Sunday, 7 April 2019

Release SPIRIT after Abortion/Miscarriage to Send Child to LIGHT OF GOD...

This blog is an excerpt from my book REDEFINING HAPPINESS
REDEFINING HAPPINESS - 25 Methods of Handling Negative Feelings(Anger, Guilt, Fear, Anxiety, Sadness): Spiritual Karma (a soul's prspectve Book 3)

METHOD   21:
Healing the Trauma Of Abortion

•       Steps to release the spirit of an unborn child
•       Understanding the religious aspect
•       The effect of silent talking on the baby in womb

Abortion has religious ethics attached usually, which prevent people from using it carelessly. However, though irresponsible sex cannot be taken lightly, having children as an inevitable burden is also not advisable from the soul’s perspective.
Sometimes, religious views make us decide against the soul’s perspective of evolution; for the soul, life does not end with death. Some souls choose to leave the womb of a mother, who they may have entered by mistake. After the soul comes in, it may realize that the mother or her circumstances are too negative for the child to have a happy life. Hence, the soul may leave by inducing an abortion. The same soul may plan to come back to the mother when she is in a more positive vibe.
Some souls have karmic balancing attached with abortion. They have to die in the womb because they killed babies in the womb in previous lives, as abusers.
Some other souls, may choose to be aborted if they have little karma left and do not want to live a whole life of penance. Life on Earth is difficult and some souls may choose to bear an intense encounter with pain by dying before birth, than deal with it little by little, by living a long, dissatisfying life.
Usually, souls who want to leave communicate so to the mother. If the mother meditates, she would be in a position to know whether the child wants to live or go.
However, abortion, whether voluntary or forced, creates a sense of extreme emotional deprivation. As a part of soul energy dies out, the pain of death causes depression subconsciously. Even if that soul fragment is negative or wants to go back by choice, a sense of loss accompanies the death.

Steps To Release the Spirit Of An Unborn Child
•       The soul of the child always needs to be released after the abortion. The following steps can be followed:
•       Lie down with spine straight.
•       Focus on the top of your head
•       Release black smoke out and feel a soul fragment leaving
you, revolving and going to the sky.
•       Imagine a ray of light filling you up.
•       Feel the ray of light travelling to each part of your body.
•       Feel each part of you glowing with light.
•       Now, focus on your stomach.  Count yourself down
from 25 to 0.
•       Go to your stomach and   imagine   taking   a   ball   of
energy out.
•       Imagine it to be a fetus .You may give it a form or let it be formless.
•       Call an angel from the sky.
•       Imagine an angel coming.
•       Go to the sky with your baby, in your imagination.
•       Give the fetus or the ball of energy to the angel and ask the angel to take it to heaven where it would be happy. Feel the baby with wings, free as a soul.
•       Feel that the angel is taking the baby to heaven. If black energy is attached to it, it will be sucked in a black hole.
•       See the angel entering a golden gate with the baby. If you want you can also go to heaven with the baby in your imagination. As a spirit, fly with the baby in heaven and ensure it is safe. If you cannot enter heaven with your body, see that a part of you is coming out of your body and entering heaven with the baby.
•       If you are unsure, just command the baby to go where it belongs. See the baby going in the sunlight.
•       Feel  that  the  baby  has  gone  where  it  belongs  in  the celestial dimension.
•       Feel as you imagine that the child safe, and be back in the clouds as a spirit.
•       If the baby has to come back, it may stay as a baby in heaven till it can come back. If its karma is over and it does not have to come back, it may dissolve its baby form and merge with its Higher Self.
•       Now, take an energy shower of white light as you stand in the clouds.
•       Feel light from God filling you up and feel a shower of the brilliantly lit energy of God’s love filling your body.
•       Imagine a waterfall of energy falling on you as if you are taking a bath of energy to cleanse your sadness. Feel a black ball of energy getting washed off from your stomach, as residue leaving you.
•       Feel white light entering your stomach and womb and cleansing it.
•       Imagine your baby in heaven.
•       Now, if you want the baby back, ask the baby if it wants to come back.
•       Accept the first answers coming to your mind.
•       If the baby does not want to come back, it means its karma with you is over. Release your desire or guilt with grace. Cut the ENERGY CORD with the baby and see it flying away as a soul into the light happily. Cleanse your womb with blue light. Release your depression as a paper of energy and see a positive symbol of power coming back to the womb.
•       Come back into your body on Earth. Imagine entering your own body as a spirit coming from the sky.
•       You can use the following steps before sleeping every night to heal further from any sense of loss and conceive again at the right time:
•       If the soul of the baby wants to come back, ask God to help you bring the baby back when you sleep every night. Or if another baby is destined for you, ask that baby to come in.
•      Feel the baby as a spirit of light around you as it may connect to you while being in heaven, through your thought waves.
•       Feel a golden weapon of light like the CROSS or A TRISHUL
or a holy book coming into your hands.
•       Take the light of the holy power in your womb.
•       Align your crown chakra with a light above your head and say that ‘I will support my soul in achieving its soul purpose and help my baby when it comes back to evolve as a soul and feel loved”
•       Feel yourself growing in aura/ size as a spirit. Feel that you are double your size.
•       Now, see a baby coming into your hands.
•       Ask the baby to come when it wants to and when energies are more positive so it can stay on. Hug the baby and feel its love.
•       Now, visualize the baby being born.
•       Visualize yourself feeling powerful and happy that your baby has come back.
•       Thank God and the life force around you.
•       Thank the energy of love for entering you.
•       Then, send the spirit of the baby back to heaven and ask it to be safe till it can enter your womb.
•       Come back into your body.
•       Wake yourself up from 1-5.
•       Be aware that you have safely sent your child to heaven and it will come back.
•       Take a relaxed breath, smile, feel light in your womb and open your mindset to creating life again.
•       Thank God for blessing the soul of your baby and helping it reach heaven through you. It is far easier for the soul of a baby to get released, after death, than it is for an adult man or woman who are more caught in the vicissitudes of life.
•       Parents who let go of their aborted babies help the babies’ soul evolve but if parents hold back on a dead fetus, part of the baby cannot get released. Then, that part of the energy of the baby stays negative and creates pain in the parents’ mind till it can get released. Even if the aborted baby reincarnates, this part of the stuck spirit fragment can cause negativity and has to be sent to the celestial plane for the new child to live on with a positive spirit.
•       Releasing the baby’s spirit into the light helps the parents understand that life is eternal, that death is never an end, and hence evolve as souls.
•       Realize that the baby will come back when you are more ready.
•       On the other hand, if this soul’s plan with you is over, then another soul may come as your baby.
•       Till children are ten years of age, their birth, death and diseases help the parents learn lessons of soul evolution, more than the children.
•       The same process can be applied to release spirits of small children also.

Spirit release helps on removing excessive trauma from life which is unexplainable otherwise.

Understanding The Religious Aspect
Abortion is avoided by several people because of religious conservatism. However, while respecting religious views, we also must realize that God is not a static entity, which does not evolve in ideology.
God is a life force which is far more powerful than the soul force in a human body and hence, God’s speed of evolution is higher than of normal human beings.
If God said something two thousand years back, it is not necessary that God would agree with that doctrine himself in the present context.
For example, if it is believed that Jesus Christ said that children are a gift of God and abortion should be banned, then we also need to consider that Jesus Christ lived in comparatively primitive times. Violence and disrespect for women was far more rampant in those olden times, than it is now.
If abortion was permitted, then it was possible that men would use women a lot more callously than they could if some restrictive norms of responsibility were implemented. Also, the medical science was not developed and methods of abortion were cruel. The intention in those times was to help humanity rise above barbaric culture and take responsibility for its actions.
Considering that the intention of Jesus Christ was to spread love and peace, he spoke against abortion in order to curtail the tendencies towards violence against women and children.
However, in today’s times, women are far more liberal than they used to be. Also, the economic pressures on women are almost as high as on men. Usually, women are not given adequate leverage because they bear children.
Hence, women need to exert their right on whether they are ready to bring a new born baby into the world or whether they prefer to save the baby from facing unnecessary negative circumstances by asking it to go back to heaven, if need be.

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