Monday, 29 July 2019

Purpose Of The Soul

By an alternate interpretation of reality is meant the perspective of reality which affects the purpose of our soul. We start with the understanding that we are, essentially souls in human bodies. As souls, we plan our lives, before incarnating for achieving a purpose. The reality of life which affects the purpose of our soul is bound to be different than when viewed from the perspective of the body because our soul lives eternally. The soul views time in a continuum unlike our rational mind that is governed by limitations of the finite body which dies. A physical body is like a house that the soul chooses to inhabit for the period of a life-time. The soul realizes that if one body dies, it can reincarnate in another body and continue on its journey of evolution. It is said that souls pass through different life-times as airplanes pass through skies. Each life experience is meant to help the soul reach a higher dimension of positive consciousness. Difficulties come in more complex ways, as the soul advances. In animal bodies, our main struggle is of physical, existential survival. But, in more complex human bodies, quality of the term “Survival” incorporates being happy, healthy and sheltered. Positive evolution to a higher dimension of consciousness incorporates survival in terms of emotional happiness, as well, as good physical health. In human bodies of different kinds, colors, religions, creeds and genres, the soul plans a variety of difficult experiences, overcoming which help its consciousness evolve to being happy in several, unique ways. One life for the soul is just like one step in its ladder of evolution. The difficulties which seem fatalistically real when viewed from the vision of limited time and space of one life-time, appear as temporary challenges to be overcome when viewed from the perspective of our eternal soul.

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