Sunday, 24 February 2019


The Voice of the Soul

“I, as a soul in a human body, realize that I exist in an infinite realm of timelessness. It is only, the finite human body, which is limited by zones of time, but the energy, me, the soul within, remains eternally.

There is no limit on the number of experiences or human bodies, which I, as a soul, can choose to inhabit.

I understand that the whole process of evolution is that of mastering consciousness.

There is no emotion, be it fear, anger or happiness, which cannot be mastered because they are only manifestations of thought forms, which can be transformed into Light.

If negative energy exists, in my life, in the NOW, there is no reason why it cannot be transformed into positive, if I but choose to focus my thought on it, with awareness of what I am creating.

 There is no sin, which cannot be forgiven, if I but choose to learn from it. 

The Choice to be happy or not to be happy, IS MINE, and I have the FREE WILL to choose, which is given to me by the Laws of the Universe.


I take the responsibility to create and I realize that what is created is but a manifestation of my consciousness.

When I create with conscious awareness, of my power as the creator, I know that the World I live in is a WORLD of MY choice, and not one ruled, by any force, other than me.

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