Shiva Swati, Ccht. RMP, A.M is a lightworker, a soul healer, psychic,a Claireaudient,Claire sentient,Claire transient,an author, spirit empowerment therapist and guide, ,behaviour analyst, clinical hypnotherapist, NLP Advanced Practitioner, Reiki Master,Theta DNA 2 Healer, Spirit Release Therapist, Past Life Therapist, Life between Life therapist,Psychotherapist.(
Sunday, 29 December 2019
Vow Of The Soul
I, as a soul in a human body, am a co-creator of my universe
I realize that I, as the soul, exist in an infinite realm of timelessness. It is only my finite human body, which is limited by zones of time and space, but the energy, the life-force, which drives me, remains eternally.
There is no limit to the number of human bodies which I, as a soul can choose to inhabit to attain my soul purpose.
I, as the Co-creator, seek to increase the brightness of the Creator by accentuating my positive light through transcending negative energy into positive energy while overcoming difficulties
I brighten the light of the SUN by overcoming darkness within me.
I desire victory for God, as I, as the soul is a ray of the light of God.
God represents the light of love, happiness and abundance. I brighten the light of God by feeling happy, bright and radiant, as a reflection of God.
Victory for the soul is to be happy during difficulties, so that the energy of happiness rules over-time, as an expression of positive dimensions ruling over negative dimensions.
The core war of energies is between light and darkness, represented by Love and Fear… God represents love for all. Devil represents fear for all.
I understand that the whole process of evolution is that of mastering consciousness so that I can Love more than Fear.
There is no emotion, be it fear, anger, or love or happiness, which cannot be mastered because emotions are expressions of energies, which can be absorbed or transcended by will
If negative energy exists in my life in the NOW, it can be transformed into positive if I but choose to focus my emotions with awareness that I am co-creating
There is no sin which cannot be forgiven, if I but choose to learn from it.
The Choice to be happy or not to be happy IS MINE and I have the FREE WILL to choose how to be happy by learning the Laws of an ever evolving, vibratory Universe.
This is an extract from the book HOW TO BE HAPPY IN DIFFICULTIES
Sunday, 22 December 2019
Beliefs are uploaded in the subconscious mind during childhood upbringing or come over from past lives. Beliefs, which are accompanied by strong negative emotions, take root in the mind and get manifested due to repetitive negative thinking which is ingrained with magnetic energy. Negative thoughts club with positive desires like magnets get joined on opposite poles. The negative thoughts repeat as sad feelings of fear or anger or doubts and do not allow the positive feeling to manifest till released systematically by dissolving rules, values and beliefs which prevent the positive from manifesting.
Therefore, it becomes necessary to deactivate negative thinking by deliberate mind control as positive desires, cannot manifest if you have deeply ingrained negative beliefs.
An example of how negative beliefs block creation of wealth & success:
Childhood beliefs run through life automatically and govern your choices of thinking about yourself. When your actions are in conflict with your childhood training, you may not feel successful even if you are more successful when compared with peers.
For example, if you are repeatedly warned in your childhood to work hard or you will not succeed in getting marks; your mind will, subconsciously, take these words as a rule of life.
In adult life, marks are replaced by money. You feel successful if you earn good money in adult life just as you feel successful if you get good marks in childhood.
If you accept this belief as ‘the gospel truth’, but do not work hard by your parents’ definition of working hard and do not earn enough money, you may not feel successful ever in life. The three separate words – ‘’work hard “’and ‘’succeed’’ when repetitively clubbed as one rule, may start operating as a programme in your subconscious mind (SCM...)
Once you associate success with money, but your work does not pay you as much money as you need, then you may feel unsuccessful even if you feel happier. Hence, you may constantly feel stressed that you are not as successful as you could have been. When you involuntarily focus on not succeeding more than you focus on being happy, then the mind will create obstacles in your life so that your problems multiply.
Anything can happen depending on the frequency of the energy you manifest by your fear of failure. Success may come in your life from other people’s perspective of what success means but you may feel unsuccessful if you do not attain money by conventional definitions. Your negative belief that you have to work hard to succeed may prevent you from enjoying success when you are not working as hard or find work which is easy/interesting.
Had the conditioned belief been that ‘Whatever you do with a positive attitude, you will succeed’’, then a positive picture of work would have come in your mind from the beginning.
The film of your life expresses your attitude. You would be likely to succeed if you have believed in your worth and energized a positive emotion more than sadness. Expectations from yourself matter more than action in creating outcomes. If you expect success whenever you work with happiness, you will feel successful because you expect that energy to flow from you. Your subconscious mind will work to help you succeed because you have impressed upon it that you will succeed whenever you are happy.
The soul’s path is such that it can be achieved with feeling good within as the soul seeks to raise its inner frequency as a co-creator.
Had your belief been that “Happiness is Success”, you would have ensured that you feel good while working and would have left jobs which do not give you happiness. Your soul frequency would have risen on a sustained basis had you persistently insisted that you should feel happy while working.
Thus, definitions of success change with soul evolution. As you become advanced as a soul, you associate success with more happiness and peacefulness than just earning money.
However, spirits who stagnate into perpetual negative thinking associate success with money and remain unhappy over lifetimes of progressive devolution with each new phase of life representing more diseases, compromise & emptiness than earlier.
FOr further reading, please refer to my book EMOTIONAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT
Therefore, it becomes necessary to deactivate negative thinking by deliberate mind control as positive desires, cannot manifest if you have deeply ingrained negative beliefs.
An example of how negative beliefs block creation of wealth & success:
Childhood beliefs run through life automatically and govern your choices of thinking about yourself. When your actions are in conflict with your childhood training, you may not feel successful even if you are more successful when compared with peers.
For example, if you are repeatedly warned in your childhood to work hard or you will not succeed in getting marks; your mind will, subconsciously, take these words as a rule of life.
In adult life, marks are replaced by money. You feel successful if you earn good money in adult life just as you feel successful if you get good marks in childhood.
If you accept this belief as ‘the gospel truth’, but do not work hard by your parents’ definition of working hard and do not earn enough money, you may not feel successful ever in life. The three separate words – ‘’work hard “’and ‘’succeed’’ when repetitively clubbed as one rule, may start operating as a programme in your subconscious mind (SCM...)
Once you associate success with money, but your work does not pay you as much money as you need, then you may feel unsuccessful even if you feel happier. Hence, you may constantly feel stressed that you are not as successful as you could have been. When you involuntarily focus on not succeeding more than you focus on being happy, then the mind will create obstacles in your life so that your problems multiply.
Anything can happen depending on the frequency of the energy you manifest by your fear of failure. Success may come in your life from other people’s perspective of what success means but you may feel unsuccessful if you do not attain money by conventional definitions. Your negative belief that you have to work hard to succeed may prevent you from enjoying success when you are not working as hard or find work which is easy/interesting.
Had the conditioned belief been that ‘Whatever you do with a positive attitude, you will succeed’’, then a positive picture of work would have come in your mind from the beginning.
The film of your life expresses your attitude. You would be likely to succeed if you have believed in your worth and energized a positive emotion more than sadness. Expectations from yourself matter more than action in creating outcomes. If you expect success whenever you work with happiness, you will feel successful because you expect that energy to flow from you. Your subconscious mind will work to help you succeed because you have impressed upon it that you will succeed whenever you are happy.
The soul’s path is such that it can be achieved with feeling good within as the soul seeks to raise its inner frequency as a co-creator.
Had your belief been that “Happiness is Success”, you would have ensured that you feel good while working and would have left jobs which do not give you happiness. Your soul frequency would have risen on a sustained basis had you persistently insisted that you should feel happy while working.
Thus, definitions of success change with soul evolution. As you become advanced as a soul, you associate success with more happiness and peacefulness than just earning money.
However, spirits who stagnate into perpetual negative thinking associate success with money and remain unhappy over lifetimes of progressive devolution with each new phase of life representing more diseases, compromise & emptiness than earlier.
FOr further reading, please refer to my book EMOTIONAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT
Thursday, 12 December 2019
Emotional Energy Management- alignment of mind, body & soul
Emotional energy Management, alignment of energies of body, mind and soul is as necessary to be happy and healthy as financial management is to be wealthy.
As soul energy perceives and co-creates life through emotions , the book is called Emotional energy management . Though most people are unaware of the deep impact of emotions on health, the truth is that negative emotions release energies through hormonal & electric impulses in the body which act like poisonous acid in the body that creates diseases, fears & anxieties, as this book will explain in various degrees.
At the core cycle of creation through which the soul participates as a co-creator of reality, the soul releases emotions by feeling energies that range in frequencies from a variety of positive ,zero and negative experiences.
This core energy of an emotion is emitted vibrationally as an outgoing breath by the body, an electric impulse by the soul and the release of a hormone by the subconscious mind within the body .
The energy of an emotion can be positive or negative in frequency. This happy (positive) or sad (negative) energy passes to different parts of the body through neuro-pathways called as neurological energy circuits.
The energy of each soul that passes into the world as a breath of a negative or positive frequency , is also emitted as a thought of a specific feeling which has a unique vibration . This vibration underlying a feeling, be it positive or negative, influences the energy of overall thinking patterns in individual and mass consciousness.
When unchecked and allowed to grow, negative emotions in the body multiply like weeds in a garden and disrupt smooth functioning of the respective health organs along with corrupting overall mind functioning, as will be elaborated in the book.
More negative feelings create more problems in the world as the energy radiated from each soul is negative and hence, tilts the balance of mass soul consciousness towards the negative. However, if each individual soul makes a deliberate effort to uplift its vibrations to feel positive, the impact of each positive emission of energy on mass consciousness would help reduce problems of the world as a cumulative effect .
However, due to lack of awareness of the impact of emotions on health, peacefulness and evolution , people allow themselves to become sad and thus, fuel negative thoughts which subsequently , increase problems.
Training in emotional /life flow energy management is necessary so that each individual soul deliberately chooses to be happy with awareness of how each feeling which is repetitively focused upon releases energy that influences peacefulness in everyday life and in the world.
Our soul reads emotions as energies. However, our mind labels energies of different frequencies as different emotions. If we were to use the mind’s labels for energies and name emotions, we realize that emotions of positive energy frequency are happiness, contentment, satisfaction, peace, joy, optimism, passion etc. while emotions that radiate negative energy are anger, fear, hurt, guilt, pain, sadness, anxiety etc.
At the individual soul’s level, positive emotions spread hormones to improve health & peacefulness while negative emotions create diseases and anxieties. At the mass/ world level, positive emotions increase harmony, innovation and creativity while negative emotions increase terrorism, aggressiveness and destroy happiness.
A negative emotion can be transcended to a positive emotion by systematically learning how to remove the negative energy component from its energy circuit through redefining beliefs about life, therapeutic healing for changing expectations and deleting negative memories.
For further reading, [;ease refer to my book EMOTIONAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT
Saturday, 7 December 2019
Why is Pain Kept Alive?: Principle 3 of The Subconscious Mind
Pain helps you realize your choices are not perfect
If there is imperfection, it’s an indication that the body & soul need attention
The body is like an engine of the car
if its sounding too loud, you need to stop and check what has gone wrong
Then make changes in thinking that make you feel you are in resonance
For the soul, mind and body need to resonate on the same tuning of emotionality
To align the vibrational frequency of actions, priorities & emotions desirability
(This blog is an excerpt from the updated version of the bpok EMOTIONAL ENERGY MANAGEMENT )
Whenever an unpleasant situation arises in your life, there is an emotional learning attached to it. The emotional learning entails the opposite feeling of what you don’t want i.e., it is about learning how to manifest what you do want with creating positive vibrations as a co-creator.
The subconscious mind keeps an unpleasant feeling alive till the situation is resolved at the subconscious level such that your positive frequency rises above it. The feeling of drowning in sadness is a negative frequency and is felt deeply till you learn how to swim in turbulent waters by understanding how to feel detached or float positively above the difficulties.
For example, if you feel impatient often, your lesson is patience. Situations, which cause you impatience keep arising till you learn your soul lesson.
In the process of learning your lesson, you work out modified ways to do things and thus, develop new and innovative ways of thinking. For example, aero planes were invented because people found road transport slow and were impatient to find better ways of transport.
So, a negative emotion is valuable because it leads to creation of positive changes in life, overtime.
The worth of an emotion is not measured by whether it feels pleasant or unpleasant but by the outcome it is intended to serve.
Learning Task 10- Experience the Need For Negative Feelings
Part A
Take a deep breath and exhale.
Calm your mind and relax for a few seconds.
Now, think of any situation which causes you stress or the need to feel negative. Which are the emotions involved? For example, you may feel irritation, impatience, helplessness, frustration, suppression, exhaustion, rejection etc. What are the negative impacts of these emotions on your life?
Part B
What are the positive impacts of these emotions? Why are you constantly indulging in them in spite of the stress you feel ? Are the gains greater than the losses? Check on empirical evidence. Does the negative feeling motivate you towards a positive outcome?
For example, does irritation motivate you to work on creating peace in your life? Does a fat body make you feel you are comfortable and can work extra, than with a thin body? Does your financial constraint make you indulge less in harmful addictive habits?
Does frustration motivate you to better organize your life? Does suppression create in you a need to express your inner truth? Does exhaustion motivate you to look after your health? Does rejection motivate you to love yourself more from within? Are you achieving the positive outcome by brooding about the negative feelings?
Part C
What does your life say through empirical evidence viz. the evidence you get from your circumstances? Is the outcome you are intending to achieve by the stress causing behavior being achieved? Are you slowly moving in the direction you desire or are you maintaining an optimal balance or are you moving backwards or away from the happiness you desire?
Part D
Focus: If the intention you are aiming at, is satisfied by your method of working, then you need to stop fighting with yourself and accept the situation as being designed for your highest good by your soul mind. Developing this vibration of being neutral towards a difficult situation is called SURRENDER to a higher consciousness in religious texts.
On the other hand, if the intention you aim at is not being satisfied by the outcome you are getting, then either you need to change your thinking or your method of working. The stress may be there because you are not happy with the outcome, or you are in a hurry to achieve something which takes more time. Remove the extra focus on the negative feelings so that the situation motivates you without destroying your inner peace.
For example, fire is needed to ignite a stove but burns food if used callously. Similarly, negative thinking is needed to ignite a positive desire but burns happiness, if indulged in randomly.
The mind is like a jungle if unkempt,
It grows weeds if left free to think
You run after money or fame meaninglessly or you drown in sorrow in un-measurable quantities
Before the body gets diseased & the soul depressed
Tune your mind to stay aligned to positivity in meaningfulness while making choices of how to live
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