowing what he wants, then even though sometimes the painting comes out beautiful, most of the times the painting does not come out as the painter desires. Without understanding what he wants to paint, the painter, effectively, wastes his effort and resources.


           Similarly, if the thoughts of a person wander aimlessly, he, effectively, creates randomness/anarchy in the life he paints for himself. His desires do not match his expectations, and he ends up creating a life which he did not desire at the level of feeling. Material success without feeling happy within leads to intense feelings of frustration.


           Soul evolution entails a balancing of goals because happiness is a holistic phenomenon. If we are happy in one aspect of life and unhappy in other aspects of life, our soul cannot rise to a very high positive frequency because the energy of unhappiness would block the energy of happiness from taking root, in our core being.


           Therefore, in personal life we, as evolving souls, have to make efforts to invest our energies in feeling loved and respected, and in professional life, we have to make work choices which makes us feel exuberant and fulfilled from within, rather than choosing jobs which makes us feel that we are mechanically performing.


           It is only when the person understands the feelings he wants to see manifesting in his life, and focuses on only and all those feelings and thoughts, which can get him what he desires in a deliberate, planned manner, can he mobilize energies to create the same in his life.


           Mastering Consciousness in everyday life means that we focus not only on attaining material success but also focus on feeling good in our free time. It entails that we attain success in emotional parameters along with the countable success we may attain in our professional life. It is necessary that we do not assume that financial success would automatically bring in happiness because it won’t. To feel happy with our energy investments, we need to make effort to be happy and healthy with positive mind control, while pursuing our goals.


           On the other hand, Mastering Consciousness also entails that if a person is focused on feeling happy, then his focus has to be on being productively happy and not become a drug addict to remain in bliss. The happiness he focuses on has to lead to soul evolution and him becoming a better person.


         If the soul is evolving with our choice of dominant focus, we would remain stoic and positive, during life’s challenges and overcome them with a smile. Disappointments would not appear as daunting. We would be able to control tears with a deliberate effort to feeling happy. Detachment from betrayals and moving on to feeling peaceful within, than focusing on past traumas or revenge, would become progressively easier



           Like the painter, who, with practice becomes more adept at handling the paintbrush, the soul becomes more adept in the art of creation with evolution. Overtime, the soul learns to master its focus to create exactly what it desires. A highly evolved soul is one which can co-create complex creations. In celestial dimensions, soul evolution involves creating by manipulating several dimensions of energies through mastering consciousness at multiple levels, at the same moment.


           However, right now, on Earth, we are mainly concerned with the first aspect of mastering consciousness, viz. the ability to focus only on the positive or on no active thought - i.e. the ability to control random thoughts such as to focus on good feelings or remain thoughtless.

           When we are thoughtless, we are focused on a mechanical activity like the sound of our breath, the vision of a bulb glowing, watching or hearing the tap running etc. The state of thoughtlessness is distinct from the state of thinking actively as there is no feeling attached to the state of being thoughtless. We are in a neutral, detached zone where we are neither negative nor positive.


           By only focusing on the positive or on the neutral, we can control the instructional data going to the subconscious mind; and thus prevent ourselves from energizing and fueling the negative.


           While trying to discipline our minds, we need to remain aware of the fact that the process of mastering the law of creation is not an overnight process. It is a step-by-step process of overcoming the pull of negative energy. It may take several years or life-times before the soul can master its consciousness to the extent that it can focus on creating just what it desires by manipulating its expectations.


In fact, in the initial stages of soul evolution, it may be several life-times before a soul even understands the link between thought, feeling, energy transmission and creation and starts feeling the need of trying to be non negative.


           Awareness helps in speeding up the process of soul evolution, necessary for attainment of happiness.




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