Tuesday, 19 November 2019


This chapter is an excerpt from the book IN SEARCH OF HAPPINESS

The life-plan encodes a purpose of life and all the circumstances are planned such that the soul has an opportunity to make choices in order to achieve its purpose of life. However, the life-plan is a map and the soul can choose between several roads to reach its destination. It is made at the level of feelings and encodes only energy movements, not the physical choices

The soul after incarnating does not remember that it has made a life-plan or has a life purpose as it seeks to learn by experience. It makes choices on the physical plane to find happiness but it can find happiness only when it chooses emotional experiences in alignment with what it plans to achieve as part of its soul evolution purpose. Positive feelings have to rise more than negative feelings on an average so that the energy of soul frequency becomes brighter in tune with its evolutionary goals.
If the soul becomes more negative than positive in pursuit of external gratification, it may lose its original positivity and weaken in health, optimism and creativity; as it loses positive energy connection with wires of the creator. By clogging of negative energies, the soul becomes insignificant as negative feelings start ruling the mind. Happiness reduces as the soul loses sight of the destination planned in the life-plan. Negative feelings devolve soul frequency and a focus on remaining sad, sick or compromised increases feeling of helplessness while reducing ability of co-creation.
The life-plan decides the circumstances, difficulties and challenges, the soul would encounter while seeking to realize its desires. If our soul makes the right choices while overcoming the negativities encountered, we would feel more positive with each new phase of life.
But if our levels of disease or depression increase, then it means that we are making the wrong choices as we are being unable to convert the negative energies into positive energies.

When we are unable to feel at peace, healthy or happy, we move away from the positive frequencies of the Creator instead of moving closer. We therefore, fail in our lessons of evolution. If we fail to overcome focusing on sadness consistently, we are unsuccessful in evolving to a higher positive soul frequency. Feeling sad or sick prevents us from achieving a positive vibration at the point of death. So, we die feeling unhappy and need to live another life for learning the same life lessons. The purpose of life is achieved only when the soul evolves to feeling happier, healthier and wiser as a co-creator.

The main life purpose is the primary emotional experience which the soul has to create to find happiness in its life. The primary life purpose entails several secondary purposes like learning to love, overcoming anger, developing compassion, learning to balance work and family, overcoming cruelty etc. Each purpose of life can be achieved only by mastering the soul lessons associated with it.

These soul lessons are like different subjects a student has to learn to pass a grade like English, history, science etc. to be able to go to a higher level class. The life-plan is made such that the soul keeps encountering instances where it has to apply its soul lessons.

For example, the soul may want to learn to master the lesson of patience in one life-time. Therefore, it would make a life-plan in which circumstances are created where she repeatedly encounters impatience and is forced to develop patience.

To illustrate - if learning patience is the main soul lesson chosen, then the soul’s main challenge would be to defeat impatience from making it feel negative or leave the path of happiness.

The life-plan would be made to ensure that the lesson of patience comes up in all aspects of his life. So, he may have interruptions in his career more than other people whose lesson is not patience. In his business, his work force may be difficult or his machines may break down often. Because of his plan of learning, he may have difficult kids as well who cause him delays. Additionally, he may meet the red light very often on the road while hurrying to make up for lost time. He may be born with a tendency of obesity so that he has to apply patience to exercise and slim down.

As a soul, he plans difficulties because he has to learn to apply patience. If everything was happening perfectly, there would not be any need to apply patience and he would not be able to learn this soul lesson. The person is forced to suffer the negative energy of impatience repeatedly till he masters it and transcends it to patience, an energy of a higher detached, positive frequency.

Detachment and patience are energies needed to be happy though running the rat race is more glorified as a route to success in today’s society, but material success only provides security to the body seeking shelter from rain or drought, not emotional contentment or happiness. If the person pursues the right actions with patience, his contentment would increase overtime but the person driven to pursue success blindly may become materially successful by pursuing money blindly wherein his sadness would rise and the soul’s purpose of incarnation would remain unfinished, as its spirit vibrations would lower. He would think of struggle often as a spirit trapped in a helpless animal’s consciousness and he would hence, become negative in soul frequency as a helpless animal frequency is automatically lower compared to human frequency .
An impatient person would feel more lost than happy, not feel respected and would not be able to create positive energy with his success, for himself or others. His anxieties and disease would increase by sacrificing his positivity such that he would wait for death as a solution to his problems. However, death will not release the energies of impatience automatically and they would continue to the next life. It is only when the person learns detachment by choice, that his anxiety would dissolute in energy. By acquiring patience, he would he be able to achieve his goals and feel respected from within.

But, the negative energy of impatience is not easy to master. It would keep pulling the person’s mind in the opposite direction, and make him act against the soul plan. In this process of a tussle between the negative and the positive, this person may become impatient and choose short-cuts to success and power. Thus, he may start using wrong means of making money, exploit his work-force, become a criminal, and even abusive towards his children.
By choosing actions which create negative energy, the soul would create negative karma for itself. To find happiness, it would have to pay a karmic debt to the souls it harms in order to neutralize the negative energy it created.

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