Monday, 14 February 2022

Happiness & Health Increase The Positive Power Of The Soul


Happiness and Health rise by increasing positive power of the Soul by understanding its voices,

 The Soul communicates its unrest through the subconscious mind’s personalities,

Positive frequency of the Soul needs to be accentuated by skill and practice,

Creating Happiness is as skilled an effort as swimming in deep waters is

( excerpt from the book - Emotional Management -Allow Positive Energy To Win In Self Over The Energy Of The Negative  - Invest Time , Effort & Energy on Feeling Peace) 

Soul lessons are learnt in the due course of a  lifetime along with the other activities which entail survival or emotional gratification needs that are necessary to be happy. However, learning of soul lessons and finding happiness requires an awareness of the entailed soul lesson underlying an activity and an attempt to focus on the soul lesson alongwith pursuing the external activity . 

For example, in our educational system it is not taught that the soul’s life lessons revolve around learning emotional lessons and are not directly connected with learning science, academics or dance or sports. All activities which a person does on Earth like studying, dancing or lifting bricks, have emotional lessons ingrained just as all school subjects have English ingrained or a national language ingrained; which develops while learning the school subjects. For instance, just as a student understands how to apply English while learning a science, a soul learns how to apply patience while overcoming hardships.


To achieve its life purpose and ambitions of happiness, the soul has to make efforts for finding fulfilment through desired work along with realizing the energy of love as ‘to love’ is necessary to be happy as is ‘to eat’ . Love is food for the soul .

Happiness is realized by a balance between the functions of the lower chakras which address the needs of survival and the higher chakras which cater to spiritual awareness.    

Every soul encounters financial and structural evolution difficulties in the path of realizing happiness with satisfaction and in doing the work which brings joy to the heart. The difficulties are energy manifestations of low frequency which appear in the form of negative people and circumstances but are planned to help the soul learn its soul lessons.

As is explained in detail further on in this book and in my other books, overcoming a difficulty is like breaking clusters of negative energies so that the positive transcending energy frequencies of the Creator can spread over rigid traditions such that overall human consciousness evolves along-with individual evolution.

Emotional management is necessary to overcome any difficulty with a positive spirit .A positive emotional balance of the mind is attained by managing routine emotions such that positivity or calmness pre-dominate over anger and restlessness. If a person becomes habitual to remaining peacefully balanced by choice, it can be ensured that the soul will cross over situations of hurt with a positive spirit.

However, if negative emotions are allowed to dominate the mind, anger, violence, diseases and frustrations rule the individual adult’s mind and spread unhappiness in mass consciousness.


A systematic approach to understand energies underlying emotions by accessing the subconscious mind is needed so that energies of anger, hurt, fear, guilt and sadness can be transcended to positive or erased from the root cause and thus prevented from releasing negative hormones in the body which create diseases and aggression.  Defeating negative, sad thinking in self or  others and replacing the lower frequency energy with energies of  hope, and optimistic thinking metaphorically, equals spreading bright light over darkness in human minds.

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