Sunday, 14 January 2024

Heart Chakra Healing


Different chakras have different functions. They influence both the emotional and physical health of the person.


For example, if a person’s success is blocked, the sacral chakra needs healing. If one has heart problems or has problems in relationships, the heart chakra and the solar plexus need healing. If the person has communication problems, the throat chakra has to be balanced.


If the chakras are clogged with negative energy, positive energy does not flow smoothly through them. Therefore, energy mobilization towards creating a positive reality does not take place.

In fact, if the chakras are excessively clogged, the process of positive creation gets blocked, even though we may visualize or try to feel manifestation happening.

Negative energies keep getting generated and blocking the process of creation, since adequate positive energy does not radiate from low functioning chakras.


This happens because the body is the soul’s machine for transmitting energies of creation. If the machine malfunctions, energies cannot be transmitted. If the chakras are blocked, doubts and fears overrule one’s focus of feelings. It becomes impossible to maintain a sustained focus on our desires with constant disruptions coming up. Metaphorically, if the car’s brakes are not working well, we cannot drive fast even if the road is clear.

Hence, to be able to channelize energies for the purposes of creation, to manifest what we desire to experience in life, it is important to clear, heal and balance the chakras so that they transmit the energies of creation clearly in a strong, sustained focus path.


Chakras get blocked by a focus on negative feelings. Negative energy concentrations act like road blocks and prevent the smooth flow of positive soul force to the body. The blockage accumulates over long periods of time and, hence, usually involves factors like traumatic past lives, difficult childhood experiences, negative beliefs about life held from family generations etc.


Chakras get cleared as we emotionally evolve by a deliberate focus on staying positive and on learning soul lessons. Meditative states where we focus on staying thoughtless, help in clearing the negative flow of energies and, therefore, clear chakras.

 Energy healing practices like Reiki, Pranik healing, Chakra cleansing meditation, Past Life therapy etc. also help in clearing chakras as they loosen the hold of the negative energy on the person by making him aware/conscious of his subconscious states of mind.

However, only the mechanical cleansing of chakras by itself cannot help in creation, as it has to be sustained through a focus on expecting the positive in the present and future.

If we clean the chakras as a routine meditative process, but allow ourselves to focus on negative aspects of life, chakras repeatedly get clogged.

 This blog is an excerpt from my book - Creation Of Happiness : The Energy War, a soul,s perspective

Tuesday, 9 January 2024

Tips on handling criticism

 These are main points of handling criticism. the energy healing methods of the same in detail are given in my book - REDEFINING HAPPINESS, a soul's perspective

5 key points for handling criticism

1.      Take criticism in an emotionally detached manner. Be non-judgmental with yourself.

2.      Hear criticism in a third person position. Be an observer to the event, than taking it in directly.

3.      Keep an emotional barrier like an imagined glass wall between you and the abusive person. That would filter out the negative energy, subconsciously, and help you find if there is anything useful in the words spoken

4.      Cut emotional attachments with the person who is negatively dominating by using the process of EMOTIONAL CORD CUTTING and throw out negative energies which harm your body. Do not feel inferior if the other person does not agree with your personality or your perspective of life. Repel away the negativity trying to come into you as you would repel a dark force. The negativity is infectious as it keeps corrupting the mind like a virus.

5.      Instead of focusing on words which hurt, focus on the underlined feelings or the thoughts communicateded. If some part of you agrees with the criticism, ask yourself why. Pay attention to any positive energy coming from the words spoken. Let the useful elements of the criticism come inside your mind. However, before choosing to integrate them in your behavior, enact the suggested changes in your mind. If you feel happy mentally with the results, then you can choose to be the changed person.

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