Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Recreating LOVE

It is important to feel loved to be happy. You cannot be in a situation where you feel love cannot exist as it is a negative vibration. Even after you separate from a person by who you feel ditched, you need to again recreate the feeling that you are loved as a soul to be happy. By choosing not to love, we devolve, as souls because we deny the high positive frequency of being close to ONENESS, which being in love creates in us. In God’s eyes, you are always special and whole. Even if you feel ditched or rejected by negatively oriented people, you have to revive your soul. As parts of God, we are souls of positive frequency. To remain positive, we always need to retain our self-worth and not get weakened by attacks of abuse. Love is the energy which takes us closest to God as love is a very high vibration of positivity. God is defined by love. It is presumed that God loves all beings as ONE. To be able to love ourselves and be happy again, we have to create feeling loved in our imagination. It is not necessary that we have a man or a woman in our mind. We first need to focus on the feeling of being loved and respected before we choose the person who fills our needs. As we keep focusing on the feelings of being desired and loved, a person would walk in our life who would respect us and love us in the way we desire. Energies multiply through focus. Hence, if our focus is positive, happiness will come in our life. During the process of visualization, we only need to focus on the internal feelings in our body and not be specific about who we are getting it from. As we keep taking in positive energies, we would start feeling happier even if there is no visible sign of a lover yet in our life. A lover who truly makes us feel loved and respected, can walk in only when we are positive within ourselves. It would take time for the negative energy within us to dissolve, which made us subconsciously manifest the betrayal, earlier. When the negative energy dissolves, we would no longer get attracted to people who are likely to hurt or abuse us. We would instead pull those people towards us who do make us feel loved. Sometimes, when there is no person available, it helps to focus on God as our partner. That does not mean that we are accepting being single. It only implies to our subconscious mind that we need a person who can make us feel as loved and respected, as we would if God was our lover. While we visualize pictures where we feel loved and happy with our partner as in a real film, we can use all our sense organs to make the experience intense. We can also activate our sexual orgasms and have sex with ourselves as we mentally imagine a partner. Sometimes, sex with self is far more fulfilling than with another person. We can imagine feeling loved by our imaginary partner often. Soul energy brightens if we can connect to God through sex, and raise soul vibrations to positive. Imagining sex with God in a spirt form or as an imagined person helps to become one with God and attain salvation. Health and positive energy rise by releasing breath into the light of a Higher Self , visualized above the body; and taking in energies from The Higher self. Sex is an automatic method of staying thoughtless but we have to exchange energies with a positive person or spirit to remain positive after sex. To activate chakra centres through sex, it helps to release orgasm by breathing up into the light of God, and releasing orgasm as an energy to merge with that higher life force. Instead of focusing on the sexual act, focus on God during the act of sex. Breathe in the energy released at the point of orgasm and exhale it out from the top of the head. Release this sexually charged breath by focusing on the crown chakra into a ball of light above the head. Then, inhale pure white/golden light into the body from the ball of light and imagine the energy spreading all over the body with cells lighting up through the whole body. Feel your feet filled with light. Feel your heart blossoming like a flower with petals spreading a slight opens in the centre. Receive the love of God and spread it all over your being. Thank God for the wonderful experience of love and feel the smile of satisfaction filling you up. This spirit sex experience will repeat on the physical plane if some person’s energy matches with that of the spirit. . It may be cautioned here that spirits can walk in, if we imagine sex with a non-physical partner. It is okay to have sex with a spirit and it might be a more positive experience than with a real person because the spirit would not come with a negative baggage. The spirit would most likely be a soul-mate or our own soul fragment which is attached to another’s energy and which is seeking love but is unable to reach, physically. However, any sexual act involves an energy exchange and if we have sex with a person who is negative as a soul, in real or in imagination, we are bound to feel negative by taking in his/her energy. Therefore, it is important to connect ourselves to positive energy by imagining bright white light falling on us from the sky so that we do not catch negative spirits in imagined sex. To have spirit sex, it helps to activate/imagine a flame in the center of our eyes .The energy of a flame of light inside our head would activate our psychic senses and open our third eye which would help us access energies beyond the physical dimension. We also need to connect the spirit who comes to us for sex with imagined light falling on him/her and filling his soul body. Imagined sex with self and a positive spirit, is better than sex with prostitutes. Since we take in energies from the person we have sex with, we feel negative or empty after sex with prostitutes or people who are callous, as their emptiness passes on to us. In case, you do have sex with prostitutes, use ENERGY CORD cutting after the act and send back their negative energies. Heal yourself after bad sex to feel loved and whole again. Though, the fear of abuse prevents us from trusting a new person, it is important to remain open to being in love and receiving love. We can use visualization to remove fear of abuse by the following steps: Removing fear of abuse • Close your eyes. • Be in a semi trance state. • Focus on your head and allow a white ball of light to come into you and cleanse you. • Feel the ball of light leaving with your negative energy stuck to it and dissolving in the sea. • Now, feel golden energy filling you up. • Focus on the feeling of being abused. • You can visualize it as a situation, a film or just as a ball of energy. • Use erasing memory methods to dilute the negative memories. Take out sound and visual effects from them. • Now, just view the feelings of being abused. • Pass light through the pictures coming to your mind. • As you pass light, you may get lessons of awareness. Inhale guidance as an energy form of a white paper from the sky in you. • You may realize that you do not have to put up with abuse just because the abusive people are stronger, manipulative or in authority. • We may also use energy current rotation method to reverse the energy of being abused. • We can also use Energy CORD cutting between us and the abusers to heal ourselves. Give back the energy of abuse and take back your positive spirit coming into you with wings and hope alive again. • Also, we can choose to energetically move away from them and put a glass wall in between so that their negative energy does not affect us. • Then, we can visualize the energy of abuse stored in our body as a stone or an animal or a black snake and ask it to go where it belongs. The animals may go in their natural habitat. If its an indigo soul, the black snake may go in the sea, release its blackness and turn blue, as it swims away. • We may also see the energy going into the sunlight and dissolving. • If the energy still remains, we can use a weapon of light as a CROSS or a TRISHUL, or a THUNDERBOLT OF LIGHTENING and throw it on the animal. The electric violet light will hit the demonic form in its third eye and disintegrate the form. • We need to visualize the demonic looking animal being electrocuted and/or sucked in a black hole. • We may also use energy rotation or energy cleansing methods to reverse the currents in ourselves so that we do not fear and thus, create abuse due to our negative expectations. By reversing the current, we would disintegrate the negative energy and rotate the energy in a positive energy circuit. • Replace the energy in the body with a bright light entering in its place and filling up the area. • Then, we need to again check our mind. See the situation getting repeated. It should be much lighter and hazy. • We need to keep passing light through the film in our Imagination till the memory dissolves. Installing Positive Memories/Future Visualization To maintain positive feelings, in place of that negative memory, we need to install memories where we feel respected and loved. • After we release negative memories by erasing them or using ENERGY CORD cutting, we need to immediately think of feeling loved in our imagination. We can recreate a past memory of being loved and respected; or we can create anew. • In this imagined visualization, we need to heighten the feelings of being loved. • We need to accept the energies of feeling loved in our body even if they appear unreal or miraculous. • We can also feel white light radiating from our stomach and our chest, as if we are receiving a brilliant glowing ball of light from the sky; and placing it inside our being. • We need to train ourselves to integrate the positive feelings and overpower any resistance from our body to throw them out. • Spread the positive energies like rays of light spreading all over your body. • Brighten the pictures of feeling loved and respected. Feel the hugs and the kisses. • Make the film as large as possible. If faces come to your mind, allow them to appear and if faces change, allow them to change. • Focus on the energy than on specific features. Do not be rigid in visualizations as you would block the universe to work freely. If you stay fixated on the physical features of a person and not his soul energy, you may make mistakes in judgment of the soul. But, by focusing on feelings, you would attract the person in your life who meets your soul requirements of evolution. Imagine a film when you can be with your lover with mutual love and respect and evolving together. Keep visualizing feeling loved before sleeping every night and SMILE with real feeling in your being. You may thank God that you are loved as soon as you get up every morning. Focusing on the positive feelings of being loved would slowly erase your negative dominant focus. Overtime, you would start feeling more fulfilled and happy just by creating these imaginations. Your health would improve as positive hormones would be created in your body. Also, you would feel closer to God as you allow yourself to believe that the world is a nice place to live in. excerpt from REDEFINING HAPPINESS - chapter 20 www.shivaswati.com

Sunday, 21 April 2019

HAPPINESS is Positive Energy

Happiness is an energy of a positive frequency and has to be attained by defeating the thinking of dominating negative frequencies which exist around the soul by either converting the situation to feel positive as desired or moving away from the negative person and situation by understanding detachment. Usually, people fail to learn the necessary emotional skills and hence, are unable to achieve happiness as desired. Just earning money, success or fame are not enough to find happiness, good health or peace on Earth, as the soul incarnates with a life plan, to help itself master the process of creation just like a painter learning how to paint with accuracy. For achieving any desire with satisfaction, it is necessary to learn the art of applying energies as paints over the canvas of life. The soul learns how to be happy by applying emotional skills like passion with perseverance, optimism with discipline, motivation with calmness, organization with patience, detachment with forgiveness, ambition with compassion etc. In our educational system it has not been taught that the soul’s life lessons revolve around learning emotional lessons and not just academics or dance or sports. All activities which a person does on Earth like studying, dancing or lifting bricks, have emotional lessons ingrained just as all school subjects have English ingrained or a national language ingrained; which develops while learning the school subjects. For example, just as a student understands how to apply English while learning science, a soul learns how to apply patience while overcoming hardships. To achieve its life purpose and ambitions of happiness, the soul has to make efforts for finding fulfilment through desired love and work. Love and Happiness are the energies of highest soul frequencies and the most difficult to attain. Happiness comes while experiencing love, joy and satisfaction which are co-related energies. The energy of love is experienced through finding understanding with a person and through finding enjoyable work. If the soul is on the right path, it finds love and work which are so satisfying that time, money and public opinion become immaterial. The soul encounters financial and structural evolution difficulties in the path of realizing love with a person and in doing the work which it enjoys the most. The difficulties are energy manifestations of low frequency which appear in the form of negative people and circumstances but are planned to help the soul learn its soul lessons. As is explained in detail further on in this book and in my other books, overcoming a difficulty is like breaking rocks/stones or clusters of negative energies so that the positive transcending energy frequencies of the Creator can spread over rigid mind-sets such that overall human consciousness evolves along-with individual evolution. Defeating negative, sad thinking metaphorically, equals spreading bright light over darkness in human minds. Emotional management is necessary to overcome any difficulty with a positive spirit .A positive emotional balance of the mind is attained by managing routine emotions such that positivity or calmness pre-dominate over anger and restlessness. If a person becomes habitual to remaining peacefully balanced by choice, it can be ensured that the soul will cross over situations of hurt with a positive spirit. However, if negative emotions are allowed to dominate the mind, anger, violence, diseases and frustrations rule the individual adult’s mind and spread unhappiness in mass consciousness. A systematic approach to understand emotions by accessing the subconscious mind is needed so that anger, hurt, fear, guilt and sadness can be erased from the root cause and thus prevented from releasing negative hormones in the body which create diseases and aggression. This book explains how to access the energy component of emotions and control it with self disciplining the mind instead of letting the emotion control the mind of the person and making him or her feel helpless about his impulsive behaviors or diseases. The book is unique in approach as it does not preach how to be good but gives practical techniques to raise the soul’s positive vibrational frequency by erasing negative energy spaces in the mind through deleting and re-scripting painful , negative memories, as and when they come up to dilute the positive spirits of the person. .... A course in emotional management

Monday, 15 April 2019


This blog is an excerpt from my book ENERGY MANAGEMENT , chapter 25 : The mind has to stop feeling restless and worrying about the same problems for a negative energy cycle to stop and a new positive cycle to start. Problem cycling has to end by a focus on the brake/neutral gear/ detachment . By investing energy on the problem, you keep adding acceleration to the negative energy cycle instead of applying a brake on it. Metaphorically, the mind’s thinking is like a speeding car. If the car is moving in the opposite direction, it is not possible to reverse the car without applying the brake. The person driving has to stop the car, apply neutral gear and then reverse the car in the desired direction. Similarly, a person who is absorbed in negative thinking has to stop thinking completely about worries to become calm or neutral. After the person learns to break the problem thinking cycle by being detached, s/he can reverse his thinking, as desired, to focus on happy or positive feelings. The problem gets resolved after a positive cycle of thinking becomes stronger than a worrying cycle. Meditating through using Self-Hypnosis helps to activate a calm state of mind of neutral focus, which is akin to applying the brakes of a car. After applying the brakes, you can reverse the energy flow without losing your balance. Self -Hypnosis facilitates detachment from staying negative, by choice so that you can move on towards being happier and healthier with trust in the wisdom of a soul plan, embedded in the subconscious mind. To become neutral from being negative requires soul evolution. The person moves upwards on the positive energy frequency scales by developing a LET GO attitude to problems, which is called a state of detachment in meditation. Happiness comes in after mental detachment is acquired from the negative, as clean energy can come in only after dust and debris are cleared up. In quantum physics terms, positive frequency of experience can be reached only after zero state is acquired as being at ZERO is higher than being at NEGATIVE. Self Hypnosis is the step-wise process by which you can stop mind waves from continuously thinking by applying a researched sequential pattern of acquiring a meditative trance. Clinical Hypnosis is a larger branch of self-hypnosis, where hypnotherapy is applied as a medical practice, not only on self but also to treat other people. Hypnotherapy is a researched and technical skill which has been proven effective for healing mental and physical problems. Combined with past life regression, life between life regression, neuro linguistic programming and spirit release therapy, hypnotherapy helps to cure physical diseases like asthma, diabetes, spondylitis, hormonal imbalances, menstrual problems, sleep problems , cancer etc. and mental problems like depression, fears, phobias, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders etc. When you deliberately focus on a single, sequential thought cycle as in Clinical Hypnosis, you move towards activating positive vibrations. With deliberate intention to focus on hypnotizing yourselves to find the positive energy underlying difficulties, you stop thinking negatively and hence, negativity stops depressing you. Hypnosis helps to improve concentration, relax the mind and heal the body from imbalanced states of being. Self-Hypnosis, metaphorically, is a mind exercise to reduce negative thinking and is as effective in controlling negative thinking as physical exercise helps to reduce fat. Usually, learning self- hypnosis for a negative, anxiety prone person is as difficult as learning physical exercise is for a fat person. However, with will power, self-hypnosis becomes a habit for the mind seeking happiness like exercising is for a person who wants to move towards better health.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019


This chapter is an excerpt from my book SPIRITUALITY IN EDUCATION (NOTE..SPIRITUALITY DOES NOT MEAN RELIGIOUS WoRSHIP OR Ritual) Chapter 13- Teaching What Not To Do To BE Positive. “Learning what not to do or achieving an outcome is as important as learning what to do. For example, you learn how not to walk backwards, as a toddler, while learning how to walk forward. Likewise, you learn how not to be negative, as an evolving soul, while learning how to be positive “ Positive health and peace are a cumulative result of staying happy over a period of time by a choice to not be negative. Staying worried increases negative thinking and reduces positive energy flowing freely in life. However, children are trained into becoming worried by society. We become negative habitually as we are taught to focus on all the bad things happening in our lives and around us so that we can improve those situations. However, very often, we are helpless over circumstances and can do nothing on an individual level to change the negative scenario in our environment or in the world. When nothing can be done to change an external situation, it is necessary to develop detachment from it than go on worrying about it and absorbing in the negative energy of sadness. For example, you may feel very distressed about poverty in the world but may not be able to do anything much to eradicate poverty. In that case, you need to focus on worrying about poverty and think about it if and only as much as you can help. If you cannot help due to your circumstances, you need to detach from the negative vibrations of poverty and rise to feeling positive vibrationally. You cannot help the world by being dark yourself but you can contribute to increasing happiness in the world by being positive yourself through creating a chain of positive impulses which have a cumulative effect on the world. While teaching children how to be positive, it is essential to teach them how not to be negative. The following criteria need to be noted while teaching children how to work and think so that they do not behave negatively or think negatively, if it can be avoided by simple instructions. Exercise 60 (PE 13.1) – What not to do to Concentrate better Do not over-stress. If you over-stress, you will lose motivation. Any activity needs to be done only as much as it is not forced. Take a thirty seconds break whenever motivation decreases and restart your work. Take a longer break when you feel that your concentration is dropping off. Concentration increases overtime by using mental exercises. The most easily applied exercise is a simple focus on silence. Start with a single point focus for thirty seconds. You may focus on your navel point or the area under your nostrils or on your crown chakra at the top of the pineal gland or on your feet. You may choose any point of focus where you feel most relaxed & least distracted, while focusing. Time with an alarm clock. Do not exercise arbitrarily as the mind will not focus with all its strength if no clear finishing line is given. Exercise 61 (PE 13.2) – What not to do to study/focus better. Avoid participating in distractions like chatting with friends, watching television etc. even if it is going on the side while you are studying . . . Do not strain all your sense organs at the same time. Detachment from enjoyable, glittering, ritualistic activities is necessary to find peace in your inner self. Your desire to study or focus on a creative task would be less if there are too many sounds or exciting visions around. Try to move to a silent place for studying, obtaining inner peacefulness and meditation. However, if there are distractions which pull you, and you should concentrate on your inner self for studying or meditation or painting etc. . . . . ; You need to learn how to detach with force. Detachment often requires more skill and effort than concentrating. Obtaining a ZERO state of mind is necessary to move to a positive state of mind from a negative state of mind. ZERO frequency of mental vibrations lies between a restless state and a focused state of mind. Detachment is a ZERO state of mind, where you choose not to get involved with others’ problems to focus on yourself and raising your inner positive frequency from restlessness to centeredness. The following technique would help in detachment: Create imagined walls around your ears so that the sound from others does not distract you. You can create imagined walls by meditating in silence with focus on your ears. Keep your hands up, elbows parallel to the ground and palms adjacent to the height of your ears. This posture blocks thought waves from entering and relaxed the brain . While meditating, you can imagine walls around the ears on both sides … In your meditation, you are connected to your subconscious mind. Mentally, ask the walls to insulate you from distracting noises. You can also ask the walls to stay as long as commanded and to dissolve only when told. You may also ask the walls to re-activate whenever commanded silently. Meditate for thirty seconds every morning in silence and before sleeping at night to make these silencing walls a part of your repertoire. Exercise 62 (PE 13.3) - What Not To Do While Preparing For A Goal? Focus more on the feelings desired than the physical acknowledgement you seek. Get in the space of BEING more than doing and having. A focus on only getting acknowledgment in the physical world will distract you from getting inner satisfaction along with the outer goal you seek to attain . For example, if you want to be selected to dance in a school performance, focus on why you want to be selected. When you focus on the why, you will not feel disappointed if you are not selected and you will be able to work with more enjoyment when you are selected. When you seek a goal, you always have a feeling which you desire BEING while in that role. For example, if you want to go to a picnic with your friends, you want to be a fun loving person who is relaxed and cheerful. Similarly, if you seek a relationship with a person of the opposite sex, you want to be that person who is loved and admired. Often, in adult lives, it is found that the external goal is achieved without the feeling desired attained. For example, you may go to a picnic and feel lonely or you may attract a relationship but feel more criticized than loved. Your craving for the feeling you seek to attain continues till the BEING is satisfied. Hence, while desiring a goal, it is better to focus on the feeling you desire to BE than on the desired picture .The picture of success is meaningless if the inner feelings are not attained. It takes longer to attain inner satisfaction with external effort but the waiting is worth the effort than attaining success with feeling dis-satisfied. Exercise 64 (PE 13.4) - What Not To Do While In A Task Driven Atmosphere? Do not become a slave of other people’s thinking, or of popular competition, of fashionable food or of trendy enjoyment, in your mind. Be careful that you do not acquire a slave mentality where you keep obeying without thinking in fear of losing popularity, punishment or argument. Always remember that your first duty as a soul, is to evolve your own consciousness to a higher level of inner satisfaction, peace & happiness. In today’s world, there is a tendency to push around. Everybody wants you to work for goals designed by a super-structure. However, you may not agree with all these task driven strategies and may do several tasks half-heartedly because you are trained into obedience … To avoid becoming a slave of other’s thinking, take time off to meditate for a few seconds every hour. Take ten seconds out for yourself with awareness, whenever you can. Roll your eyes up and smile while feeling the energy in your stomach during these ten seconds. This habit of breaking from routine will prevent another’s mind from dominating over yours. You will be able to detach yourself automatically from obeying orders blindly. Detachment will help you decide what your goals are and why they are different from another’s goals. Work with focus is possible only if the feelings you desire as satisfaction are the same as the feelings desired by the other in authority. If the person in authority is confused, anxious or biased by religion/ traditions/ old rules etc... , then the feelings desired would not lead to optimum satisfaction for anybody who is involved. You will suffer as everybody else if you obey blindly a structure which is creating more dissatisfaction and disharmony than peace because of rigidity involved in its thinking. To be able to think with clarity, do not allow invasion of strong negative thinking which comes on as a wind with force. Insulate yourself by keeping walls on ears or filter out the words from the strong, assertive tone by focusing away from the sound with detachment. For example, whenever another person scolds you or abuses you, take your mind away from his words for ten seconds and look up into the sky. Then, try to be in the sky and gauge the situation from an observer’s perspective. That will help you decide whether the person abusing is correct and you could obey and whether the other person is being unjust or negative by temperament and you could disobey, as well. If you keep taking ten seconds off, to be silent inside your mind, you will detach automatically. With detachment, you will not be forced to obey under pressure of a public image. Also, if you have to obey even if you disagree, detach from negative feelings and do the task mechanically so that it does not become a part of your repertoire. Detachment develops if you react after a gap. For example, before choosing to feel sad or angry about a situation, take ten seconds off. Delay your inner reaction by ten seconds. The ten seconds break will remove the steam of emotions rising inside you and you will be able to react to the situation from a calmer perspective. Do not allow the atmosphere to rule you so much that you become a slave to your own reactions to another’s pressurizing attitude. Often, you may become controlled by other people’s dominating energies if you do not learn to detach automatically with practiced mind training. Taking the ten seconds break several time s a day from all thinking activity, will allow you to choose positive feelings over negative; and leave activities which make you feel non-intelligent or dis-respected. Exercise 65 (PE 13.5) - What not to do while exercising or dancing? Do not exercise or dance continuously without taking a break to rest. Always meditate for a few seconds after a rigorous training of a few minutes. Heavy exercise or dancing will create a hormonal imbalance in your body to burn your stamina. Your heart - rate, blood pressure, adrenalin flow etc. will rise during the exercising activity. However, if you do not regulate this rising hormonal discharge, it will suddenly clamp down and make you depressed or lethargic. The hormonal balance needs to be balanced deliberately by combining exercises and dancing with meditation/ maintaining silence in the inner self. Also, meditating with awareness during exercises helps to reduce weight more effectively or improve performance than continuous, harsh exercises. Slow exercises combined with silent meditation and deep breathing help the blood flow to the brain thus improving concentration and mental skills like intelligence, problem solving etc. As a routine, give a break of two minutes after ten minutes of fast exercise. Give one third or one fifth of the exercising time for being in silence in your mind with focus on your breath going in and out. Try to keep your eyes rolled up and smile inside during the meditation time so that your mind does not escape into brooding or worrying. Smiling will release positive hormones in the body which will make you feel fresh during the exercise. Exercise 66 (PE 13.6) -What not to do while Having Fun? While each person likes to relax by having fun, the elements of relaxation often go missing from the activities which constitute fun. Do not have fun by becoming addictive to it. The element of detachment is critical while having fun. Fun is that which is not compulsive. If the need for fun becomes compulsive, it becomes an addiction and makes you lose self-control. Fun is relaxing when you can leave the act of having fun anytime without feeling sad or depressed. The relaxation obtained during the fun activity helps you be positive, if the relaxation continues after you leave the fun creating activity. If you feel addicted to the increase of adrenaline flow, then the fun creating activity may become harmful to your inner hormonal state of balance. Therefore, fun should be indulged in with breaks to detach from its addictive/unbalancing element. For example if you have fun while watching cricket, you should not allow yourself to get over-excited or depressed if someone else loses or wins a game . www.shivaswati.com

Sunday, 7 April 2019

Talk to your BABY in the WOMB WITH LOVE

This is an except from my book REDEFINING HAPPINESS..  Chapter 21 :

The Effect Of Silent Talking On Baby In The Womb
Another important point to note is that silent mental talking to self is taken by the baby as suggestions by the mother, which affect the child in the womb. While communicating to the baby within the womb, helps the mother and the child in understanding each other, negative thinking or talking can be harmful.
If the mother fears her negative circumstances or wonders if she should abort, there may be premature abortion. The baby is very receptive to the mother’s talking and takes on suggestions as commands.
The baby also develops qualities which the mother desires, while it is the womb.
For example, if the mother wonders if her child may be special needs, the child may be born with some kind of disability .Or if the mother fears her pregnancy may not last, the child may die in the womb. The mother can also affect the sex of the child by asking the child in the womb to take on a particular sex in the early months of pregnancy. If the mother fears that the child would be a sex that she does not want the child to be, then the child would be that sex, as repeated fear goes in as a strong suggestion.
If the mother asks the child to be strong after birth, the child will display those qualities.
All the repetitive thoughts of the mother pass on to the child and manifest in the baby in some form or the other. Hence, it is important that the mother remains positive during the pregnancy. It helps to stay relaxed, optimistic and get adequate sleep and rest for the baby to be born healthy and happy.
Listening to music, swimming and pre-natal exercises help significantly in having a good pregnancy, while alcohol and cigarette intake  cause major setbacks to  the  health  of  the child. Meditation and maintaining thoughtless states help the child significantly, as the child is a pure spirit and can connect to God far more easily than adults, governed by illusions of boundaries on Earth.

Release SPIRIT after Abortion/Miscarriage to Send Child to LIGHT OF GOD...

This blog is an excerpt from my book REDEFINING HAPPINESS
REDEFINING HAPPINESS - 25 Methods of Handling Negative Feelings(Anger, Guilt, Fear, Anxiety, Sadness): Spiritual Karma (a soul's prspectve Book 3) https://www.amazon.in/dp/B00RV8JWB2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_6aIQCb3Z9DT0C

METHOD   21:
Healing the Trauma Of Abortion

•       Steps to release the spirit of an unborn child
•       Understanding the religious aspect
•       The effect of silent talking on the baby in womb

Abortion has religious ethics attached usually, which prevent people from using it carelessly. However, though irresponsible sex cannot be taken lightly, having children as an inevitable burden is also not advisable from the soul’s perspective.
Sometimes, religious views make us decide against the soul’s perspective of evolution; for the soul, life does not end with death. Some souls choose to leave the womb of a mother, who they may have entered by mistake. After the soul comes in, it may realize that the mother or her circumstances are too negative for the child to have a happy life. Hence, the soul may leave by inducing an abortion. The same soul may plan to come back to the mother when she is in a more positive vibe.
Some souls have karmic balancing attached with abortion. They have to die in the womb because they killed babies in the womb in previous lives, as abusers.
Some other souls, may choose to be aborted if they have little karma left and do not want to live a whole life of penance. Life on Earth is difficult and some souls may choose to bear an intense encounter with pain by dying before birth, than deal with it little by little, by living a long, dissatisfying life.
Usually, souls who want to leave communicate so to the mother. If the mother meditates, she would be in a position to know whether the child wants to live or go.
However, abortion, whether voluntary or forced, creates a sense of extreme emotional deprivation. As a part of soul energy dies out, the pain of death causes depression subconsciously. Even if that soul fragment is negative or wants to go back by choice, a sense of loss accompanies the death.

Steps To Release the Spirit Of An Unborn Child
•       The soul of the child always needs to be released after the abortion. The following steps can be followed:
•       Lie down with spine straight.
•       Focus on the top of your head
•       Release black smoke out and feel a soul fragment leaving
you, revolving and going to the sky.
•       Imagine a ray of light filling you up.
•       Feel the ray of light travelling to each part of your body.
•       Feel each part of you glowing with light.
•       Now, focus on your stomach.  Count yourself down
from 25 to 0.
•       Go to your stomach and   imagine   taking   a   ball   of
energy out.
•       Imagine it to be a fetus .You may give it a form or let it be formless.
•       Call an angel from the sky.
•       Imagine an angel coming.
•       Go to the sky with your baby, in your imagination.
•       Give the fetus or the ball of energy to the angel and ask the angel to take it to heaven where it would be happy. Feel the baby with wings, free as a soul.
•       Feel that the angel is taking the baby to heaven. If black energy is attached to it, it will be sucked in a black hole.
•       See the angel entering a golden gate with the baby. If you want you can also go to heaven with the baby in your imagination. As a spirit, fly with the baby in heaven and ensure it is safe. If you cannot enter heaven with your body, see that a part of you is coming out of your body and entering heaven with the baby.
•       If you are unsure, just command the baby to go where it belongs. See the baby going in the sunlight.
•       Feel  that  the  baby  has  gone  where  it  belongs  in  the celestial dimension.
•       Feel as you imagine that the child safe, and be back in the clouds as a spirit.
•       If the baby has to come back, it may stay as a baby in heaven till it can come back. If its karma is over and it does not have to come back, it may dissolve its baby form and merge with its Higher Self.
•       Now, take an energy shower of white light as you stand in the clouds.
•       Feel light from God filling you up and feel a shower of the brilliantly lit energy of God’s love filling your body.
•       Imagine a waterfall of energy falling on you as if you are taking a bath of energy to cleanse your sadness. Feel a black ball of energy getting washed off from your stomach, as residue leaving you.
•       Feel white light entering your stomach and womb and cleansing it.
•       Imagine your baby in heaven.
•       Now, if you want the baby back, ask the baby if it wants to come back.
•       Accept the first answers coming to your mind.
•       If the baby does not want to come back, it means its karma with you is over. Release your desire or guilt with grace. Cut the ENERGY CORD with the baby and see it flying away as a soul into the light happily. Cleanse your womb with blue light. Release your depression as a paper of energy and see a positive symbol of power coming back to the womb.
•       Come back into your body on Earth. Imagine entering your own body as a spirit coming from the sky.
•       You can use the following steps before sleeping every night to heal further from any sense of loss and conceive again at the right time:
•       If the soul of the baby wants to come back, ask God to help you bring the baby back when you sleep every night. Or if another baby is destined for you, ask that baby to come in.
•      Feel the baby as a spirit of light around you as it may connect to you while being in heaven, through your thought waves.
•       Feel a golden weapon of light like the CROSS or A TRISHUL
or a holy book coming into your hands.
•       Take the light of the holy power in your womb.
•       Align your crown chakra with a light above your head and say that ‘I will support my soul in achieving its soul purpose and help my baby when it comes back to evolve as a soul and feel loved”
•       Feel yourself growing in aura/ size as a spirit. Feel that you are double your size.
•       Now, see a baby coming into your hands.
•       Ask the baby to come when it wants to and when energies are more positive so it can stay on. Hug the baby and feel its love.
•       Now, visualize the baby being born.
•       Visualize yourself feeling powerful and happy that your baby has come back.
•       Thank God and the life force around you.
•       Thank the energy of love for entering you.
•       Then, send the spirit of the baby back to heaven and ask it to be safe till it can enter your womb.
•       Come back into your body.
•       Wake yourself up from 1-5.
•       Be aware that you have safely sent your child to heaven and it will come back.
•       Take a relaxed breath, smile, feel light in your womb and open your mindset to creating life again.
•       Thank God for blessing the soul of your baby and helping it reach heaven through you. It is far easier for the soul of a baby to get released, after death, than it is for an adult man or woman who are more caught in the vicissitudes of life.
•       Parents who let go of their aborted babies help the babies’ soul evolve but if parents hold back on a dead fetus, part of the baby cannot get released. Then, that part of the energy of the baby stays negative and creates pain in the parents’ mind till it can get released. Even if the aborted baby reincarnates, this part of the stuck spirit fragment can cause negativity and has to be sent to the celestial plane for the new child to live on with a positive spirit.
•       Releasing the baby’s spirit into the light helps the parents understand that life is eternal, that death is never an end, and hence evolve as souls.
•       Realize that the baby will come back when you are more ready.
•       On the other hand, if this soul’s plan with you is over, then another soul may come as your baby.
•       Till children are ten years of age, their birth, death and diseases help the parents learn lessons of soul evolution, more than the children.
•       The same process can be applied to release spirits of small children also.

Spirit release helps on removing excessive trauma from life which is unexplainable otherwise.

Understanding The Religious Aspect
Abortion is avoided by several people because of religious conservatism. However, while respecting religious views, we also must realize that God is not a static entity, which does not evolve in ideology.
God is a life force which is far more powerful than the soul force in a human body and hence, God’s speed of evolution is higher than of normal human beings.
If God said something two thousand years back, it is not necessary that God would agree with that doctrine himself in the present context.
For example, if it is believed that Jesus Christ said that children are a gift of God and abortion should be banned, then we also need to consider that Jesus Christ lived in comparatively primitive times. Violence and disrespect for women was far more rampant in those olden times, than it is now.
If abortion was permitted, then it was possible that men would use women a lot more callously than they could if some restrictive norms of responsibility were implemented. Also, the medical science was not developed and methods of abortion were cruel. The intention in those times was to help humanity rise above barbaric culture and take responsibility for its actions.
Considering that the intention of Jesus Christ was to spread love and peace, he spoke against abortion in order to curtail the tendencies towards violence against women and children.
However, in today’s times, women are far more liberal than they used to be. Also, the economic pressures on women are almost as high as on men. Usually, women are not given adequate leverage because they bear children.
Hence, women need to exert their right on whether they are ready to bring a new born baby into the world or whether they prefer to save the baby from facing unnecessary negative circumstances by asking it to go back to heaven, if need be.

Friday, 5 April 2019

Balance Hope and Realism To be Happy

To be happy and healthy, the soul has to clear its soul tests and rise to a higher, vibrationally positive energy frequency by learning soul lessons. If diseases and tensions pre-dominate a person’s body & mind, the soul feels like a failure as it devolves to a lower, negative frequency instead of evolving to positivity, as planned.
The soul feels successful when negative frequencies which create difficulties are overruled or transcended to positive energy frequencies such that good ( high frequency) emotions dominate over bad ( Low frequency)energies within the self and hence, positive vibrations radiates out from the self.

EMOTIONAL MANAGEMENT, updated version 2: Integrating Mind & Body's Choices with Soul Needs : Moving towards Happiness in Steps (emotional energy management Book 1) https://www.amazon.in/dp/B01573WM96/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_sZZPCbF885N7T
To be happy and successful at the same time, a balance between hope and realism has to be attained such that hope wins over pessimism. To ensure expansion of positivity over destructive tendencies in self, it is necessary to ensure that the soul remains optimistic about attaining its desires in the future, as a soul who becomes too negative while overcoming problems loses interest in learning the art of creation of happiness and seeks to leave Earth by developing diseases in the body which lead to death. The soul who has no desire would not co-create anything positive. Hence, giving up desires of happiness or peacefulness is not emotional management.
 For example, human civilization developed from a desire to build houses. If man had given up the struggle of converting nonsensical barren land to sensible existentialism, we would still be animals living without houses in jungles.
Therefore, difficulties have to be overcome such that desires continue to motivate the person to create a better life, which is possible only when positive emotions dominate over negative emotions through learning how to apply emotional management in everyday life.

Our soul is like a driver while the body is like a car. A soul who can maintain a healthy body and an optimistic mind through rough patches of life increases its power as a co-creator and helps God just as a driver becomes better in his skills after crossing over speed obstacles; while a soul who feels helpless through life and keeps compromising reduces its vibrational frequency, develops diseases in the body, restlessness in mind and practically, lowers the potential power of the Creator.

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