Saturday, 19 October 2024

Self Healing Exercise For Transcendence of Negativity To Positivity

 This blog is an excerpt from my book - A Course in Emotional Energy Management

The negative emotional memories of past traumas in the subconscious mind get stored as energy files of digital data. Each emotional memory gets stored in separate files of energy units.  Electric impulses which match in frequency get accumulated and create energies of depression /disease in the body which are not in conscious control of the person.

The data base has to be accessed subconsciously and the energy frequency changed with therapy and meditation towards neutralizing the negative. These energy formations do not break till you make a conscious attempt to break them, by processing out the negative energy accumulated in your mind.

Deep Energy healing which also aims at emotional healing clears the negative energies of the mental, emotional and etheric body and connects your inner self to your astral and spiritual bodies. Integration of bodies leads to alignment of soul, body and mind so that you can make choices while integrating your life purpose. Healing of the soul bodies and reconnecting with the spiritual self creates positivity in mind and release positive hormones in the body as a state of being in peace with life’s choices is attained. Feeling in peace prevents diseases and minimizes need for medicines or surgery.


Self-Healing Basic Exercise -

 SWITCH between a positive and meditative state of mind is a zero frequency state of mind. A ZERO /GAP state of mind is said to physically exist at the center of your moustache area which is the place between the two nostrils, above the lips.

If you maintain focus at this point, for about thirty seconds, you will attain a ZERO state of mind or a detached state of mind. Activating this silence zone will create energy shifts in your body. This space of neutrality is activated by sparing time to focus upon it on a daily basis once or several times a day.

As you keep focusing on the space above your lips, try to feel the breath coming in, going into your stomach and coming from your stomach, to your nostrils and out. Feel the connection between the breath and your stomach moving in and out as you inhale and exhale. Be aware that your body is responding to the breathing.

Getting an awareness of the connection between your stomach and your nose will take some time but as you get an awareness, you will feel more relaxed and more in control of your life.

Make sure that you are not focusing on your problems while you are focusing at this point between your nose and lips. While maintaining focus at this point, you will neither feel positive or negative. You will be in a state of neutral detachment. From this state of detachment, you can move to focusing on happy feelings by choice.

{You cannot jump from a negative state of mind to a positive state of mind till you pass the neutral zone. Detachment from predominating worries is necessary to shift your Internal Dominant Focus (IDF) point from sad to happy and create happiness in the future. No problem will be resolved till you stay negative as solutions require a positive frequency of thinking}


The Subconscious Mind Always Has a Positive Intention

There is a soul lesson underlying every negative experience. Memories of difficulties are stored because the subconscious mind wants you to learn how not to repeat the mistake. Just as a toddler makes mistakes in acquiring a balance while learning to walk, souls fall into difficulties while learning to evolve.

The negative memory that was originally created by the event which caused the strong emotional impact, and was subsequently reinforced by similar events which followed, can be erased, only after learning the soul lesson involved. Past life soul healing therapy maybe required for deep healing & attaining peace& happiness in the present life.

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