Monday, 29 July 2019

vow of the soul

I, as a soul in a human body, am a co-creator of my universe I realize that I, as the soul, exist in an infinite realm of timelessness. It is only my finite human body, which is limited by zones of time and space, but the energy, the life-force, which drives me, remains eternally. There is no limit to the number of human bodies which I, as a soul can choose to inhabit to attain my soul purpose. I, as the Co-creator, seek to increase the brightness of the Creator by accentuating my positive light through transcending negative energy into positive energy while overcoming difficulties I brighten the light of the SUN by overcoming darkness within me. I desire victory for God, as I, as the soul is a ray of the light of God. God represents the light of love, happiness and abundance. I brighten the light of God by feeling happy, bright and radiant, as a reflection of God. Victory for the soul is to be happy during difficulties, so that the energy of happiness rules over-time, as an expression of positive dimensions ruling over negative dimensions. The core war of energies is between light and darkness, represented by Love and Fear… God represents love for all. Devil represents fear for all. I understand that the whole process of evolution is that of mastering consciousness so that I can Love more than Fear. There is no emotion, be it fear, anger, or love or happiness, which cannot be mastered because emotions are expressions of energies, which can be absorbed or transcended by will If negative energy exists in my life in the NOW, it can be transformed into positive if I but choose to focus my emotions with awareness that I am co-creating There is no sin which cannot be forgiven, if I but choose to learn from it. The Choice to be happy or not to be happy IS MINE and I have the FREE WILL to choose how to be happy by learning the Laws of an ever evolving, vibratory Universe. I AM, HAVE BEEN AND WILL BE…

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