Sunday, 24 February 2019


The Voice of the Soul

“I, as a soul in a human body, realize that I exist in an infinite realm of timelessness. It is only, the finite human body, which is limited by zones of time, but the energy, me, the soul within, remains eternally.

There is no limit on the number of experiences or human bodies, which I, as a soul, can choose to inhabit.

I understand that the whole process of evolution is that of mastering consciousness.

There is no emotion, be it fear, anger or happiness, which cannot be mastered because they are only manifestations of thought forms, which can be transformed into Light.

If negative energy exists, in my life, in the NOW, there is no reason why it cannot be transformed into positive, if I but choose to focus my thought on it, with awareness of what I am creating.

 There is no sin, which cannot be forgiven, if I but choose to learn from it. 

The Choice to be happy or not to be happy, IS MINE, and I have the FREE WILL to choose, which is given to me by the Laws of the Universe.


I take the responsibility to create and I realize that what is created is but a manifestation of my consciousness.

When I create with conscious awareness, of my power as the creator, I know that the World I live in is a WORLD of MY choice, and not one ruled, by any force, other than me.

Overcoming Depression

“Overcoming Depression leads to ascension of average positive frequency, soul evolution, a healthier mind & more balanced ambitions, when the pressures of hypocrisy or metaphoric gas, are released with a zeal for developing optimism, positive thinking , hope , satisfaction and spiritually aligned meditative abilities “

Depression is spreading like rapid fire these days.  Problems appear to rise when people start talking about them whereas they may have been dormant through centuries. However, problems can also literally increase when there is excessive accumulation of trauma in the mass consciousness and immunity falls for society, as a whole; thus , leading to each falling backwards. This analogy is similar to pollution of air. When there is too much pollution, breathing of each is negatively affected. Similarly, when there is too much hypocrisy in society, well-being of each thinking person is negatively affected.

While rational logic can be devised on theoretical layers and medicines prescribed by research on chemical grounds, there is much need to understand the energy underlying the spread of depression to check its exponential growth. Usually, depression is caused due to the circumstances of a person which are affected by a multitude of factors that cannot be controlled as chemical reactions can be. However, the circumstances can be deciphered through methods like hypnotherapy so that the person can view his or her own self –deception and heal.

The healing of depression requires release of suppressed tension by either changing the circumstances or viewing the self from a detached, observer’s perspective. Depression goes into the background when  illusions of a  perfect world , a perfect education scenario, a perfect self , a perfect marriage and a perfect job break while  imperfections are accepted as a natural norm of life, such that ‘freedom to be naturally different’ replaces chains of ‘why can I not  be conventionally perfect ’,in the mind.
Depression is largely a result of self- deception .You become depressed when you feel helpless because things are not as you believe they should be and you cannot do anything about the situation.

You heal when you allow flexibilty and change  . For freedom from anti depressants , Sorrow has to be removed through self healing exercises , past life therapy , claiming back your soul identity , integrating soul fragments  . meditation and changing all beliefs that make you sad or revengeful.

For further reading, please refer to the books .

Tuesday, 19 February 2019


Just as you take bath everyday, it is necessary to remove stress and anxiety on a daily basis as these are like dust on your energy field. They create diseases in the body by preventing good health. Anxiety is worry about the future. Stress is exasperation with the present and sorrow from the past . Both release negative hormones in your body which harm .

Take an ENERGY SHOWER DAILY . Before sleeping at night and as soon as you get up, imagine yourself in front of yourself as in the mirror or in the sky. Then, imagine a shower of light falling on you from  above your head . This shower of white energy is like a shower of water. It cleanses all your energy field like water cleanses your body.Feel your body healthy and be thoughtless as you absorb the white light in. Imagine negative energy falling off as dust from your body.See yourself glowing  in energy in all your cells and enter your body.

Meditate in silence for at least 11 to 22 minutes every day. Look up on your crown and smile as you meditate. Focus on your breathing and your feet alternatively with the head .  In these 11-22 minutes, do not allow any negative thought to worry you. If worries come, ask them to go away and come after the allotted time. Worries are alive thoughts which go away when commanded and return after your meditation time is up. Avoid immediately falling into worry after this exercise of positive regeneration by postponing the worry or  taking action on it.

Take an energy shower and cleanse your energy body, meditate to cleanse your mental body and use natural healing , yoga and deep breathing methods to cleanse your physical body . Keep your feet in water daily for ten minutes , Use salt once  a week in your bath and in cleaning your house, Massage your feel for at least 1 minute with ghee or oil. Regularly massage your head with oil . Massage your eyes and your chest also whenever the stress creates heaviness in you .

Eat light but do not stay hungry. Drink 8 glasses of water daily. Eat two fruits and green vegetable. Spend less on marriages & partying so that you have money for daily needs.  The more you think of negative feelings, the more life you give to them and they seek to come back in you t stay alive. Instead, focus out negative feelings to end their cycling. Every hour , take  a minute or a  few seconds to look up and smile. Thank God & Earth , Positive energy &  sunlight .

For further clarity, please refer to my post on How to be happy ... on 

Sunday, 17 February 2019


People die but the spirit does not die.
The spirit in a body is called a soul. The soul gets its identity from being in a body but the spirit has an identity much greater than the identity of the body.
The eternal spirit incarnates as a soul in a body to learn lessons of soul evolution. The learning, evolving soul has to come on Earth for a direct contact with negativity. Negative energies cannot be experienced in the spiritual dimension. The soul attends theoretical classes in celestial dimensions about the kinds of energies it has to master to channelize creation in physical dimensions. Then, it comes to Earth to apply that knowledge.

In the physical dimension, viz. Earth, the soul has to create happiness in a given frame of circumstances. The purpose of incarnating in a physical body is to learn how to create in the physical realm within limits of time and space.
The soul in a human body has a finite life, unlike the eternal spirit. The soul tries to create within a specified time whatever it desires to be happy. By experiencing happiness, its energy frequency becomes higher. When the soul is able to attain its level of soul evolution.
Earth is like a school for the soul where each life is an exam. The soul has to evolve to a higher positive frequency in order to pass the exam within a specific time viz. a life time. If the soul fails to create happiness within its life-time, it has to repeat the test. The soul lives a number of life-times wherein it tries to create happiness by overcoming gradations of difficulties. The soul can rise to a higher grade and evolve to a different life-plan when it clears one level of tests by passing that stage of soul evolution.

Spirits who leave a body after death move to another body or the spiritual dimension depending on whether they want to reincarnate on Earth or chose to stay in higher spirit realms to learn their soul lessons. Earth is like a hostel. Only a spirit who is free of responsibilities enters Th astral realms. Spirits who die with responsibilties son their head often just cross over to another body from where they can meet their responsibilties.

Spirits should be released to light after death and not recalled with sorrow as recalling them with sorrow, confuses their identity since they are already in another body . You can communicate with the spirit as with another alive person. The spirit remains alive albeit without a body.


This is the process of spirit release, necessary after the death of a  person or to emotionally detach from controlling attachments of people who are alive . 

Energy Cord Cutting Process

•       Sit with feet flat on floor
•       Keep your spine straight
•       Look at any point on the ceiling
•       Keep staring and count yourself down from 25 to 0
•       Continue looking at point till your eyes blink
•       Then, you can close your eyes or continue looking at that point till the eyes close themselves by getting tired of staring.
•       Once you close your eyes, release tension from by exhaling out black energy and inhaling white light in its place.
•       Imagine that the top of your head is opening and tension is going out as black smoke or grey smoke going out of a chimney.
•       Then, let light from the sky come into you in any color which soothes you. Feel the positive light come into your head, your eyes, your cheeks, your ears, your neck, your shoulders, your hands, your chest, your stomach, your hips, your legs and down to your feet.
•       Feel your whole body filled with a cloud of light.
•       Move on to further relaxation so that you go deeper in your subconscious mind.
•       Next, use muscle contraction and relaxation METHOD to release tension from each part of your body. Tell yourself that each time you tighten or release your muscles, you will keep going deeper and deeper in your subconscious mind.
•       Go mentally to each part of the body. Start with your feet.  Tighten your muscles and count 1, 2 & 3.  Then count reverse 3, 2, 1, and release. As you release, breathe out black smoke. Move onto your legs, your hips, your stomach, your chest. Tighten the muscles in each part by breathing in. Then, reverse count 3 to 1 and breathe out. Relax the muscles. Move on to tighten your head, eyes and fingers. End with releasing all tension from your shoulders and hands.
•       Count yourself down again from ten to zero and as you count yourself down, you will keep going deeper and deeper in your subconscious mind. You are in a semi trance state now.
•       Imagine that you are entering a dark tunnel.
•       See your lover standing at the other end of the tunnel
Imagine a cord between you both
•       It can be made of any material, be it rope, or silver or elastic or metal or energy. Accept first impressions coming to your mind.
•       Cut the cord. Use any tool for cutting the cord.
•       Cut it with a scissor or a knife or burst it with a dynamite.
•      As  you  cut  the  cord,  ask  or  command  that  your  soul fragments return to you and his soul fragments return to him.
•       For taking back your soul fragments, or energies stuck with that person, see that energies which are yours are coming out of that person and merging into you. Keep a filter in between you and the other person like a transparent glass wall or a white, silvery mesh. Let your positive energies come to you through the filter and negative energies stay filtered out.
•       Ask that person’s energies to go where they belong. They may return to that person or dissolve. Accept the first impressions coming to your mind.
•       You can imagine that person is passing you a ball of energy and you are returning a ball of energy to him. Or you can imagine that you are exchanging objects or money or children. Any energy of yours which is stuck with him/ her will return to you. And an energy of his, which is stuck with you will return to him.
•       Then, you may feel that a soul fragment is getting disconnected from that person and coming into you. It can be a male or female you. The soul fragment can be in a different form from your present body as it can be from your past life.
•       Let that soul fragment come through the glass wall and hug you. Feel it is merging into you.
•       See all soul fragments of that person leaving you and going back to that person, through the mesh. All that which is yours will come back to you and all that is the energy of that person will leave. See his energy getting integrated into him/her or dissolving.
•       Cut the cord again in your imagination. Now, put a mirror or a glass wall between you and the other person. The mirror will ensure that his energies are reflected back and the glass wall will ensure that his energies cannot pass freely to you, like   a barrier. See the other person disappearing.
•       Feel a blue light in the place on your body from where the energy chord was cut.
•       Feel that place getting healed.
•       Now, walk away from that place and see yourself after a week
•       Imagine that you are smiling and happy as you see yourself.
•       You can also imagine that you are with a friend who you enjoy being with or a   new lover has come in your life. Accept the first impressions coming to your mind.
•       Wake up from the semi trance state by counting yourself up from 1 to 5. Feel a shower of light falling on you from above and feel your soul flying in the sky entering your body. If you feel spacey, ground yourself, do a few stretches and drink water.
•       This process will help significantly in getting over a past obsession with a person you thought you loved. It would enable you to view the person from a detached perspective.
•       ENERGY CORD CUTTING needs to be repeated often in the initial stages when the pull of the negative may be strong. It takes time for the body to rise above an internal state of negative balance to a state of positive internal balance. Whenever depression strikes again, cut the ENERGY CORD and do an energy exchange.
The ENERGY CORD cutting process can also be used for detaching from controlling dead  or alive souls of  parents, friends who cheat or people who abuse.
It helps us get rid of negative emotional control of all people who make us feel depressed beyond our rational control.
With practice, we can access our subconscious mind quickly and the process can be shortened by directly imagining cutting the cord and exchanging soul fragment. Energy cord cutting helps in attaining freedom from feeling unworthy, and abused. Hence, it works miraculously in attaining positivity and freedom of the spirit.

BEING BETRAYED in LOVE - Soul's Perspective

Several of us feel negative because of being betrayed in love. Being betrayed in love is a different challenge than being betrayed in business or card games because love involves emotional disintegration and reorientation.
We usually fall in love with people with whom we have karma left over from past lives.
If we have ditched someone in a past life, it is likely that our soul would plan to be betrayed by that soul in the present life, to neutralize the negative effects we created in the past life. Also, we fall in love with the people who may have betrayed us in past lives, as well but we were unable to get over their power over us. There may be soul fragments of ours which have merged in their energy. It is our own energy in them which pulls us because we need to release ourselves from their negative thinking traps.
If parts of our soul have got segregated from our whole, due to emotional trauma in a past life, they remain attached to the person who was our abuser, till we can free ourselves from that energy dimension, wholly. We do not realize that the person we fall in love may have been our abuser in a past life even if he or she may be a negative thinker or a disoriented person, because we are so overtaken by an energy pull.
The reality of our choice strikes us when there is disagreement on work ethics or life’s values, but we try to ignore it. Because our soul fragments are stuck in those bodies, we find similarities between us and them in some aspects where energies match at the soul level.
However, only fragments of our energy is in those souls and therefore similarities may be fewer than the differences in thinking.
Over a period, the differences keep arising because those people, are inherently negative as they were our abusers in past lives. After we break up, we need to take our soul fragments back from them through the ENERGY CORD cutting process. Once, we have our own soul energy freed from their thinking, we realize that we always felt trapped more than loved in their presence.
Likewise, when we cheat/betray someone in our present life, it is either a carryover from the past life where we were betrayed by that person; or we may be creating a new energy cycle of karma. The energy of betrayal comes back to us in some form or the other; though we may not be able to grasp when the energy comes back. We may cheat for a different reason than we get betrayed for; or we may betray a different person and may be betrayed by another person. However, the energy which we radiate does come back to us, whichever route it may take.
The  steps of ENERGY CORD CUTTING are very useful in getting over trauma of being ditched in love. This process is explained in my book REDEFINING HAPPINESS, EMOTIONAL MANAGEMENT and with an example in the book IN SEARCH OF HAPPINESS, a soul’s perspective.

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

A Curse Can create Sudden Death

Curse of a  raped woman can create death by suicide or accident...
Curse of sadness of an an exploited worker can create death , miscarriage or  misfortune 
Curse of a  betrayed lover can cause loss in war...

But the curse affects both the victim and the abuser .. Hence, beware of cursing in anger as you can also be engulfed in its fire even if you are the one who has cursed as you have been wronged. 

This belief that a person gets happiness by cheating others is a myth as those who cheat others reverse the energy of sadness on the self and the suffering can continue over lifetimes till soul lessons are learnt to evolve to a higher level of wisdom. 

The curse is a thought wave passed on from one person to another in a moment of intense emotion. The curse has high vibrational negative power as it is created in a moment of feeling intensely negative.

Every human being has an energy field or an auric field around him /her. This auric field receives and generates electric impulses in alignment with thoughts of the person.

If one person curses another person, the curse would be received by the other person only if s/he is emotionally weak/ in awe/ dependent on the person cursing. For example, if a saint cursed you, would receive the curse because you are in awe of the saint. However, if your own wife or husband curse you,you may reject the energy of the curse as insignificant.

In the first case scenario, where you willingly receive the curse, your happiness would reduce till you stay in the energy dimension of the curse. The curse would remain over lifetimes on you and will affect all your future life-times till you evolve above the frequency at which you were cursed. For example, if a bird is cursed to be a rat , the curse may hold her as a rat for life-times but if she decides that she wants to be a bird again and makes all choices to think like a bird, the curse can no longer hold her down . The thought frequency of a curse can hold you down only as long as you allow it to. If you decide that your independent thought is stronger than the curse, the energy of the curse will no longer bind you.

Also, if you stop respecting the person who cursed you as being foolish or insignificant, then the curse would not be able to control you. A curse is like a binding chain on your energy but it can remain only as long as you allow another person’s domination on you.

However, if a curse is given but is not absorbed by the strong person, it can still affect the weak part of that person where his soul energy is held. For example, if a curse is given to a strong man by a saint, he may reject it and walk away but the energy of the curse can be absorbed by his wife/ lover / children / dependents / any weak people in his auric field – in the same life or in future lifetimes. For example, if a man enslaves farmers in his arrogance and does not care about the bad feelings they send towards him, the energy of the bad feelings will affect his children or those he cares about who are not aware of the curse. The children may get sick or die or not achieve success because the man is cursed.

A real life  example – this is a real life regression example given by Dr. Hans Tend am from Netherlands in a  workshop who conducts a certified degree course in a past life therapy in Netherlands -  “a farmer cursed a land lord while dying that he and his children will suffer as his family suffered. The curse was given intensely at the point of death. Nothing happened to the landlord in that life. However, after he died, the sons of the family started dying. Once his protective shield was broken, the curse started affecting the remaining members of the family. There were no male heirs to his wealth as all the sons died or were diseased. This continued to the next generation. The young boys of the family died. The curse was discovered during a regression process and the negative spirits were released””
Usually, the effects of the curse continue till the tyranny continues. When the soul changes to positive from the core, the curse dissolves as the positive frequency of the soul cannot be bound by the negative energy of the curse due to a frequency mis-matching of energies.

However, where there are no rational reasons for failure or sickness, a curse or a spirit attachment needs to be released, which has been lingering in the aura since a past life along with uplifting soul strength to be positive from within by changing all beliefs and values which make you negative.  

For example, Marie Ann of Scotland was cursed. She had three husbands who betrayed her. The kingdom was lost and she was imprisoned for life by the queen of England.
It was found in a regression that the kingdom was looted by pirates and the princess had condemned them to death in alignment with the judiciary decision. However, the pirates felt that the kingdom was unjust and they had a right to the looted wealth as they wanted to help their friends with it. The pirates had befriended the princess before the robbery when she did not know that they are pirates. The pirates flattered her and wanted her money but she refused to run away as she had responsibility. Overtime, it is discovered that the boys are pirates and she was wrong in befriending them. The pirates are hanged and the bodies are drowned in water in the same way as they drown innocent people who they kill for money. But, since the process is young and the pirates are confident, she gets affected by their thinking process. The spirits of the pirates finds an opening in the aura of the princess and   curse her that she will never find love as she rejected the love of the pirate. Because of the curse, the princess never finds true love in that life-time and over lifetimes. The pirates’ spirits stay around her and the same tests are repeated where she has to let go of responsibility for flimsy needs of her lover or lose the lover. She repeatedly refuses to be corrupted but faces rebuke by society for befriending the wrong men as they cause harm by using her energy.

The energy of the curse repeats itself till it is broken by the soul’s choice to evolve above the frequency of that time dimension. To rise above the curse, the negative energy of the curse in the aura of the soul has to be broken and dissolved; along with increasing the soul strength of the victim to respect her/his own sense of justice over being blamed by the punished.

In brief, the energy of the curse can affect you whether you are good or bad. You can absorb the curse as an abuser or as a victim. The curse stays till you choose to be negative/ abusive/sad but it dissolves when you decide to focus on positive from within. Focusing on energies of self -love, faith in a positive world, goodness, justice, self -respect, trusting the self over negative dominant people; helps in converting soul frequency to positive by rejecting a negative/ evil or bad thought process from within.

Monday, 11 February 2019

Only Feelings Create Memories Of Reality

Memories create happiness or unhappiness. 
Memories are based on how your reality has been .
Reality is perceived by what you choose to focus on.
Your choice of focus is determined by your values, beliefs,  tastes, interests, desires, expectations and ambitions.
As people have different values, beliefs, interests and ambitions, their perception of reality differs since they feel differently in the same situations, notice different things and react differently. Thus , memories are created differently and happiness is defined differently . Health problems arise by these perceptions of memories and are hence, created  uniquely by each as will be explained in further blogs. 

the following excerpt from the book HOW TO BE HAPPY IN DIFFICULTIES , is an illustration or how memories are created and perceive as real. 

From a layman perspective, we believe that we feel the way we do about reality because that is how it exists. However contrary to popular presumptions, from the scientific perspective, our feelings or our perception of reality is not dependent on what happens in the external world but upon how we choose to feel through different altitudes of experiences.
          Our mind receives millions of sensations at any given moment but it can process only a few at a given time due to its limited focusing capacity. So, our mind has to give selective attention to the reality happening outside. Thus, it gives attention to some external stimulus only, and ignores/rejects the remaining bits of information coming its way.
 At any one moment, about 2.3 million bits of information pass our way. However, we can focus on and internalize, into our subconscious mind, a maximum of 7 + or - 2 units of information. The remaining information gets rejected.
               At an energy transmission level, the external stimulus which the mind gives attention to is chosen in the following manner:           
          Each form of physical energy in the environment, whether it is light, sound, touch, smell, or taste, is a manifestation of energy since everything in the universe is made up of energy.
                Matter or energy is always vibrating at a certain frequency .Different forms of energy are distinguished depending on the frequency each vibrates in. For example, solids are distinguished from air or water because the atoms or molecules in each vibrate at a different frequency.
          Every thought which is recorded in our mind carries energy, in the form of an attached feeling. The feeling has an energy component and an individual frequency.
      This feeling or energy component in the thought makes us aware that something exists in the external world. For example, when we think of our work, we have some kind of a picture coming to our mind which has a feeling attached.
 Memories are made of feelings.  Any thought which does not have a feeling attached is a fleeting thought and is not recorded by the mind, because its energy component dissipates as soon as the physical stimulus which created it disappears.
 E.g. At the end of a day, we remember how we felt more than any other physical aspect of reality. We come across several bits of information like the color of an office door, the design of a car seat, the fabric of our dress material, the model of our phone, the pen on the table etc. but we do not record these details as reality.
 We dismiss physical details as peripheral aspects of reality which can be ignored unless there is an element of a feeling attached with the physical detail. To illustrate, if a colleagues’ dress evokes jealousy, we would remember it as jealousy is a feeling. Or, if a car seat evokes great positive feelings of comfort, we would remember it later.
 We remember only those details which create some sensation within us. The sensation generates a negative or positive feeling in the body. We recall odd or striking occurrences of the day because they generate strong feelings within us. Our stress, happiness and memories are largely made only of feelings. Physical details only add depth to the feelings or emotions being recorded.
  In brief, we only record thoughts which have feelings or emotions attached to them and do not record thoughts which do not have feelings attached to them. Memories are emotional data recorded in the brain.

Unveiling Male Unhappiness in Marriage: Expectations, Power Dynamics, and Emotional Disconnect

 Marriage, traditionally, has been seen as a partnership, but modern expectations often create conflicts between individual needs and societ...