Monday, 30 December 2024

Why Healers live in losses — Spirituality, Money & Technology

Science requires money investment. Spiritual science is the same . It needs investment to develop accuracy in energy transmission to get corect answers. Spirituality , Money and Technology are three pillars of humanity . Energy flows where investment goes . However, spending all the money on technology and minimum on spirituality has led to a lop sided development of humanity . 

The gurus or saints who become very rich are taking huge amounts of money for general healing not for specifics targeting individual karmic healing . All saints have to return back in householder roles before they get salvation from a life cycle of trauma . Healers have to charge money for healing as money is charged for technology . Giving free general healing in an ashram is not the same as professional individualised healing where you heal karma of others and take responsibility of their well- being . An individual paying significantly for his own healing affects his improvement significantly directly than paying for general charity or religion by vibrational multiplication of intentions . 

Healing can go in energy much more than planned . If the healer does all the healing, he has to pay fully to God and angels even if the client pays less . Often, client response determines healing thank number of hours as healing happens at the astral soul level where time goes not exist . 

Most healers charge very less and live on losses. If they are not supported by a pension or inheritance , they have to leave healing after the losses become too much  or they can die or get crucified to pay back karma of others .

The following scenario of the trauma of healers has been researched for understanding why healings fail due to a disconnection between money and spirituality while there is a very strong connection fuelled between machine and money by the same people. Money is the battery of human exchange which has to be understood respectfully and not mocked as being unnecessary for survival .

 There is a vibrational connection between science, money and spirituality - the 3 pillars of human evolution. 

Healing Tiers and Their Outcomes

Healing depends more on positive intention of the healer and receptivity of the client than the technique . Energy of healing is passed if the healer is positively charged and it drains out in the healing session. The healer has to recharge himself or herself with meditation and money invested for recovery  whether through savings,  loans , inheritance, help or pensions 

Principles of Money and Healing, cause & effect 

Energy Exchange: The subconscious mind associates higher monetary investments with greater value, activating shifts in consciousness and transformation.

Subconscious Perception: A ₹50,000 investment on healing in current times of money inflation, triggers belief changes that give ease in life similar to choosing a high-quality mobile phone over a basic one, where the perceived value unlocks higher functionality or results. Healing can prevent heart attacks, diseases, suicides, depression or Ocd etc. if instructions ae followed with sincerity. A Rs 5000 mobile phone does not scientifically give as much comfort as  a Rs 5000O mobile phone and the same principle holds for spiritual healing in the subconscious mind . The subconscious mind thinks in terms of numbers not perceptions of value  by society definitions . It takes healing seriously when money is invested on it as on a wedding or a travel or education. If clients do not pay, they cannot blame the healer as their own receptivity is clouded by doubts.

Karmic Allowance: Healing outcomes at lower price points are less consistent, as karmic readiness plays a larger role without the activating power of financial energy exchange. 

A past life session with future progression works accurately if the money paid is as for scientific technology equipment as subconscious mind associates numbers of high value with relief . You have to create reality in tandem with current trends of money value. 

Healing also depends on your circumstances.For some people, healing works like magic as they have already suffered enough , their karma is repaid and they are ready for moving onto salvation. If it does not work for you at less price, its because more learning is required of how to value God and spirituality more than materialism and survival. Its a tough lesson as paying is a higher level of compassion than suffering. 

This structure reflects the interplay between financial investment, subconscious belief, and spiritual transformation, ensuring alignment with individual readiness and karmic potential.

Healing Outcomes and Energy Exchange

If healers heal for free, the clients' karma comes on the healer and they suffer health or love or financial loss. Overtime, the client has to pay up his own karma again if he has not paid the healer through some other way . Healing is not to absolve punishment but to shift punishment from suffering to paying as paying is a higher form of acknowledgement of wrong done in past lives and a desire to correct that wrong by healing the energy in distress in present life through paying for that healing than suffering it. Two spirits sitting in a body of  suffering does not heal karma as much as paying up to God or a healer can who can make you visible to God directly . "Till you life your hand, God cannot pull you up ", is an old saying. You have to push yourself to be pulled out of misery.

A lower investment diminishes the energy exchange, making it challenging to activate transformational shifts in consciousness and vibrations.

This highlights why proper energy exchange is crucial to achieving spiritual and emotional breakthroughs, ensuring both effort and investment are aligned with the desired outcomes.

A move towards the New Age or Satyug necessitates a balanced individual investment on spirituality and technology. A greater investment on technology by individuals creates unhappy people as one aspect of life is totally neglected . A higher investment on spiritual healing and attainment of happiness  by individuals reduces energy flowing on technology and increases energy flowing towards positivity vibrationally . Technology cannot replace spirituality .

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