All thoughts are not your own till you become aware , Once you take control, you hold your seat in your own space, You allow thoughts to come as visitors, talk and go away., But you make the final choices which vibrations you want your life to be ruled by ..... There is nothing called absolute reality, as reality is only a matter of perception which is formed by a person’s internal dominant focus. For each person, reality is that which resonates with his own internal energies.
Practically, this means that we lay emphasis on some aspects of the external world and ignore the rest. We lay emphasis on those aspects which match with our belief about ourselves and the world. Because of the energy resonance factor, there is no belief, expectation or value-system which can be proven totally right or wrong, because what is absolutely right from one perspective may be outrageously wrong from another, depending on where each energy resonates.
When we understand this concept fully, we would realize that there is actually no room for disagreements, arguments or even wars ; because each of us speaks from a different model of the world, which depends on each one’s upbringing, environment, socio-cultural heritage, values and beliefs carried over from childhood and past lives, and several other such factors which make up the identity of an individual. If there are 7 billion people in the world, each one would have a different point of focus, and hence a different perception of reality.
Reality for one would vary from what it is for another, because it is not the external physical map which affects our perception of reality, or impacts our internal feelings; but it is our existing internal emotional state of mind which determines the kind of energy/information we take in from the external world. In tune with the fact that our mind only picks up that information from the environment whose frequency matches with its own internal frequency, there is a law in the universe called the Law of Attraction , which essentially states that ’like attracts like’. Several books are available on the Law of Attraction. Hence, it has not been covered in this book, per se, though the concepts which have developed in this book are built upon the Law of Attraction. The facts about life which we believe to be real form the basis of our future beliefs and expectations, just as our past beliefs created our present. Therefore, we have to be careful and aware of our present point of dominant focus of feelings to know how we would feel in the future. Usually, the negative feeling comes as a ‘Don’t Want’. For example - ‘I don’t want to be poor’ or ‘I don’t want to be fat’ or ‘I don’t want to feel humiliated’ etc...
The specific soul urge or soul lesson involved is the opposite of the ‘Don’t Want’. It is the WANT or the desire involved. The aim of the soul behind experiencing the negative feeling is to create the positive feeling which the person would want to experience to overcome the negativity. The positive feeling gets created by a persistent focus on the desire or the outcome which the person wants to manifest. As will be explained in detail in the next chapter, for manifestation to happen the focus of the mind has to be on ‘I want…., I desire….’ rather than on the opposite of it. The learning of the soul lesson entails preventing the mind from drifting to the negative. Overcoming the negative is possible only when you do not focus on the feeling which you do not like to experience, so that you do not energize or reinforce its further manifestation in your life. For example, a lack of feeling respected can only be overcome by focusing on feeling respected, internally. The specific soul urge involved when you feel disrespected is to find ways to love and respect yourself. Unless you create the positive energy of being respected in your mind, you would not be able to attract it from the external world.
If you focus on the ‘Don’t want disrespect’, you would create more of the same till you shift to focusing on what you want. In other words, if you keep feeling that you don’t want to feel that you are not worthy of respect, then you would attract more of the same negative feeling in your life by a continuous focus on not feeling respected. You would get respect only when you start focusing on feeling that you are respected, even if that requires that you ignore the external reality and just energize the feelings of being respected in positive visualizations. As you keep focusing on feeling respected in your mind, your internal dominant focus would change. Overtime, because of shifts in subconscious beliefs, you would start perceiving and doing things differently, so that you get the respect you deserve, as being YOU, and not what you may have become because of negative external circumstances. As we discussed in chapter 1, your internal dominant focus determines the information you take in from the external world. Till your internal focus is negative, you would keep taking in negative information about yourself from the external world. For instance, if you don’t feel respected from other people, it is often because you do not give value to your own contribution. You allow other people’s negative opinions to affect you, because they coincide with your own negative opinion of yourself, subconsciously. When your own body language reflects self-respect, others approach you with respect because what you perceive outside is a reflection of what you believe in internally, as discussed in chapter 2 of the book .
(Human communication is affected only 7 % by words. 66% impact of communication is through body language and 27 % is through tonality.) You will only perceive that frequency in the external world which matches with your own internal energy frequency, and ignore the rest as insignificant. The negative feeling would stop bothering you if you find out why you do not respect yourself and find ways to change your beliefs so that you can respect yourself. (Here, addressing negative belief patterns, childhood traumatic issues and past life issues may help you understand yourself better.) Like, if you are a home-maker and feel disrespected, the lesson may be to find the intrinsic monetary value of your own contribution. Such a soul plan could be karmic where the soul wants to learn to respect work which is not paid financially, probably, because in a previous life, it disrespected people who did not bring in money. On the other hand, if you are a mafia don and feel disrespected, the soul lesson may involve changing your profession to one which creates, on an average, more positive energy than negative. The soul plan for overcoming feeling disrespected, could be to learn to detach from the present situation and move to another situation where you do feel respected. Leaving a present profession for another one may entail discarding those old values, beliefs and people which had made you choose to stay in a place, where you feel negative about yourself. When you discard redundant values, you may not feel so helpless about having to do work which you don’t want to do. Quitting a position which does not satisfy yourself concept of happiness becomes easier if your inner frequency shifts to positive, by choice.
The lesson of respect, usually, always involves getting detached from an inflated or deflated self ego, which depends more on other people's opinion of self than one's own opinion. If you go deep within yourself, you may discover that, as a soul, you are in exactly the position you wished to be in given your soul lessons and what you wanted to master in this life. When it is difficult to find out the root-cause of feeling negative, another way of getting out of the negative situation is to use positive visualization, as a mind control exercise. The negative feeling would get transcended into positive when you can keep feeling, through using positive visualization techniques about how it would be when you get the outcome you desire. If and only if, positive feelings are deliberately focused upon more than negative feelings, they overcome the negative mental currents. The positive energies released help in creating the circumstances, beliefs and resources necessary for the positive to manifest in our life. In this journey of overcoming negative feelings, we develop mental strength, emotional maturity, and find ways to develop more than one choice of response.
Shiva Swati, Ccht. RMP, A.M is a lightworker, a soul healer, psychic,a Claireaudient,Claire sentient,Claire transient,an author, spirit empowerment therapist and guide, ,behaviour analyst, clinical hypnotherapist, NLP Advanced Practitioner, Reiki Master,Theta DNA 2 Healer, Spirit Release Therapist, Past Life Therapist, Life between Life therapist,Psychotherapist.(
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