Saturday, 9 November 2019

God represents uplifted Consciousness not a Warlord

In the rat race to succeed, happiness is usually left far behind as we
choose to be like rats running after cheese than peace, forgetting
that we have evolved above being just animals.
As long as we stay limited to thinking that buying external objects
of comfort and security would ensure our happiness, we would
somewhere fail to evolve above our animal ancestors who were
purely focused on the external gratification of their bodily needs.
Due to the empirical evidence available, we can’t blindly follow the
methods of pursuing happiness which have been founded by our
ancestors, because our history does not prove that humanity has led
an emotionally successful existence. Instead of finding peace, health
or happiness, with our comfort levels rising on the physical plane;
our levels of stress, tension, loneliness, diseases and depressions
have risen, over the centuries.
It may seem daunting to change our conventional methods of
thinking. Yet, the established route of finding happiness, focuses
more on the negative, than on the positive, aspects of life. But, this
focus on the negative aspect of life, i.e., on what is missing in
comparison with another, virtually, reverses the process of reaching
happiness, individually, or as a whole.
A shift of basic thinking towards focusing more on the positive
aspects of life, than the negative, becomes necessary to reverse the
damage on human thought which a war torn history, has already
Human thought is influenced by habit and tradition. If we focus on
the energy or feelings underlying our thoughts, we would realize
that we have been thinking the same way over centuries , and
repeatedly manifesting the same emotional experiences, though the
external form of our world has changed.
Thus, swords were replaced by guns and horses by motorbikes but
the underlying intentions still remain the same.
Our traditional role models have been war heroes who killed others
to survive themselves. It may be noted here that on a practical
plane, our role models are not our Gods. That is because we
worship Gods but we do not try to be them.

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