Monday, 19 October 2020

Connect To God Through Feeling A Telapathic Connection Than A Ritualistic Connection


When we pray to God, we need to realize that we are making a telepathic connection , a connection which cannot be accessed through human sense organs. The process of calling up God requires that we raise our soul frequency to a certain degree so that the frequency waves of God’s energies can hear or sense us.

God is a superior life force. The life force frequency of God’s energy is far above ours. We cannot be as high a frequency as our Higher Self or as God in a human body, because the human body is dense. But, we can rise our soul frequency to match the thinking of God through developing faith and applying it in our life, with sincerity.

During the course of soul evolution, the free spirit gets attached to the identity of the body, and becomes the soul of the body. Our free spirit self is of a higher positive frequency than a soul in a human body. The spirit enters the physical body as being in the physical dimension helps the soul evolve. The whole process of creation is about learning how to channelize physical energies in alignment with the will of the Creator.

The soul seeks to convert the energy radiating from negative experiences in the physical dimension, into the positive frequency of happiness of the spirit dimension.

Our  soul participates in the process of creation through using the human body as a transmission channel, between the physical and non-physical composites of energy.

The soul evolves by learning how to control the physical matter in alignment with its thoughts.

However, our spirit has to lower its frequency to enter a physical human body and stay held in it. Hence, sometimes, the free spirit feels like it has been trapped in four walls within the body. Inside the human body, the spirit cannot directly connect to The Creator as it can in a free spirit form. Hence, it feels non-aligned with the Creator and alone in its pursuit of happiness.

But, if we allow ourselves to become negative, we lose touch with the positive frequency of God. Energies of unlike frequencies cannot connect with each other. Just as water and stone cannot become one, a negative soul and God’s positive energy cannot connect at one wavelength.

There are so many differences in thinking between the negative soul and God’s soul energy, that the negative soul cannot receive the help of God, however much he prays, until he changes his core thinking to some positive degree. There has to be an opening in the soul energy for positive energy from God to flow in.

To create the opening for God’s energy, the soul has to change its internal energy frequency to positive, by redefining happiness through investing energy on learning to evolve its consciousness. The energy frequency of the soul can change only when his or her negative thinking converts into positive by him choosing to use all means to keep alive his/her faith in happiness.

We connect to an energy of a different frequency through our prayers or meditation to get guidance and help during a difficult phase of life. Using abstract imagination helps to connect with God more easily than using a physical medium like lamps or incense. Though using any aid helps in establishing the connection but people get so absorbed in the details of the rituals that they forget that the core idea is to feel the energy of God in everyday life. God is at a much higher energy frequency than the human body and cannot perceive the details directly. God only perceives the details as much as we do ourselves but God is not concerned with the small details which are almost invisible from the bird’s view. Rituals done properly help some of us feel more connected but not all of us need rituals, structure or form, to find evidence of existence of a higher, divine force in our being. Advanced souls connect more easily without using rituals invented by human forms. Just as pen and pencil become redundant after invention of computers, rituals become redundant after using the abstraction principle of meditation to connect to God.

The idea of praying is to use a tangible medium of imagination so that we feel connected to God and hence supported. However, God is an energy of non-physical dimension and hence, can be accessed more easily if we abstract ourselves from our body; and feel ourselves as formless soul energies merging with the energy frequency of God.


What is Abstraction ?

Abstraction is the process by which we can dissolve our body in imagination, and feel ourselves, as formless, unbound, free spirits. Abstraction is the same process of abstract thinking by which language development took place in human beings. It is the ability to think beyond form. Abstract thinking is part of a human evolution above being animalistic.

While animals cannot use abstract thinking to convert objects into symbols or memories, human beings can recall objects and events by using abstraction. Hence, they can hold pictures in mind and associate those pictures with words. For example, when we say APPLE, we have a picture or a feel of apple in our mind. Being able to say APPLE and associate the word meaningfully with the object it symbolizes, is the use of abstract thinking. Similarly, when we say GOD, an image or a feeling needs to come in our mind even when we have no tangible/sensory evidence that God exists.


How does Abstraction help in being happy?

Due to the coming of the New Age, human thinking is supposed to develop to a higher level of Abstraction, where we can convert inner feelings into forms. To move up to a higher grade of soul evolution and a higher degree of happiness, we need to learn how to use abstract imagination to hold feelings in form, as much as we use symbolization to convert objects into forms.

Happiness is an energy of a positive dimension. Being happy is an energy experience which is essentially achieved by leaving a dimension of staying negative and rising to a higher dimension of positive energy by using abstraction or mental imagination as a tool of focus. For example, we can create the feeling of being loved without an  actual person being around just as we believe God exists without God being around. Similarly, we can create the feeling of being Secure without owning a real house; we can create the feel of travel by astrally travelling all over the world;  we can create the feeling of excitement by imagining dancing/singing in the skies than in real situations. The more we use imagination, the less we depend on the body for satiation. We feel unbound by limitations and free as souls to achieve anything we desire through using imagination as a means of satiation. This vibration of positivity improves our health and happiness on an everyday basis, the more we evolve, as souls moving to dimensions higher than Earth. We connect to God by feeling life in non-physical dimensions, in no time and no space zones, by limitless expansion of abstract imagination.

Just as abstract nouns like joy, peace, honesty are complex nouns because they cannot be touched like common nouns ; abstract imagination is a complex vibration of experience where the mind can create anything without needing an actual touch. Animals or low frequency souls cannot understand the value of peace, joy, love or good health as they crave for evidence for satiation. They pursue physical needs like food, alcohol or discotheques to feel pleasure but at never satiated because soul satisfaction requires use of abstraction, away from form.

.The use of abstract nouns in English adds value to the language. Similarly, abstract use of imagination gives spiritual substance to  learning, as these create pure soul satisfying experiences, which become available only in advanced human forms.

Initially, abstract imagination needs to be used to think of feelings which create happiness. With continuous focus on these feelings, the happiness converts into form. Energies in the physical world manifest into form through repeated focus. When we can believe that pursuing happiness works, we work on making choices which create happiness.

Simultaneously, as we become happier, we also start thinking in alignment with the energy of being in abundance, which God exists in. Rising to a higher level of happiness automatically, takes us closer to the positive frequency of thinking and creating as an advanced soul.

The more we become advanced as souls, the higher our levels of happiness rises as we move up to higher dimensions of exuberance. We rise above being ritualistic in the material world to being energetically aligned with the positive thinking that God stands for.

Hence, to be happy, instead of just focusing on taking action in the material world, staying stressed and then praying for peace; we need to focus on integrating our energies with the positive thinking of God.

Prayers are metaphoric ways to reach God. Instead of just saying words of prayer, chanting or reading religious text, we need to focus on the energies they create within us. The symbols and words have vibrations attached, abstracting which can make us feel aligned with God’s frequencies.

While praying, we need to use abstract imagination and imbibe energy from the words written or heard, so that they create positive vibes in our body. We also need to feel the light of God spreading in the centre of our being when we light a candle. It is only when we integrate our soul energy with the high positive frequency of the light of The Creator that we can rise above our problems.

We connect to an energy of a different frequency through our prayers or meditation to get guidance and help during a difficult phase of life. We pray in difficult phases of life just as a student calls his teacher when he cannot solve a problem on his own.

However, to allow ourselves to feel positive, we have to stop feeling negative during the moments of prayer. The energies we focus on multiply by laws of Creation on Earth. If we pray in fear or in a negative mode, we would only increase the negativity in our lives as energies multiply with focus. Even if we can create some miracles by focusing upon them, new problems would dilute their effect, till our overall energy frequency can be positive.

We have to feel good while praying to create the energy focus necessary to attract the support we need to attain our life purpose. Therefore, we have to believe in abstract thinking that we are loved and supported by God, even though we cannot touch or see God; to be able to receive that support.


Defreeze And Connect To God

Negative feelings make us hard as stone or ice. If we feel frozen like ice, due to accumulated negativity we need to melt our energies, so that God’s ever flowing, energy shower of blessings, can merge in our frequency. The negativity makes us rigid in energy of thoughts which freezes our ability to receive positive life force or love from God. We get caught in a vicious circle of negativity by losing faith in a happy life but we are not aware that the fault of creating an unhappy life is our own negative energy focus, not God’s. We create with our own power of spirit on Earth as co-creators or parts of God.

The Creator wants the spirit in us to learn how to create happiness, and tries to help us in learning the art of creation, by supplying positive life force whenever we ask. If we claim to love God, staying negative makes us be disloyal to God as it makes us focus on negatve energy more than positive energy.

God is positive energy and staying loyal to God means being happy through difficult circumstances so that positive energy rules over negative energy .  By worrying, crying, cursing or blaming, we move away from receiving help by higher force, by doubting its existence. Doubt is an energy of negative frequency which blocks inflow of energy of positive frequency. Negativity implicitly makes us disrespect God’s work as we feel that the world which was created by God’s energy moulding into physical form, is a bad place to be in.

The demon wants all to believe that god is a failure and unhappiness is the norm of being, that the world should be destroyed and nothingness , fire and hell should rule all over; thus, increasing suffering for souls .Choosing to suffer, feel sacrificed or hopeless makes us work against God and more in favor of the demon as it multiplies energies of negativity, emptiness and vacuum in our own life and in the lives of all those we affect with our sorrows. By staying unhappy, we spread energies of the devil with unconscious awareness, like being used as remote controlled dolls. Negativity makes us rigid in attitude and we cannot receive help as we become inflexible in attitudes.

If we remain inflexible like stone and God keeps pouring water like energy on us, we would not be able to absorb it. We would feel thirsty as in a desert seeking water but reflecting it back because of our own dryness. Till we remain sad and pray, our prayers go waste in helping us be closer to God or receive blessings.

As energies, we open our doors to receive energy from God by vibrating in a similar positive, powerful frequency as God does. We make efforts to receive positive energy by aligning with God’s thinking, along with praying.

For steps of abstraction :

This blog is an excerpt from my book REDEFINING HAPPINESS ( How to handle negative feelings), a soul's perspective - chapter 9

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