Sunday, 7 April 2019

Talk to your BABY in the WOMB WITH LOVE
This is an except from my book REDEFINING HAPPINESS..  Chapter 21 :

The Effect Of Silent Talking On Baby In The Womb
Another important point to note is that silent mental talking to self is taken by the baby as suggestions by the mother, which affect the child in the womb. While communicating to the baby within the womb, helps the mother and the child in understanding each other, negative thinking or talking can be harmful.
If the mother fears her negative circumstances or wonders if she should abort, there may be premature abortion. The baby is very receptive to the mother’s talking and takes on suggestions as commands.
The baby also develops qualities which the mother desires, while it is the womb.
For example, if the mother wonders if her child may be special needs, the child may be born with some kind of disability .Or if the mother fears her pregnancy may not last, the child may die in the womb. The mother can also affect the sex of the child by asking the child in the womb to take on a particular sex in the early months of pregnancy. If the mother fears that the child would be a sex that she does not want the child to be, then the child would be that sex, as repeated fear goes in as a strong suggestion.
If the mother asks the child to be strong after birth, the child will display those qualities.
All the repetitive thoughts of the mother pass on to the child and manifest in the baby in some form or the other. Hence, it is important that the mother remains positive during the pregnancy. It helps to stay relaxed, optimistic and get adequate sleep and rest for the baby to be born healthy and happy.
Listening to music, swimming and pre-natal exercises help significantly in having a good pregnancy, while alcohol and cigarette intake  cause major setbacks to  the  health  of  the child. Meditation and maintaining thoughtless states help the child significantly, as the child is a pure spirit and can connect to God far more easily than adults, governed by illusions of boundaries on Earth.

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