Monday, 5 October 2020


Dream interpretation is a good way to start understanding how the subconscious mind works. Our subconscious mind cannot hear, read or write, touch or smell. It only understands feelings. Feelings are deciphered in the form of electric impulses generated during any act. When we indulge in any activity or think about indulging in it, we feel something about it. The feelings pass down to our subconscious mind as electric impulses. These electric impulses create energies, which multiply with focus.


Understanding Feelings under Forms

Our subconscious mind is like a computer which only reads the energies underlying all human activities. It converts all activities into metaphoric symbols and then processes information.

To handle negative feelings, we have to understand what a feeling is, as distinct from reality.

  The feeling is the energy behind the reality. It accompanies every real situation, person or thing that we pay attention to. In fact, reality matters to us only because of the feelings it conveys to our subconscious mind.

For example, a person matters to us because we feel good around that person, a dress draws our attention because it feels attractive, a car matters to us because it offers comfort at the level of feeling, a television programme matters to us because it gives us an opportunity to feel relaxed, a house matters because it offers feelings of security or pride etc.

So, it is only feelings which matter to us, from the soul’s perspective. The external events which create these feelings are important only as long as they help in creating the desired feelings.

Negative feelings arise when the objects of desire we seek, the people we love or the jobs we put effort in, do not satisfy us at the feeling level. Though the mirage appears like an oasis, our thirst does not get fulfilled from a pursuit of material glitter, with no understanding of what the soul desires from possessing that experience.

To be happy in life, it is necessary to connect feelings with objects, people or jobs. The external objects of desire need to be pursued only if they can make us happy from within; and not if they glitter only from the outside. When we pursue work without feeling involved in it, then we take in feelings of emptiness to the soul. The stress we go through in our body or mind while pursuing glittering desires which make us feel hollow from within releases negative hormones in the body.

If we choose desires for satisfying short term body pleasures, than for gaining positive energy from them, then we may harm our souls by indulging in them. For example, eating junk food, buying expensive clothes or playing meaningless video games may give our mind some colourful satisfaction for a short time but cannot satisfy the creative zeal our soul desires to feel alive. These activities when pursued consume our energy and we then, do not have energies or time left to indulge in more creative, fulfilling work.

 Negative energy pre-dominates our minds if the feelings we desire do not get realized by our investment of energy. Hence, our inner restlessness rises as we do not get the outcome from our efforts, which makes us feel optimally satisfied at the soul level.

Any desire is justified only if the feelings attained by realizing it create more happiness than tension in our life.  To understand how we can decipher the feelings we get from any experience, we need to know how our subconscious mind chooses feelings.


Dreams help us realize how we feel through different experiences of life, as they simplify the dynamics involved. When we have negative emotions coming up in dreams, it implies that our soul is perceiving life as negative, even though we may be externally ignoring any dissatisfaction.

To find happiness, we have to cleanse negative energy from our subconscious mind. Dreams are a mechanism used by our subconscious mind to help us understand how we are harming ourselves by indulging in negative actions i.e. actions which create negative feelings in our body, from the soul’s perspective.

Sometimes, the choices our soul demands from us appear to be irrational from the perspective of conventionally defined norms of happiness or success. However, if we feel negative within, negative energy accumulates in our subconscious mind and body, which blocks our soul’s true happiness.

Cleansing our body from negative energy is like washing dirt from clothes. Our body and mind can function, optimally, when we are free from the dominance of negative energy. Negative thinking creates doubts which blocks the flow of positive life force, and lowers our soul frequency. Our soul devolves in power by remaining unhappy.

We can feel positive at the subconscious level, when our soul is satisfied with our choices of life. That happens only when we realize the desired feelings from the activities we pursue. By evolving above a subdued negative focus, we can move towards creating happiness.

Happiness does not become our dominant mental state till we have negative belief systems nagging us, at the subconscious level. The dream mechanism helps us understand our inner conflicts as they come up during dreams.

Our inner conflicts, hidden fears and feelings are symbolized in dreams. Dream Symbols are individually deciphered as each person may associate a different feeling with each external object or activity. For example, seeing a train in a dream may symbolize movement in life, seeing a murder in dream may symbolize an emotional death/trauma, seeing a dog in a dream may symbolize loyalty etc.

Restless dreams indicate a need for healing negative feelings by converting our body’s energy into positive.

For example, if we have a dream that we are standing on top of a building and then sinking in deep waters, it may indicate that the path of success we are following would make us feel deeply unhappy at the soul level. The climbing up on top of the building means climbing up the financial/material ladders of success. The simultaneous sinking in waters reflects an emotional death of the soul or happiness. Sinking represents a death of freedom and the drowning of the spirit of being alive. Such a dream comes as a warning to us that we need to review our choices of life so that we create happiness by moving up a ladder of evolution. The desire to be successful comes from the soul as we want to rise to a higher positive frequency and live in a higher positive dimension, so that our quality of happiness improves.

The conflict in the dream arises because the soul does not associate happiness with concrete objects which rising up the building, represents. The soul does not want to drown in waters by feeling suffocated in a mainstream profession which gets its success but no inner satisfaction.. Our soul seeks freedom of the spirit to be happy. The soul seeks to fly, not drown i.e experience the feelings of moving on, not being trapped. Since our soul can only perceive energies, happiness for the soul means experiencing happy feelings through different life experiences. Life experiences which make the soul feel stressed, tired or bored make the soul sink/ drown in energies of overwhelming unhappiness.

For working on how to be happy as a state of being, we need to know which objects, people or choices mean happiness to us individually, as contrasted with generalized definitions of happiness.

We can feel positive from within when we learn how to make choices from our subconscious or soul perspective, than by getting judged by the external aspects of reality.

 Situations which feel fatalistic or scary from the finite Earthly perspective may appear as obstacles to be overcome from the soul’s perspective.

Communication of our subconscious mind can be deciphered by knowing how we use symbols in our everyday life. Our dreams convey to us, predominant energy focus of life by showing us the associated feelings. Each night when we dream, our subconscious mind converts real life events into energy interpretations and processes them. The irrational fantasy images which we see are methods of communication by the subconscious mind. The words, sounds or pictures are not to be taken literally but only understood by the meaning they convey. Very often, dreams give predictions. For example, if you have a school friend called Faith, and she suddenly appears in a dream twenty years later, and you see yourself going the wrong way because of her; it may mean that a choice you are making by having faith on a person because you know him from school, may take you the wrong way.


Dreams appear as fantasies because life is a fantasy/game for the soul. The unreal energies indicate the meanings we give to real life events. They indicate how reality appears to the soul, which only perceives energies or feelings.


Essentially, dream interpretation requires that we focus on feelings underlying the picture rather the on exact details of the sequence. The feelings need to be understood and life choices need to be deciphered or changed accordingly. The interpretation of dreams needs to be practiced a few times to understand how we specifically, associate feelings or energies with different objects, people or events in our life.

Some more detailed steps of dream interpretation are given in my other book – Soul Lessons : Challenges in Evolution of Happiness , a soul’s perspective )


Types Of Dreams

Dreams can be of several types. There are: processing dreams, predictive dreams , release dreams, spirit communication dreams and past life healing dreams.


Processing Dreams

The subconscious mind processes information absorbed during the day, during the resting hours of the night. All the feelings that you have focused upon and the observations you have made or released are processed in the Processing dreams. These dreams usually occur in the first two hours of the night or in light sleep (These dreams are also called REM sleep processing dreams. ) Just as an office assistant summarizes the daily activities and divides them into files, these dreams encode the person’s feelings through symbols and filming. The negative feelings and positive feelings are plotted on a  chart  and the subconscious operative mechanism allocates future programs on the basis of the present focus of feelings.

For example, if you have feeling poor about your finances during the day, the processing dreams would ensure that you continue feeling poor the next day also. If you earn a huge surplus, you would spend it soon so that you continue feeling poor.

Similarly, if you feel that you have leg pain, the subconscious mind would ensure that you have leg pain the next day also. Future is plotted on the same line as the present dominant feeling. The future changes when your present focus of feelings changes. For example, if you start healing your leg pain through energy therapy, naturopathy or medicines, your subconscious mind would record the change in your dominant expectations and give  signal to the leg joints to heal the pain .

The processing dreams are like the NEWS channel. They only record that which has already happened.

Predictive Dreams

Midnight/ deep sleep dreams also predict the future depending on how we feel in the present.  Some feelings are taken is as dominant and used for  giving warning signs about the future  in our subconscious mind maps .For example, if you are planning to shift your house but are unable to , you may see a dream where the new house you want is haunted or lacks the infrastructure you require to stay happy. That is a method of your subconscious mind to show you that your desire is being delayed till you realize its full implication.


Release dreams

Early morning dreams throw out feelings that we have feared in the past. Feelings which we have been trying to erase are rejected or thrown away through dream experiences. After release dreams, we get up with a feeling of relief that our present reality is better than in the dream. Soul healing happens through energy release in sleep mode. We may release very old traumas through dreams.

When we release negative feelings through dreams, we release traumas from our past which affect our present life.

The energy of an old hurt can be released in the present as for the subconscious mind, time does not exist. Past is the same as present, and if we feel sad about an old memory in the present, then for the soul that reality exists today.


The same technique of deciphering energy communication which is used for understanding dreams can be generalized for understanding past lives or childhood traumas during regression therapies.

For the soul, feelings which have not been processed in past lives or childhood affect our present, as negatively as our recently encountered feelings do. They come up during dreams.

Negative feelings may have been encountered in our past life, in our childhood or in our recent life but the negative energy once absorbed by our soul, has to be released or transcended into positive so that we can move on to a higher soul frequency. A negative belief, however old it may be, has to be converted into positive for the soul force to move with complete belief in happiness.

Being detached from happiness is a higher energy vibration than being sad is, as it is a deliberate choice to stay positive . Positive is always greater than minus and we cannot be sad and happy at the same time. Hence, to be happy we have to let go of sadness by choice to become detached from how we define happiness and allow the universe to work in alignment with our soul’s life-plan..




The general method of interpreting dreams is to follow the following steps:

Stage of sleep-Timing of the dream – Is the dream early night –processing dream, midnight/Predictive or early morning - Release/Venting out type?

Keywords-Psychological or physiological content— I am seeing/doing/hearing ….. . Describe the dream verbally or write it down with more focus on feelings

Physical characteristics-Your age in the dream, your body type, clothes… what were your feelings at the time?

Emotional frequency of feelings-negative, positive

Symbols-What do the persons, events, objects in the dream mean to you in your life? Is there spirit communication present? Did people who are far away or dead talk to you or convey a symbolic message in the dream?

Trigger in the day/present life-Which experience in your present life could have led you to feeling the way you are in the dream ; or if unfamiliar faces appear, it may be that a past life trauma is being released but even then, some feeling you focused upon in the day would have triggered awake the fear.

Vented out or predicted concerns-I need to let go of these desires/ I need to free myself from this bondage I feel / I need to rethink what I want in my life/ have been feeling negative and I need to reassess my priorities/ I need to free my spirit etc.

Vented out or released concerns-I am relieved that I do not have to relive those feelings anymore /I am free because that person is no longer in my life/ I am glad I did not become the person I saw in the dream / If I take this step, I may feel I am in danger / If I go that way, I may meet with an accident emotionally or physically etc.


Spirit concerns-A spirit guide, a far away friend or child or relative, a dead parent or past life personalities of yours may appear to convey their feelings or concerns. Spirit guides may warn you not to repeat mistakes of past lives which can make you devolve as a soul and make you unhappy in the long run.

Dark force interference - If you are working for the light, against conventional wisdom, you may have negative spirits coming in your dreams to force you to stop your work. If you feel threatened or negative after a dream, release the spirit and develop immunity to its warning. You would have to trust your instinct to know whether a spirit appearing is from the light or from darkness. Positive spirits would give you positive guidance whereas negative spirits would try to scare you away from a path which leads to your happiness.


Dreams simplify complicated events of our life through using symbols. By understanding symbols as they mean to our individual perspective, we can directly access the feelings we experience, subconsciously in everyday life. We may not realize that we feel negative in a life experience but our dreams may denote negativity. If we get conflicting or restless dreams, we need to review our choices or check on our negative thinking habit. Self -healing can be activated by using the techniques given in my book on REDEFINING HAPPINESS.

For the soul, only that reality exists which we feel within, because the soul does not understand the world as we see it. It only understands our feelings and dream symbols convey feelings.

This blog is an excerpt from my book  THE LIFE PLAN OF CREATION VS. AN ASTROLOGY REPORT, a soul perspective , 2015 , chapter 6


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