Saturday, 9 March 2019

Karmic Lessons , Karmic Debt

Learning karmic lessons for the soul is like learning to walk is for the toddler.
 Karma helps in spiritual growth as it helps our soul understand the cause and effect relationships between the kind of energies it creates and the kinds of energies it attracts.
It makes our soul realize that if it makes another soul feel like a victim, it has to undergo the same feeling itself at some point .In this process, our soul is forced to learn its soul lessons, and evolve emotionally upwards on the soul dimensional scale. 

Negative karma gets created when the soul is unable to pass a soul test or learn a soul lesson.

A negative karmic debt is like a mistake committed while giving a test which has to be rectified in order to pass the test with good grades. When our soul does not learn its soul lessons, we create negative energy in place of the positive energy we would have created by passing the soul test. An erring soul, i.e. the soul who creates negative karma is said to sin.

Sinning or making mistakes is not an insurmountable crime from the soul’s perspective, for which one has to suffer in hell for eternity!
Our soul learns by making mistakes. When we sin to feel happy and do not become happy with the outcome we manifest, we realize overtime that our method was not the right one for achieving happiness.

Hence, committing a sin is like falling on a step while trying to climb up the ladder of soul evolution to reach a higher level of happiness.   We may lose balance in our hurry to go up fast but we cannot stop moving up because we fell on the way.

Metaphorically, if we compare a young soul to a toddler, then a soul sins in the same way as the toddler falls while learning to walk. It is with experience that the toddler attains its balance of walking.
Similarly, it is with evolution that the soul understands which of its acts create positive energy for itself at the soul level, and which acts create negative energy.

The toddler cries because it gets hurt while falling in the process of learning to walk. It gets hurt because it has not yet learnt to walk.
But, the toddler’s suffering continues only until it masters the art of walking, as once it knows how to walk, it does not need to fall.
 Also, feeling positive by feeling loved and encouraged plays a very important role in healing the toddler’s hurt while it learns to walk. The toddler gets comforted when it falls by loving adults around it.

Similarly, our soul suffers if it sins or makes mistakes in the process of finding ways to achieve its desired purpose of life.
Our soul’s suffering continues only until it learns how to achieve the desired happiness while feeling positive with the method chosen, because when we grasp the right balance, we learn how to walk with stability without tripping on short cuts.
Energies multiply by being focused upon and when we focus on feeling the joy of work and being loved while being success -oriented, we multiply the positivity in our lives.

·         How can we prevent the need to sin?

Essentially, to prevent our need to take actions which we consider as sinful, it is necessary to understand the feeling behind a desire than focus on the external form of the desire.
Desire comes from the soul level and has to be understood from that level, itself and not purely from an external, physical or materialistic level.

For example, it is important to know that we desire money to attain happiness in some material form through it. Instead of desiring money only for the sake of it, we need to be aware that our core intention is to be happy from the money we receive. And happiness may not come in only by earning money, buying goods or cars or jewels.
It would come in when we feel happy with the choices we make in life because energies within our mind multiply to create our future. If we don’t feel happy within our mind, our external joys or successes will not help us de-stress.

Happiness usually entails feeling loved or desired. Earning money by sinful means, or eating extra fatty foods or indulging in loveless sex or in drugs or alcohol excessively may not compensate for not feeling loved and accepted.

That is why we sometimes subconsciously say we are sinning when we eat fatty foods because we know that they lead us to feel unhealthier than satisfied over the day. Whenever we devolve instead of evolving, we say we are sinning because our conscience kicks us from within and stress rises.

By  understanding that we feel happy when we feel loved or appreciated, we become aware that our soul desire is to feel appreciated through any actions we take. If our actions do not make us feel loved from within, as souls, they do not help our soul feel positive.

We would feel happy only if we do not feel more negative /unloved while doing that act. Otherwise, the negative energy focused upon would multiply more than happiness.
 Like, a prostitute may use her body to earn money but she may not feel happy by having sex without feeling loved. She may feel used and thrown, and hence, the money she earns may not compensate for her loss of happiness.

To prevent the need to sin, it is important to choose the path of work carefully such as to ensure that the intention behind working creates more happiness for self and others than the negative energy emanating as a result of having to work.

If we are compromising ourselves in the work we do or in the relationships we are in, we sin/devolve our soul frequency out of fear of survival. Just as eating pizza only satisfies immediate hunger but does not help in losing weight or in keeping the body healthy, work done to cool down immediate pressures may not help in achieving the soul’s purpose of incarnation.

Any advanced soul realizes that taking shortcuts to happiness creates more negative energy than positive in the long run, but the young, inexperienced soul does not.
Like the toddler, the young soul loses its balance and falls often. Had Dev realized that killing his king for money could not help him buy happiness, he would not have killed. Instead, he would have focused on finding a better route to manifest his desires. By killing for money, he not only lost his life but also got caught in a negative loop of getting betrayed for life-times.

The process of soul evolution takes its course, like physical maturation does. Just as a toddler can only be supported while learning to walk but cannot be forced into learning quickly, a soul cannot be forced into evolving.
 When the toddler reaches the right maturational age and physical fitness level, it starts walking, without falling, automatically. It intrinsically does not lose balance anymore.

Similarly, the soul experiences trial and error situations, usually, over several life-times before learning how to achieve its purpose of life without creating negative karma. Thus, in the process of repaying karma, or learning from mistakes, our soul becomes advanced.

•          Karma forms the syllabus of a life-time
Diane Stein, the author of ‘Essential Energy Balancing’, writes - ‘Karma is pain carried over lifetimes. It is woven into our mind-grid when the soul plans birth in a human body. It forms the belief system the person is born with and which needs to be changed or evolved as part of soul evolution. Each incarnation gives the soul a chance to experience, grow and learn in a different physical body. Karmic patterns carry over several life-times, circumstances and situations, till the negative energy is transcended into positive.’

Thus, karma forms the syllabus of a life-time. It decides the kind of negative emotions we, as souls, want to overcome in one life-time. Just as a course syllabus entails the subjects and the problems the student has to understand to move to a higher grade, our soul’s life plan entails the kind of emotional lessons of maturity it needs to imbibe, to understand happiness.

A pattern of recurring problems is usually, karmic, as they occur due to the soul testing itself. If the soul is unable to learn the lessons in that life, the test passes to the next life.
When the soul is able to use a difficulty as a means of evolving to a higher level of consciousness, it succeeds in transcending its karmic debt into positive energy.

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