Saturday, 9 March 2019

Defining Karma Of A Lifetime

Karma is a measure of the kind of energy which our soul emanates during a lifetime through our focus on some thoughts over others.

Our soul is a non-physical being. It is in an energy form. Hence, our soul cannot take any physical action. As souls, beings  of energy; we cannot touch or see the physical aspect of reality except through the energy underlying it. For example, when we make love or read a book or steal, our soul only receives the energy which emanates during the act, be it positive or negative.
Energy is released through the feelings contained in our thoughts. When actions are taken by our body as a follow up of our thoughts, we, as the soul, receive electric impulses through the feelings generated during the action.
Every action follows a thought and therefore, every action entails a feeling.
Feelings are created by and create electric impulses in the body. In response to these electric impulses, our soul raises or lowers its frequency or speed of vibration. The more positive the soul frequency, the more successful we feel in achieving happiness.

 (For more details, please refer to the book – Creation of Happiness: The Energy War , a soul’s perspective )

 In brief, it can be said that the soul participates in the action taken only through the kind of feelings, the person engages in during, before and after the act. The soul does not dance, drive or read by itself. The body does the actions. The feeling or intention chosen upon before the action is taken, sets the kind of energy cycle the act will emit for the soul.

Feeling positive while doing the act generates a positive energy cycle and feeling negative while doing the act generates a negative energy cycle. In other words, if the action is taken with a positive intention, it would create further positive energy; whereas if the action is enacted with a negative feeling behind it, it would lead to generation of more negative energy.

There is no action we take which is without a feeling entailed. Even the act of breathing has a feeling entailed in it because we are feeling positive or negative in our thoughts while indulging in breathing. Hence, be it the routine activities of eating, drinking, bathing, studying or doing our job, we create karma with each action we take.
Positive karma is created when our motive behind an act is neutral or positively expectant that the act would help us increase happiness in some form. Negative karma is created when our motive is based on fear of disapproval, and the act creates sadness in some form, for ourselves or others.

Whether a positive karmic cycle emerges or a negative karmic cycle emanates depends on the average energy released.

Hence, our actions can create positive karma and spread happiness in our lives only if we think more happy thoughts than sad thoughts while doing our work.

The soul which feels predominantly sad/unhappy loses faith in God and cannot believe that happiness can exist.
It loses patience and perseverance necessary to transform happy feelings into physical reality. So, it takes short cuts to manifest its desires like cheating self or another, stealing, killing, using bribes and manipulation which make it focus more on feeling negative internally.
Negative feelings create negative impulses in the body radiating negative energy in the soul’s life. All such acts taken with a focus on the negative create negative karma. We internally compromise on our own happiness by taking away happiness from others through negative acts.

Incurring negative karma by feeling compromised, as souls, in order to achieve our external desires fast, delays our soul from evolving its frequency to positive. By failing to raise its frequency, our soul fails in achieving its purpose of life. The energies we focus on multiply. As a result, the soul incurring negative karma co-creates a negative world for itself through its focus on the negative.


·         Some common questions regarding Karma

Do acts of violence lead to negative karma?
Usually, most acts using violence constitute negative karma. However, all acts using violence cannot qualify as negative karma because it is the intention/cause behind the act which determines whether negative karma is generated or not. For example, killing another soul to prove one’s power would create negative karma, but killing another soul in self-defense or to prevent further creation of negative energy would not.
Violence is only a tool for reinforcing an idea. It is the idea which would create karma for the soul. Positively intended violence can even lead towards creation of positive energy, and hence, create positive karma for the soul.
Our soul does not feel physical hurts. It only perceives the energy of the hurt viz. the emotional pain accompanying the violence. Usually, the emotional trauma accompanying violence is more intense than with verbal abuse. But, if verbal abuse is scheming, it can hurt as much as violent acts. Hence, emotional abuse can create as much negative karma as physical abuse.

·         How is Karmic debt calculated?
Karma accumulates over life-times. A person’s karma in the present life is determined by the average quality of energy he contributes by his thoughts, words or actions, in the universe, over a period of life-times.
 Metaphorically explaining, if we view one life as a video-game, then karma is the number of points we lose or win while playing the game. The points of the player or the karma of the soul add up as the soul moves from one life to the next, and get carried over to each new life.

Just as the player needs to overcome  the obstacles in the video-game and win positive points to reach the end of the game victorious, our soul has to make up for its lost karmic points or negative karma to move up on the scale of evolution.
Till the player gets positive points and neutralizes the negatives, it cannot win the game.
Likewise, we have to repay our karmic debt for achieving our destination/dreams of life, as planned as souls.
The negative points have to be neutralized by obtaining a higher number of positive karmic points .Positive karma helps the soul achieve a positive energy balance, necessary to find happiness.

For instance, if a soul has been a killer in one life and a saint in another, it is the overall balance of karma which would affect its stage of evolution at any one point.
In other words, the person’s karmic debt in his present life would equal the amount of negative energy he created in the life of the killer, minus the amount of positive energy he created in the life of the saint.
If the soul has incurred - minus10 points in the killer’s life and + plus 8 points in the saint’s life, his present karmic debt would be – minus 2. Till the karmic debt is not cleared, the negative energy would not transcend into positive. The soul would evolve to the next higher plane of the game or evolution, only when his karmic debt is cleared.

 In other words, obstacles would block the player’s progress in the present level of the game till the player is able to overcome them, and pass on to the next level of the game.

Since, karma is a measure of energy, for negative karma to be cleared, it is necessary to create neutral or positive energy in its place in our own life and in the lives of others. However, it is not necessary to heal the same number of souls as we may have harmed. It is only necessary to create the same quantum of positive energy as the quantum of negative energy we created, so as to neutralize the negative.

Hence, if the person carrying the karmic debt can make even one person very happy, it may balance his/her negative karma against several people.

 However, the reverse is equally true. A person can create huge amounts of negative karma by making one person severely unhappy, even if this person has been creating positive karma for several others.
As a religious verse says “If you heal one soul, you heal the whole mankind; and if you hurt one soul, you hurt the whole mankind “.

·         Does Social service help in clearing negative karma?

Creation of positive energy by focusing on positive feelings and actions, without harming others, is a sure method of clearing karma, and healing suffering. But, focusing on positive actions while feeling negative within may not lead to repayment of karma because the action, by itself, would not be counted at the soul’s level of existence. Only feelings matter to the soul’s energy cycle.
Being pre -dominantly positive within while taking actions only can help to repay karma. Joy, peace and happiness are positive energies and cannot come in our lives when we feel predominantly negative, irrespective of our external acts.

Thus, activities like social service and praying done for repayment of negative karma, would not always lead to creation of happiness in one’s life, if the focus of the person is more on negative thoughts than positive on an average .

Like, if we pray out of fear, then the prayer would multiply fear in our life not joy. Praying would connect us to God only when we do not feel negative. God is energy of high positive frequency and cannot reach our soul frequency if it is negative. Praying works when it helps us attain thoughtless states or positive states of mind.

According to Julie Soskin, author of ‘How psychic are you? ‘-- ‘The karmic laws of cause and effect act on you every second of your life... If possible, what we create in this life, it is better to heal in this life itself rather than carry it forward to another life. The more the dirt, the stickier it gets. ’

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