Friday, 7 June 2019


Every thought has a positive feeling and a negative feeling entailed in it. The outcome of every thought is the average energy frequency of the feeling entailed in the thought. Each thought with a greater positive feeling emits a positive energy frequency and every thought with greater negative feelings emits a negative energy frequency. Positive feelings emit as positive electric impulses from the soul and negative feelings emit negative electric impulses from the soul. Negative electric impulses create energies of unhappiness whereas positive electric impulses create energies of happiness. Our subconscious mind controls the functioning of our body and generates happy feelings, diseases or anxieties automatically in the body, on the basis of whether we choose to focus on the energies of feeling positive or negative, on an average. Positive electric impulses create more positivity in life whereas negative electric impulses create more sadness in life by influencing health, habits, behavior and vibrations attracting external life situations. This co-creation of positive or negative circumstances is subconscious or hidden from the conscious part of the mind. From the rational perspective, the human mind can be said to be divided into two main parts. These two parts are - the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. They are distinguished in terms of levels of awareness at any given moment. The conscious mind is the mind as we are aware of. We know that we have a rational, reasoning, analytical mind. It includes all our conscious processes. Consciously, at any moment we use about 10% of our total mind capacity for handling a given task. Whenever we use our mind for focusing or learning or reasoning or analyzing with conscious awareness of the energies which we are processing, it is the conscious mind we use. For example at this moment, you are consciously aware that you are reading, that you are lying down, sitting or travelling, that you are understanding, that you are wanting to discover more , that you are vibrating with the healing energy of these words, that you are absorbing wisdom of your higher consciousness etc. Yet, at this moment, you are, most probably, not aware of how your breathing is being synchronized in your body, how your blood pressure is maintained, how your heart is functioning, how your body is being balanced in the position that you are sitting in, how your intestines are working etc. You also may not be paying much attention to the touch of your shoes on your feet, of how your clothes feel on your body, or on how your emotional state has been since morning. All this that you are not aware of, at the moment, is being organized by your subconscious mind. The conscious mind makes up for about 10% of the total mind. The remaining 90% of the mind, which maintains our body’s functioning, is the Subconscious Mind. Arthritis and other diseases are created by the subconscious mind. Hence, it is imperative to focus on the functioning of how the subconscious mind creates disease in organs. The subconscious mind is eight-nine times more powerful than the conscious mind. It controls the body’s autonomic nervous system and maintains the normal functioning of all the organs of our body. For example, it maintains our body temperature, our heart beat, repairs damaged tissues etc. When the body organs start malfunctioning as in diseases, pains and aches, the subconscious mind is responsible for the problems.” “Problems are created in the body subconsciously, due to an excessive release of negative hormones in the body by a focus on some negative aspects of life. The problems in the physical body are a physical manifestation of a negative emotional state of mind. Emotions release neural impulses in the body which can be negatively or positively charged. Negative neural impulses created by negative emotions flow in neurological circuits and release negative hormones to the organs. A persistent flow of negative hormones to the organs creates disease in the organs… It takes about seven years of persistent worry about a specific problem in life to create a disease in the organ responsible for that specific function in life. For example, an inability to move onto non-parenting with adult children who are independent leads to arguments on behaviors and values where the older adults feel stuck due to their inability to be flexible in their attitude. This feeling of being stuck in life releases negative emotions in the neural pathways leading to creation of negative neural impulses. The negative neural impulses release negative hormones in the organs responsible for movement viz. the joints. Focusing on a non-rigid attitude to life and being inflexible to changing beliefs often creates rigidity in the knees joints that leads to development of arthritis in older adults. Other diseases also can be traced backwards to their root cause at the emotional level such that it can be found which emotional inflexibility creates which disease in the organs. For example, diabetes occurs when a person feels wronged by his environment. The person typically feels frustrated after a self-imposed, rigorous, unrewarding routine and has a deep desire to rest which s/he ignores. Feelings of guilt, self-reproach and disappointment with the world, continue over a prolonged period of time before physical symptoms begin to develop. A feeling of exhaustion comes due to an emotional conflict between balancing different aspects of life. Body symptoms are created such that insulin (a component of life-force energy) stops flowing adequately to all organs of the body in response to the person feeling that s/he is not doing justice to all aspects of his life. The person eats in an undisciplined manner out of a need for comfort but feels worse because the digestive system cannot take the strain due to deficiency of insulin. In the cure of diabetes, disciplined eating, long walks, acknowledgement of self-achievements and meditation help to regain control of life. Eating less and more frequently is better than taking large meals which stress the body. Deconditioning from a regular eating habit helps because it makes the person feel emotionally free while relaxing the stomach. Meditation without allowing the mind to worry for the allotted time along with self-praise/ acknowledgement of efforts already made by the self, help to reduce harmful effects of negative thinking. But, if the person takes no care to discipline his habits and keeps worrying while meditating or taking medicines, the mind remains stressed and the body feels sick. Negative thinking keeps blocking the flow of positive hormones and reinforcing the physical symptoms of deficiency in the body. Therapy helps in erasing the mind’s habit of guilt and self –reproach by deactivating a negative thinking energy circuit from the subconscious mind while a new energy circuit of positive thinking is installed in its place for regenerating the cellular subconscious programme which ensures an adequate flow of insulin that controls diabetes naturally. Similar to diabetes, other chronic diseases are a physical manifestation of a specific focus on negative feelings underlined in the routine thought processes. Illustrated briefly – Asthma is a result of constantly feeling emotionally suffocated, non-understood and chained. It usually has past lives attached where the person may have died by drowning, poisoning, being suffocated to death in burial etc. Asthma heals by freeing the spirit from feeling breathless by releasing the wounded soul by viewing past life memories and addressing emotionally similar present life problems which make the person trigger awake the energy circuit of memories of death by suffocation. Cancer is caused due to suppressed bitterness which causes uncontrollable fits of rage in the body that overtime, create an uncontrollable growth of negative cancer cells. Helplessness, feelings of defeat and pangs of sadness combined with anger are usually routine thought processes of a person who develops cancer. Removing the energy of helplessness from the mind helps in healing cancer along with Reiki, NLP, spirit release and past life work. Arthritis involves rigidity of thinking and a feeling that one is unable to move ahead in life as desired. This rigidity about definitions of how life should be moving on, may not be just a present life phenomenon. It may also indicate spirt attachments of people who have been unable to move on to ascension after death of the body and remain stuck in the negative thought pattern which they died with. Such people are usually dead relatives of the diseased person, own past life spirits of the person or the spirits of people who s/he may have been in conflict with in past lives. This rigidity in thinking patterns has to be addressed for arthritis to heal. Throat problems reflect an inability to communicate clearly etc. The exact emotional causes of the disease in each person have to be specifically found through therapeutic intervention for the energy circuits of the disease to clear in the subconscious body of the person. If only the physical symptoms are healed, the disease returns in worser forms. By ignoring the soul’s journey over lifetimes, we let ourselves worry about present life problems, but do not realize how suppressed negative feelings harm the body organs like stored up poisonous acid, by consistently releasing negative hormones in the bloodstream. Through therapy and meditation, our subconscious mind can be directed to stop manifesting physical problems by manifesting a shift in thinking patterns. Healing happens through a process which involves transcending the negative energy created in our mind into neutral or positive. The essential requirement is to simultaneously make a conscious effort to release focus on negative energies from the mind, body and soul. To be happy is necessary to be healthy just as being healthy is necessary to be happy. Happiness is a conscious, disciplined choice which requires mind control and thinking with awareness of the feelings being focused upon. Overtime, with repetitive effort to rise above difficulties and persistent focus on feeling positive, negative energy in the body, is transcended into positive, thus healing the organs of the body. The recurring energies of the diseases are dissolved mentally by reducing focusing on dissatisfying aspects of life, while deliberately focusing on the positive aspects.">

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