Wednesday, 12 August 2020


The soul in each body which gives it life force also co-creates the reality of life by emitting energies in positive or negative directions. The problems which children face can be reduced significantly if they are taught the responsibility to think in a positive direction by making the training syllabus conducive to creation of more positive feelings than negative feelings. While teaching any work, focus needs to be more on the feelings underlying an activity than on the outcome manifested. If stress increases more than optimism, the overall effect of the outcome would be negative in the long run for the child, even if the immediate result is good. 

The work of the teacher is to ensure that the students learn with a positive spirit even if the quantity taught is sacrificed for a higher quality of understanding reached. The three Laws of Vibration operate by default but can be deliberately manipulated to produce desired feelings of happiness with training. While the exercises for smaller children, as of primary school need to be simple and short, children who are older, as of middle school or secondary school can do longer mind vibration exercises for improving concentration, confidence and self-awareness. The following exercises can be taught to students above twelve years of age.

 When you have a desire and you want to manifest it, you would: 

 Step 1: Choose a desire you would be happy in experiencing Without awareness, you would choose a desire which may be borrowed from your teacher or parents or friends but which you may not give you the happiness you are seeking. However, you would strive towards attaining this desire even if it makes you anxious and unhappy in the process of attainment, because you do not realize that the resultant unrest and sadness would be your own responsibility. Later, you would feel disappointed when you do not feel peaceful after attaining the desire, and keep craving for more. But, with awareness of the fact that your happiness in the future is your own co-creation, you would choose desires which make you happy in your visualizations/imaginations before the outcome actually manifests. You would like to be in the experience you desire from the beginning of the process to the end of the process so that your happiness multiplies as you move towards your goal.

 Choose a desire which makes you feel happy/ excited/ peaceful/ optimistic/compassionate etc. from the beginning of the process to the end of the process. Visualize clarity while choosing the desire. Visualize contentment as the outcome of the desire. Also, moving backwards in your mind from the end to beginning again, visualize that you feel positive during the process of learning and there are minimum negative effects. Visualize understanding the process of attaining the desire and visualize completion with satisfaction. The stress on satisfaction would ensure that your desire is that which leads to inner satisfaction and not that which is imposed upon you by peer pressure. Also, if you visualize satisfaction as the outcome of the desire, you may change your desire or the path chosen if the earlier mind-set did not lead to satisfaction. For example, if you desire getting good marks in exams or a medal in sports, visualize contentment while being rewarded. Feel that you are more content than stressed when the results come out and you have peace in your heart that you are on the path of justice. 

 Step 2: Activate the Law of Creation The Law of Creation is automatically activated whenever you think. You activate the Law of Creation whenever you desire an outcome or worry about an outcome not manifesting. If you are more optimistic, your desire would manifest with happiness but if you have more fear, your desire would not manifest or manifest with sadness, as you automatically, create the feelings which you focus upon. With awareness of your responsibility in co-creation, you can choose to focus more on feeling positive and optimistic than anxious, so that you create happiness when your desire manifests. When you focus on the feelings desired before taking action, you may change the desires you seek to manifest if you realize that they would not get you the satisfaction you thought of. To use the Law of Creation with awareness, you need to create the feelings of peace and contentment which you desire before the vibration actually manifests in reality. Prior to taking action, create the vision of the feelings you desire to experience. You can make it as simple or as complicated as you like, without feeling negative after the outcome is manifested. Feel that the desire is happening in the Now and activate all your sense organs- See the picture as if it is happening now, hear the sounds, feel the emotions, and make the scenario as real as if it were happening now. After focusing on these feelings, make the picture as large as possible. Stay in this positive vibrational frequency and let go of the vision. Detach. Release the vision as a kite going away in the sky. Allow the vision to disappear. Ensure that you do not become negative after the imagination is over. Stay in a neutral or detached or optimistic vibration. Do not worry about its manifestation or the problems which you will encounter on the path. Only focus on the energy destination or the feelings which you seek to experience. 

 Step 3: Activate Law of Repetition Without awareness, the Law of Repetition is automatically manifested when you worry about a desire not happening again and again. Whenever you worry repeatedly, you activate the Law of Repetition towards manifestation of a negative outcome of happiness. Even if you do manifest a desire after worrying, the outcome carries energies of the accompanied worry; the euphoria soon evaporates and the worry overtakes again. You cannot manifest happiness and stay in a peaceful vibration till you use the Law of Repetition with awareness to create small feelings of happiness and peacefulness in your imagination in your daily routine. To activate Law Of repetition to be happier in the future - Focus on a positive feeling every day for a few seconds, before sleeping at night, as soon as you get up and sometimes in the day. After focusing on the vision, only repeat the positive thoughts associated with the picture and neglect the negative thoughts which come up as doubts. Doubts are like bad virus, which spread and obstruct growth. Dwelling on the negative is addictive but unnecessary. Overtime, as you keep ignoring the doubts, the negative energy will lose its grip. As the negative thinking reduces, difficulties will appear less strong and positive thinking will start ruling over negative thinking. Keep activating the Law of Repetition to merge into the positive energy which you like to focus upon. Step 4: Activate The Law Of Attraction: The Law of Attraction is activated by default without awareness as you radiate and receive energies automatically, as souls. Without awareness, you attract the energies which you focus upon predominantly. To use the Law of attraction to create happiness, with awareness, choose to feel more content while taking action than worried/stressed. When you desire something, you take action to make the desire come true. However, without awareness, you may become more negative than positive while pursuing the desire, With awareness of the process of creation, the external reality remains the same but your inner feelings change by deliberate attempt to be happier than sad. With the knowing that you attract the energies which you focus upon, you would take all action which is possible for you to make this desire come true in your life; but without feeling more negative than positive. You would choose to attract more positive energies in your life than negative energies by focusing more on actions which make you feel satisfied from within over feeling compromised; even if progress is slower. Happiness is a longer route than success but gives far more satisfaction. Patience, detachment and disciplined positive thinking are the key to manifesting happiness in your life as contrasted with just hard work, worries, tension and compromise which are pursued for getting instant success. You would need to combine positive thinking with taking action while doing hard work to manifest happiness in your life; and you would need to be patient with yourself and give yourself time to detach or rest so that you do not become tense and lose your positive vibrational frequency in the process of doing hard work. Pursuing only work without being positive would make you negative and lead to health problems overtime, due to a consistent release of negative hormones. Blind pursuit of material things, parties and money leads to increasing disillusionment with life; as you would keep realizing outer success without any inner happiness. But, if you combine hard work with feeling positive and allow yourself to be silent mentally at intervals for taking breaks to detach/let go; you would arrive at solutions to problems much faster and be happier, healthier and wiser, in the long run. The need for eating fatty foods, taking drugs and using violence are all results of overworking the mind to attain goals of success without taking time off to detach. The mind needs to be given interval space every hour for a minute. The breaks from thinking are achieved by being completely silent and feeling only neutral vibrations of positive bliss as in meditation exercises given in later chapters. Practical Exercise 26 (PE 9.1): Improve Concentration Using visualization and silent meditation is one of the easiest ways to increase concentration. The following meditation can be done anytime of the day and would take five minutes. 1. Imagine exhaling all your problems out of your head like black smoke coming out of a kettle of boiling water. 2. Imagine a ball of light above your head and feel rays of light entering your head. Feel your head filled with this light filling up the cells like bulbs glowing in your head. 3. Be in silence inhaling the light and spreading it all over your body. 4. Imagine concentrating on your books with complete silence around you. Even if there are noises around you, your total concentration remains on the books, and you absorb the subject you are studying with interest. 5. Imagine yourself concentrating for an hour by imagining the clock dials after an hour. Feel good while studying. 6. Feel yourself absorbing the lesson as energy going inside you. Imagine yourself writing the main points briefly and imagine yourself recalling the main points whenever needed. Then imagine closing the books and relaxing with closed eyes. Feel the silence for a minute and wake up. 7. After this concentration exercise: ground yourself. Imagine yourself as a tree and your roots going deep into Earth. 8. Also, practice being silent for one minute with a smile, every morning as soon as you get up and concentrating on your books easily during the day. 9. Practice being silent in your mind for one minute before going to sleep and thank God imagining that you could concentrate well during the next day. This exercise CREATES a thought wave in your mind which focuses on concentration. The repeated focus on this thought wave would strengthen the thought wave of concentration. Overtime, as this thought wave strengthens, it would attract more thoughts of matching frequencies and you would find yourself concentrating automatically more than you could ever before. For further reading, please refer to the book SPIRITUALITY IN EDUCATION, cghapter 9 _ that explains Integration Of The THree Laws Of Vibration with Awareness For Manifestation. (} ?

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