Monday, 4 March 2019

To Feel Alive Or Just Survive

There has been an eternal debate between the negative and positive energies which combine on Earth to create life in physical form. The debate has overtime turned into a battle of life-force vs. death force, creative vs. destructive energies. This book is being written to defeat the forces of darkness, destruction and sadness, which seek to crush the spirit of being alive and happy by resisting change in the existing monotonous structures.

(To Feel Alive Or Just Survive)

The WAR BETWEEN THE DARK FORCES AND THE FORCES OF LIGHT IS OF ENERGIES AND WORDS - There are no weapons used except manipulation of energies through words and transfer of thoughts underlined with negative feelings from one being to another.
The energies of the darkness resist growth of human mind in creative forms. In their zeal to succeed mechanically, they vehemently protect the way of life which already exists. Hence, they crush anything which seeks to rebel from that which IS so that the seed of change is crushed before it can bring about change. They take life as work and work as a chore to be performed.
The energies of Light want to find joy in being alive, to be playful, to learn new ways of being happy, to love and to feel! They are aligned with the Creator’s ideologies and want to express the fun of being creative like in writing, dancing, singing, painting, making love. . . They take work as an enriching part of life but define life as far above work. Also, they take work not as a chore but as a joyful expression.
The energies of darkness seek to maintain the existing surface structures at any cost. Instead of changing core, erroneous foundations, they spread darkness, gloom, emptiness, vacuum and fear. They doubt every leap of faith and instead of trying to break free from negative clutches, they wait for death as a panacea from the pain of being alive.
The Light workers give courage to dream and to create anew. They make choices which give them the zeal to live on and create.
Dark forces advise others and themselves to give up hope of a happy way of being and just accept the IS without wanting to change it.
The Light workers also seek to accept the IS but with a desire to be non-negative. They accept the present but strive to make it happier in the future.
The words and not the actions of the person indicate whether s/he is working from a dark alley or from the Gateway of Light at different moments of time.
If the words depress your spirit, your zeal and your expression then the person is speaking from a dark vibration at that point of time even if s/he may be someone you can trust at other moments of time.
It is important to not let seeds of doubts crush our dreams from manifesting because we come on Earth to express our spirit so as to evolve to a higher level of consciousness.

Evolution of the Soul

Evolution indicates growth and advancement. Soul evolution means the ability to create happiness in life along with technological advancement.
Though it is presumed so, usually, technological advancement does not mean an automatic increase in happiness. An increase in happiness implies that we rise to a higher level of emotional contentment with the choices we make in life, that there is a reduction in problems arising due to a diseased mind or body, and that anxiety and stress levels reduce as people realize higher levels of success.
During the last few centuries, with the industrial revolution, we have grown immensely technologically but remain at almost the same level in terms of being happy as we probably did two thousand years ago. Hence, in spite of technological or material advancement, we cannot say that we have evolved as souls during the course of history.
That is because we are not happier people than we have been since centuries. The machines, mobiles, aeroplanes and computers have not ensured that we face lesser internal conflicts, depressions or anxiety than we did when they weren’t there. The form of the conflicts may have changed but their energy intensity has multiplied with our stress levels.
If we observe a community when Jesus Christ lived and the present society, we find that there are similar levels of greed, revenge and emotional traumas today as were recorded then.
We have focused on improving our physical living conditions while ignoring the fact that we need bodily comfort to feel emotionally better not worse.
For example, if we buy a car to feel better, then the com fort arising from buying the car is an emotional experience, and not a purely physical experience. But, we do not always feel better emotionally after buying a car though we buy the car hoping that it would add to our happiness. The happiness which comes from buying any object is transitory and fades as soon as the newness of the item fades away. That is because feeling happier entails more than just spending money to buy material goods like the car.
So, if we just focus on improving our life at a materialistic level, our method of pursuit of happiness becomes lop-sided. Buying material goods does not change the energy structure underlying our problems.
Therefore, the material object of comfort only serves to shift the focus of our problems. But, the pain comes back in another form. For instance, after buying the car we may start worrying about its instalments, its maintenance, traffic congestions etc. So, the form of stress will shift but the stress would continue.
Due to lack of training in looking beneath the surface, at the energy underlying phenomenon, inspite of improved living conditions; depressions and mental disorders have multiplied due to the demands of the modern, technological world. In our misguided belief that external comfort leads to happiness, our inner craving for peace has been sidelined.
To evolve in terms of achieving higher levels of peace and happiness, along with technological success, we need to pursue our needs of soul evolution in balance with the demands of survival on Earth.
The soul seeks to stay alive in a healthy body wherein our external energies resonate with our internal desires, as souls.
We evolve as souls when we raise our human consciousness above the evolutionary needs of our ancestors viz. the animals, who cared only about bodily needs. Human consciousness aims to raise souls above animal consciousness.
As souls, we incarnate on Earth to understand how human experiences help us gain or lose positive energy. When we gain positive energy, we become happier people and when we lose positive energy, we become sadder people.
Becoming happier helps us move closer in frequency to the Creator’s high positive frequencies. So, by moving closer to God’s way of life, by believing in abundance, love and trust, we evolve as human souls, as distinct from animal souls who are primarily focused on the survival instinct.
As will be elaborated in this book, each soul plans a specific life purpose for the span of a life-time, and it gains positive energy or becomes happier as it moves closer to realizing that life purpose.

Though the needs of human survival can be unanimous for all beings, Happiness for each soul is individual and cannot be generally defined.
Each soul comes with a unique life-plan and has a unique life purpose. Each person’s happiness comes in the path of pursuing his/her life purpose, and not by simply pursuing a traditional definition of success in Earthly terms. Whenever we pursue only external success on Earth, we create more stress in our lives than happiness with our efforts.
An awareness of our life purpose and how it has to be followed such as to create more positive energy than stress is necessary to attain soul evolution.


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