Monday, 26 June 2023

Tradition vs Evolution

 Empirical evidence proves that the traditional routes to finding happiness through success have failed in leading us into a happy world. 

To increase happiness, investment of time and effort needs to be on understanding emotional and spiritual needs than just on what can be seen or touched. 

Silencing the negative chatter of the mind by focused meditation on staying thoughtless and feeling detached from problems helps increase energy of peace.

The state of being neutral and just feeling peace is necessary for erasing negative energy concentration and multiplication of positive energies in everyday life.

Energy vibrations manifest the same in life only when we focus on what we desire, as souls. If we need peace, we need to spend time on feeling at peace internally even if that means defocusing on pursuits of the world. 

 Instead, we spend free time on earning money, travelling, havingfun or eating and drinking unhealthy foods in the false belief that this effort towards being restless and on the move all the time, would help us be peaceful or de-stress.

Relaxation does not rise by replacing negative thinking with escaping in visual, sensory or bodily pleasures. Diseases and medical bills indicate that we have strayed away from the soul path as bad health occurs due to our inability to put effort where the soul needs.

The body suffers when inner peace is sacrificed for external pursuits. 

The soul’s vibrational positivity reduces due to excessive negative thinking which occurs by pressurizing the self.

Exercising focus on positive thinking has to replace choosing success in a way which makes us pressurized to perform. Unnecessary stress on performing creates addictive tendencies in the human mind. 

Good performance leads to success but not happiness unless accompanied with positive vibrations.

Staying free of negative thinking by deliberate mind control on being thoughtless helps us distress and relax more than just letting the body indulge in eating, drinking or sexual addiction .

This blog is an excerpt from the book - How to be Happy in Difficulties by Shiva Swati

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